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Chinese Team SAIC Wins Los Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge


Apr 30, 2012
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United States
A Chinese team from SAIC Motors has been declared winner of the Los Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge, for its Roewe Mobiliant design.

Hosted each year at the Los Angeles Auto Show, design houses from all around the world submit futuristic and unusual vehicles based around a central theme. This year, judges deliberated on the most effective answers to the theme, "Biomimicry & Mobility 2025 - Nature's Answer to Human Challenges". Vehicle designs took inspiration from nature, as well as addressing some of the modern world's most pressing transportation issues--such as congestion, pollution, sustainability and safety.

Despite strong competition from the likes of BMW Group DesignworksUSA, Mazda Design Americas and Chinese rival Qoros, SAIC's Mobiliant vehicle was chosen by judges. Badged under the Roewe brand--whose production cars are developments of the old Rover models built in Britain--Mobiliant is described as a single-seat vehicle for urban public transit. The judges were impressed with its concept of "mutualism", taking inspiration from the "balance and harmony found in nature when two organisms of different species exist in a mutually beneficial relationship". Phew...

Judges also decreed SAIC's concept the most optimistic, beautiful, and best at mimicking a truly sustainable transport system. Other judging categories included the car's comfort, convenience, servicing, operation, and life cycle--and even the car's "personality".

While the car may not be something you'll see for several more decades--and as public transit, something you may not even use--it's also a sign of the increasing talent and ingenuity of previously-ignored Chinese automakers. Beating teams from some of the world's top automakers, even in a design competition, is no mean feat.


This design?
You mean copy paste.

Well, the mainland copy-paste was originated from Taiwan and HK. And we popularized it in mainland.

Our factories in mainland are still producing copy-paste pirated products up to today. We are still controlling the black market.
Soon the Chinese government will allow foreign companies to make cars in China without making a joint venture, and we will see the true power of the Chinese car industry.
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Soon the Chinese government will allow foreign companies to make cars in China without making a joint venture, and we will see the true power of the Chinese car industry.
That will kill Chinese automakers. In recent years, Chinese starting to act superior like their southern neighbour. Being humble is a strength not a weakness.

Chinese cars still 10 years behind American cars in technology, reliability, etc.
I think chinese cars are not good because companies like saic and faw earn their money producing and selling foreign cars, if they had to sell their own cars to earn money, the quality of Chinese cars would improve.

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