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Chinese Submarine Stalked U.S. Aircraft Carrier USS Reagan near south of Japan on Oct. 24,


Apr 24, 2007
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Chinese Submarine Stalked U.S. Aircraft Carrier
Attack submarine sailed near USS Reagan south of Japan

The USS Ronald Reagan / AP

BY: Bill Gertz
November 3, 2015 5:00 am

A Chinese attack submarine stalked the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan near Japan last month in the closest encounter between a carrier and a People’s Liberation Army Navy submarine since 2006, according to American defense officials.

The Chinese submarine sailed very close to the Reagan during the weekend of Oct. 24, said defense officials familiar with reports of the incident.

The incident occurred as the Reagan sailed from its home port to the Sea of Japan around the southern end of Japan.

Days later, in the Sea of Japan, the Reagan was targeted for a close flyby by two Russian Tu-142 bombers that flew within a mile of the ship at an altitude of 500 feet. U.S. Navy jets were scrambled to escort the bombers away from the carrier group.

The submarine encounter also occurred days before the USS Lassen, a guided missile destroyer, carried out a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea.

The Lassen’s passage within 12 miles of a disputed island in the South China Sea on Oct. 26 was fiercely denounced by the Chinese government. Chinese spokesmen, both military and civilian, said the passage was a violation of Beijing’s territorial sovereignty, a claim rejected by the United States, which said the ship was sailing in international waters.

Disclosure of the Chinese submarine encounter comes as Adm. Harry Harris is visiting China for the first time as the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific.

Pacific Fleet and Pacific Command spokesmen declined to comment on the submarine encounter but did not deny that the incident occurred.

Additional details of the encounter—such as the type of submarine involved, whether it surfaced or remained submerged, and how close it came to the ship—could not be learned.

The nuclear-powered carrier is a symbol of U.S. power projection capabilities. China’s military has been attempting to drive the U.S. military out of Asia as part of efforts to assume the sole leadership role in the region.

One defense official said the detection of the submarine set off alarm bells on the Reagan, although it could not be learned whether anti-submarine warfare aircraft were launched to locate and track the vessel.

Other defense officials said the Reagan’s recent submarine encounter appeared similar to China’s stalking of the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk in 2006.

During that incident, a Song-class attack submarine surfaced undetected within torpedo range of the Kitty Hawk on Oct. 26, 2006—nearly nine years to the day of the recent Reagan encounter.

The 2006 incident also was disclosed during the visit to China by Adm. Gary Roughead, then-commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.

China is known to use its military forces to send political messages and it appears that the Reagan incident also was timed to the expected navigation operation in the South China Sea and to Harris’ visit.

Harris has been a forceful advocate within the military for challenging China’s claims to vast areas of the South China Sea. He told a Senate hearing in September that “the South China Sea is no more China’s than the Gulf of Mexico is Mexico’s.”

Harris visited U.S. troops in South Korea over the weekend and took part in the annual U.S.-South Korea Military Committee Meeting and Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul.

On Monday, Harris traveled to Beijing for a three-day visit and talks with Chinese military leaders. He was scheduled to speak at Peking University on Monday.

“Sustained military-to-military dialogue between the U.S. and China is designed to maximize cooperation on areas of mutual interest while candidly addressing and managing disagreements,” the Pacific Command statement said.

Harris’ last visit to China took place in April 2014 when he took part in talks with the Chinese military on a Code of Unplanned Encounters at Sea in Qingdao, China. The code, which covers submarine-ship encounters, was approved in 2014.

It is not known whether the Chinese submarine followed safety guidelines outlined in the code during the Reagan encounter. The code is designed to prevent collisions at sea.

The Reagan and four other warships were on the way to conduct joint naval exercises with South Korean naval forces at the time of the Chinese submarine stalking.

The exercises were held Oct. 26 to Oct. 29 in waters around the southern end of the Korean peninsula. The carrier arrived Friday in Busan, South Korea, for a port call.

Accompanying the Reagan are the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville and the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Fitzgerald and USS Mustin.

A Pacific Command statement issued Saturday said the Reagan is one of two carrier groups operating in the region. The second is the USS Roosevelt, which departed Singapore Oct. 28 on its way to San Diego.

The Reagan was “operating off the east coast of the Korean peninsula conducting routine bilateral training with the Republic of Korea navy,” the command statement said, adding that anti-submarine warfare training was part of the exercises.

“The U.S. routinely conducts carrier strike group operations in the waters around the Republic of Korea to exercise maritime maneuvers, strengthen the U.S.-ROK alliance, and improve regional security,” the statement said.

“The U.S. Navy maintains a presence in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region to help preserve peace and security and further our partnerships with friends and allies,” said Rear Adm. John Alexander, the Reagan’s commander. “Our forward presence contributes to freedom of navigation and lawful use of the sea, as well as furthers operational training and enables an exchange of culture, skills, and tactical knowledge.”

Rick Fisher, a Chinese military affairs analyst, said China’s willingness to use submarines to harass U.S. large warship demonstrates that the Navy needs more submarines for escort missions.

It also highlights the need for additional U.S. attack submarines as Los Angeles-class submarines are retired and are not replaced quickly enough by newer Virginia-class vessels.

“The importance of our aircraft carriers was just demonstrated in the South China Sea,” said Fisher, with the International Assessment and Strategy Center.

“While most press attention focused on the freedom of navigation exercise of the destroyer USS Lassen, the larger story was the fact that the destroyer was covered by the presence of the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt,” he added. “The carrier was deployed to ensure that China was deterred from attacking or substantially harassing the destroyer.”

Fisher said that he expects China’s attack submarine fleet to begin increasing in size.

“The PLA may build up to 14 of their third-generation Type 095 SSN, which might add up to a total SSN fleet of about 20,” he said, using the military designation for attack submarine.

“Inasmuch as the U.S. may only be able to spare about 30 SSNs for its Pacific-based forces, this could greatly stress the U.S. submarine fleet absent new construction,” he added.

A fleet of 30 attack submarines may limit continuous deployment of submarines to around 10, given the need for maintenance and for crew rotations.

Retired Navy Capt. Jim Fanell, a former Pacific Fleet intelligence chief who is an expert in Chinese submarine forces, said Beijing’s submarines are the vanguard of the PLA Navy’s expansive operations into the island chain near its coast and into distant seas.

“Whether it is sending nuclear submarines to the Gulf of Aden or having SSBNs [missile submarines] conducting patrols of long duration as far as the middle Pacific, the U.S. Navy has been keenly aware of PLA Navy submarine operations, especially since the Oct. 26, 2006 Song [submarine]/[aircraft carrier] Kitty Hawk incident.”

Fanell said he is unaware of the recent incident involving the Reagan strike group but stated: “Given the strategic trajectory of the PRC and its focus on its maritime sovereignty campaign, it should come as no surprise to anyone in the United States that the PRC’s submarine force has been tasked to stalk the U.S. Navy, especially, our forward deployed and transiting carrier strike groups.”

Chinese state-run media and military commentators have denounced the deployment of the Reagan, which replaced the carrier group led by the USS George Washington.

“The United States intends to strengthen its military superiority in order to frighten the neighboring countries of the disputed region, such as China, [North Korea], and Russia,” retired Chinese Rear Adm. Yin Zhuo told state television in September.

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Closest Encounter Since 2006: Chinese Submarine Tailed US Aircraft Carrier
A Chinese sub stalked the USS Ronald Reagan in the Sea of Japan last month.


By Franz-Stefan Gady
November 04, 2015

Over at The Washington Free Beacon Bill Gertz has the scoop that a Chinese submarine shadowed a U.S. nuclear super-carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, in what Pentagon officials called the closest encounter between a People’s Liberation Army Navy boat and an American aircraft carrier since 2006.

According to Gertz, the incident occurred on October 24 as the USS Ronald Reagan was on its way from Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan’s Kanagawa Prefecture, sailing around the southern end of Japan to the Sea of Japan. The USS Ronald Reagan is currently the U.S. Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier in the Asia-Pacific.

Other vessels present during the incident were the guided missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville and the guided-missile destroyers USS Mustin, USS Fitzgerald,and USS Curtis Wilbur.

“Pacific Fleet and Pacific Command spokesmen declined to comment on the submarine encounter but did not deny that the incident occurred,” Gertz reports. The Pentagon also refused to reveal the exact nature of the encounter and what type of submarine was involved.

In October 2009, a Song-class (Type 039) diesel-electric attack submarine unexpectedly surfaced within torpedo range of the American aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk, calling into question the anti-submarine warfare capability of the carrier strike group.

Similar questions will now be asked. As I reported before (See: “Why China’s Submarine Force Still Lags Behind”), the bulk of China’s conventional sub fleet consists of 13 Song-class (Type 039) diesel-electric attack boats and 13 more advanced Yuan-class (Type 039A) submarined equipped with air-independent propulsion (AIP).

Both the Song- and Yuan-class attack submarines are equipped with German-made state-of-the-art diesel engines: the 396 SE84 series is one of the world’s leading submarine diesel engines. As I noted previously:

Each Song- and Yuan-class vessel is equipped with three such engines, which have been built under license by Chinese defense contractors since 1986. The Yuan-class is also said to have incorporated quieting technology from Russian-designed subs and to be equipped with Stirling air-independent propulsion technology.

Furthermore, Chinese submarine technology is approximately still a generation behind the West:

For example, the much talked about new Type 095 nuclear-attack submarine SSN will, in all likelihood, be more on par with 1980s NATO nuclear-powered fast-attack submarines (i.e. roughly three decades behind current Western sub technology), rather than with the new U.S. Virginia-class vessels.

The Ronald Reagan has also had close run-ins with military aircraft recently. While operating in international waters in the Sea of Japan as part of a joint U.S.-South Korean naval exercise, two Russian Tupolev Tu-142 aircraft flew within one nautical mile of the USS Ronald Reagan, prompting the dispatch of four F/A-18 Super Hornets from the Reagan to intercept the Russian warplanes (See: “US Fighter Jets Intercept Russian Aircraft Approaching US Aircraft Carrier”).

Story highlights

  • A submerged Chinese Kilo-class fast-attack submarine shadowed the USS Ronald Reagan for at least half a day
  • A U.S. defense official played down the threatening nature of the incident

Washington (CNN)An American aircraft carrier was closely tracked by a Chinese submarine off the coast of Japan last month, a U.S. defense official said, in the latest example of the test of wills between the two countries in the waters of the Pacific.

A submerged Chinese Kilo-class fast-attack submarine shadowed the USS Ronald Reagan for at least half a day on October 24, the official said.

He did not say how close the two vessels came to each other, but he noted, "It was more than a brief encounter."

There was no indication of threatening behavior, and no communications exchanged between the two craft, he said, but American anti-submarine aircraft monitored the Chinese vessel.

Chinese officials have not yet commented on the matter.

READ: Chinese naval ships to visit Florida port

The U.S. defense official played down the threatening nature of the incident, saying that any time the U.S. conducts joint exercises with Japan, the Chinese sometimes "come out and take a look at what's going on."

But it is always a concern when ships operate in close proximity, according to one former carrier strike group commander who has experienced several encounters like this.

"Some person cuts off the other one. Ships can collide. We've had cases where people didn't understand intent, where gun-mounts were trained," said retired Adm. Pete Daly, who now heads the U.S. Naval Institute. "There's the potential for misunderstanding or the potential for a strategic miscalculation."

At the height of the Cold War, American and Soviet ships and submarines would stalk each other across the world's oceans in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, testing each other's capabilities.

In 1984, a Soviet submarine and an American aircraft carrier, the Kitty Hawk, collided in the Sea of Japan, causing some damage to the Soviet vessel.

But there is also a potential benefit when competing navies have close encounters.

"The truth is, we track them tracking us, and we learn about their capabilities," said Robert Daly, who directs the Kissinger Institute on China at the Woodrow Wilson Center.

"Chinese submarines are growing in number, but they're still relatively noisy," he pointed out. "They're at least a generation behind us. And when they track us, we find out what they are capable of."


China warns U.S. to stop transits in South China Sea 01:40
The Reagan, a 1,000-foot nuclear-powered carrier that can carry 90 warplanes and a crew of 5,000, was off the southern coast of Japan.

The encounter, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, comes at a time of naval tensions between the two countries, most recently over China's territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Just three days after the submarine incident, the U.S. sent a warship to pass within less than 12 miles of one of China's artificial islands as a challenge to Beijing's claims that the new islands are Chinese territory.

China's ambassador to the United States said the transit was "a very serious provocation, politically and militarily," but U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said such missions would continue.

And in May, a U.S. surveillance plane swooped over the islands, triggering warnings from the Chinese navy to back off.

Meanwhile, Chinese navy ships passed through American waters off Alaska, coming closer than 12 miles, in September, in what officials described as a first for China.

"I actually think it's the beginning of a tense period," said the Wilson Center's Robert Daly. "This is going to be a long process in which there is a mutual testing of limits and sending of signals."

Analysts say in recent years China has been increasing its spending on naval forces, while at the same time the U.S. has outlined plans for a rebalancing of forces toward the Pacific.

"The U.S. still remains the military leader in the Pacific," said Mira Rapp-Hooper with the Center for a New American Security. "But every year for the last 20 years, China has increased its defense budget by double digits, and it is now a serious regional and global player when it comes to its military capabilities."

Chinese sub tracked U.S. aircraft carrier off Japan - CNNPolitics.com
don't repeat the same news again and again. Or if it's an update, put it in the existing thread.
@ Zarvan !

I can only concur with the last statement. Why do You always start a new traed for so many news - often even later than the original post appeared - if there are already existing treads available ?

PLAESE take a look in advanve for the text treads You want to start.

No. It's Really Meaningful

So tell us, what does this mean?

After all, "Just three days after the submarine incident, the US sent a warship to pass within less than 12 miles of one of China's artificial islands as a challenge to Beijing's claims that the new islands are Chinese territory."
So tell us, what does this mean?

After all, "Just three days after the submarine incident, the US sent a warship to pass within less than 12 miles of one of China's artificial islands as a challenge to Beijing's claims that the new islands are Chinese territory."

I suppose it at the very least means the sub was detected and tracked while it was following the carrier.
I suppose it at the very least means the sub was detected and tracked while it was following the carrier.
We can speculate on that (I would think/hope so) but there is no way for us to tell and if I were USN I would try and keep the PLAN guessing about whether or hot they were detected (or, alternatively, make darn sure the folks in the sub knew very well they were detected e.g. by actively and loudly pinging them).
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