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Chinese Su-27 Clones And Variants


Jun 27, 2008
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Chinese Su-27 Clones And Variants

Warplanes: Chinese Su-27 Clones And Variants
September 11, 2011: China is apparently mass producing the improved version of its Su-27 clone (the J-11A), the J-11B, more rapidly than previously believed. At least two squadrons of J-11Bs are in service with the air force.
The original J-11 entered service in 1998, but production was very slow and only a hundred were produced. Chinese officials were dismayed with the performance of the obsolete Russian electronics. After that, at least a hundred of the 33 ton J-11A was built. This model was equipped with modern, Chinese made, electronics and is capable of using up to eight tons of radar guided air-to-air missiles and smart bombs. But the J-11B, while the same size and weight as the J-11A, has a more capable AESA radar and is intended to specialize in air-to-ground missions, while also being able to take care of itself in air-to-air combat. The navy is using a beefed up version of the J-11B (the J-11BH) on its carriers.

China is also working on a two-seat strike (like the U.S. F-15E) version of the J-11. This model, the J-16 would basically be a two-seat J-11B. There is also a stealth version of the J-11B, the J-17, with internal bomb-bays and changes in shape to make the aircraft less visible on radar.

There appear to be about 200 J-11s in service, with about 40 percent of them J-11Bs. This is deduced by the number of cell phone photos showing up, from different air force and navy air bases.
So besides J-11A and J-11B there is also the J-11 designation for original licensed Su-27 clones?
Sigh, the errors are egging me.

1. The J-15 is not the J-11BH. The J-11BH is a naval land based J-11B whereas J-15 is a new fighter.

2. J-11B does not specialize in air to ground. It is an air superiority fighter, but it is able to perform strikes if necessary.

3. Who said anything about a J-17?
Chinese Su-27 Clones And Variants

Warplanes: Chinese Su-27 Clones And Variants
September 11, 2011: China is apparently mass producing the improved version of its Su-27 clone (the J-11A), the J-11B, more rapidly than previously believed. At least two squadrons of J-11Bs are in service with the air force.
The original J-11 entered service in 1998, but production was very slow and only a hundred were produced. Chinese officials were dismayed with the performance of the obsolete Russian electronics. After that, at least a hundred of the 33 ton J-11A was built. This model was equipped with modern, Chinese made, electronics and is capable of using up to eight tons of radar guided air-to-air missiles and smart bombs. But the J-11B, while the same size and weight as the J-11A, has a more capable AESA radar and is intended to specialize in air-to-ground missions, while also being able to take care of itself in air-to-air combat. The navy is using a beefed up version of the J-11B (the J-11BH) on its carriers.

China is also working on a two-seat strike (like the U.S. F-15E) version of the J-11. This model, the J-16 would basically be a two-seat J-11B. There is also a stealth version of the J-11B, the J-17, with internal bomb-bays and changes in shape to make the aircraft less visible on radar.

There appear to be about 200 J-11s in service, with about 40 percent of them J-11Bs. This is deduced by the number of cell phone photos showing up, from different air force and navy air bases.

Please stop posting articles from Strategypage in PDF. Strategypage is anti-China and most of the articles are written with the own comments and deduction of the editors aimed at bashing China and portraying China as the evil while the US and EU are the heros. They do not even accept critics as when you register to post something which contradicts what they publish, they just censor or ban you by explaining that Strategypage is a private forum.
Ops didn't bother check link so didn't realise it's from SP.
Flankers used by China
Su-27S: Initial batch of Flanker sold to China. Pulled directly from Soviet VVPO in the Far East military region. Retired by now.

Su-27SK: Export version of Su-27S ordered in 1992.

Su-27UBK: Bought along with Su-27SK in 1992 as training aircraft.

J-11A: Produced in three batches. First was assembled from Su-27SK kits delivered by Russia. Second was a mix of both Russian and Chinese parts. Third was the full localization of production except engines.

J-11B: Upgraded J-11A with new radar, ECM and avionics suite. Able to carry air-to-ground precision weapon as well as performing air superiority missions.

J-15: An especially modified model based on J-11B designed to be used aboard aircraft carrier. Contrary to what people believe, it borrowed from T-10K prototype from Ukraine, not Su-33 from Russia.

Su-30MKK: Purchased from Russia for maritime strike purposes and in service with naval aviation. Strengthened airframe to carry greater payload, but reduced performance in A2A role.

Su-30MK2: Upgraded Su-30MKK

J-16: Multirole platform evolving from J-11 series. The last Flanker model China will produce. It will fill a similar role as F-15E.
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