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Chinese social media sensation, Giant panda Ya Ya arrives in Shanghai after 20 years' stay in U.S., panda in the US causing outrage in China


Nov 4, 2011
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Today's Chinese social media sensation, Giant panda Ya Ya arrives in Shanghai after 20 years' stay in U.S.

panda in the US is causing outrage in China​

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‘Bring Ya Ya home’: How a panda in the US turbocharged Chinese nationalist sentiment

By Nectar Gan and Selina Wang, CNN
Updated 4:31 AM EDT, Thu April 27, 2023

When Ya Ya, a giant panda from China, landed in the United States in 2003, several hundred spectators at the Memphis International Airport broke into cheers to welcome the fluffy goodwill ambassador from Beijing.

The moment encapsulated a high-point in US-China relations, coming two years after China joined the World Trade Organization with American support, and as the two countries deepened engagement in areas ranging from the economy to counter-terrorism.

Two decades later, as Ya Ya bid farewell to the US and boarded a plane heading back to China on Wednesday, she has become a symbol of deteriorating relations between the world’s two superpowers, which have fallen to their lowest point in half a century.

She landed in Shanghai Thursday after a 16-hour flight, carried home by a special FedEx “panda express” plane, Chinese state media reported.

For nearly three months, heated discussions in China about the treatment of Ya Ya by the Memphis Zoo have served to highlight just how antagonistic the US-China relationship has become.

Unlike the chubby, fluffy image of her younger self, 22-year-old Ya Ya has appeared skinny in recent photos, with her black and white coat missing clumps of fur.

Ya Ya greets her fans on April 8 as hundreds of people visited the zoo to say goodbye to the giant panda.

Ya Ya greets her fans on April 8 as hundreds of people visited the zoo to say goodbye to the giant panda.
Karen Pulfer Focht/AP

Many in China have been shocked and saddened by her condition. Some believed she had not been given proper care and attention – an accusation first levied by animal advocates in 2021 but denied repeatedly by the Memphis Zoo.

Ya Ya and her male companion, Le Le, were due to return to China this year after the end of a 20-year loan. But Le Le died suddenly of heart disease in early February, further fueling suspicions of mistreatment.

As part of China’s “panda diplomacy,” these bears are meant to serve as an envoy of friendship between China and their host country. But for Chinese nationalists, Ya Ya has become a glaring symbol of what they see as America’s bullying and suppression of China.

“Treating our national treasure with such an attitude is an outright provocation of China,” said a comment on Weibo, China’s heavily censored Twitter-like platform.

Meanwhile, videos of two playful, energetic pandas at the Moscow Zoo went viral on Chinese social media, drawing effusive praise for Russia for its care of the Chinese bears.

The apparent contrast between the pandas in the US and Russia was seized on by Chinese state media, which has taken on a pro-Russian stance since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and regularly fanned anti-US sentiment.

Ru Yi, a male giant panda at the Moscow Zoo, enjoys a special cake to mark the International Panda Day on March 16.

Ru Yi, a male giant panda at the Moscow Zoo, enjoys a special cake to mark the International Panda Day on March 16.
Evgenia Novozhenina/Reuters

Determined to rescue Ya Ya from her perceived ordeal, Chinese internet users rallied to bring the panda home as soon as possible.

Some joined an online petition calling for her immediate return, others followed her every move on the zoo’s panda cams livestreams. Chinese people living in the US also took turns to visit her and shared updates on her condition – some flying in from as far as Los Angeles.

Throughout the past weeks, Ya Ya regularly appeared as a top trending topic on Weibo, each time attracting hundreds of millions of views. Photos of her were placed on advertising billboards from New York to Shanghai, along with the message:”Ya Ya, we’re waiting for you to come home.”

Like her arrival in the US, her return to China is laden with symbolism – this time not of growing friendship, but of mounting animosity and distrust.

Allegations of mistreatment​

When Ya Ya and Le Le arrived at Memphis in 2003, it was a huge deal for the city. The bears had a red-carpet welcome and instantly became one of the city’s most popular attractions. In 2013, the zoo renewed the panda loan for another decade.

Since at least 2019, however, Memphis Zoo has faced concerns from visitors and panda fans that Ya Ya looked a little thin and discolored. It has repeatedly dismissed speculations that the bear was sick or malnourished. Instead, zoo officials and vets maintained Ya Ya was simply small framed but healthy, and attributed her fur loss to hormones.

A page on the zoo’s website dedicated to the pandas details the care Ya Ya received, including how often she was given bamboo and medical checkups.

A petition by Panda Voices to bring Ya Ya and Le Le back to China on change.org has garnered 193,000 signatures.

A petition by Panda Voices to bring Ya Ya and Le Le back to China on change.org has garnered 193,000 signatures.

Animal advocates disagreed and accused the zoo of mistreating the bears. Panda Voices, an advocacy group for Ya Ya and Le Le founded by a group of overseas Chinese students, and California-based animal rights nonprofit In Defense of Animals launched an online campaign to bring the pandas back to China.

In December, the Memphis Zoo said it would send Ya Ya and Le Le back home when their lease expires in 2023 (It denied the decision was related to allegations of their mistreatment). Two months later, it announced Le Le had died unexpectedly.

Panda Voices and In Defense of Animals claimed Le Le had shown signs of ailing health on the panda cam days before his death and accused the zoo of neglect. Zoo officials refuted the allegations, saying the panda was in good health up until his death.

The Memphis Zoo did not respond to CNN’s repeated requests for comment.

The fallout​

Le Le’s sudden death, along with long-running accusations of mistreatment against the Memphis Zoo, caused an uproar in China.

The Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens, the organization responsible for arranging China’s panda loans, dispatched a team of experts to Memphis to investigate Le Le’s death. An autopsy conducted by Chinese and American scientists found he died of heart disease, according to the association.

The Chinese experts also examined Ya Ya and reviewed her medical reports. The bear was suffering hair loss caused by a skin disease, but otherwise had a good appetite, normal stools and a stable weight, the association said.

Xie Zhong, the deputy head of the association, told Chinese state media Ya Ya’s skin condition was related to her family genes. It had worsened with age and seasonal hormone changes and was difficult to treat, she added.

But many in China remained unconvinced and turned their wrath at the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens. Some accused it of colluding with the zoo and called for the association to be investigated, punished or even disbanded outright.

A Chinese airport official stands near the Panda Express, a FedEx plane painted with a giant panda's face, that carries Ya Ya and Le Le from Beijing to Memphis on April 7, 2003.

A Chinese airport official stands near the Panda Express, a FedEx plane painted with a giant panda's face, that carries Ya Ya and Le Le from Beijing to Memphis on April 7, 2003.

Meanwhile, backlash against the Memphis Zoo continued, with many calling for the zoo to be blacklisted from future panda loans. Others demanded all pandas in the US to be sent home.

Some even called for an end to “panda diplomacy” all together, comparing the overseas pandas to the ancient Chinese princesses married off by the emperor as a peace offering to the country’s enemies. China used its pandas as a diplomatic tool when it was weak; now, as a global superpower, it no longer needs to send its national treasures to other countries, they argued.

As Ya Ya makes her way back to China, Chinese officials also appeared to attempt to tamp down the domestic public anger that had become so ubiquitous in recent months on the country’s heavily censored internet.

A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Wednesday Ya Ya and Le Le had been “well taken care of” by the Memphis Zoo and “loved by the American people.”

“China is willing to continue to work with other partners, including the US, to contribute to the conservation of endangered species,” said spokesperson Mao Ning.

At the Beijing Zoo, where Ya Ya was born and will spend the rest of her life, visitors packed its panda house in anticipation of the bear’s return.

On a recent Tuesday, multiple visitors at the zoo told CNN they were glad Ya Ya is coming home.

“I’ve heard that the US is treating the panda poorly,” said an 11-year-old child. His mother added: “The panda returning to the motherland is something the whole nation has been looking forward to. We feel happy and excited.”

An elderly man with a baby stroller said China should be more selective in giving pandas away an “exchange of friendship.”

“Why would we want to send them to unfriendly countries?” he asked. “(Pandas in Russia) are very happy. Why? Russians and Chinese are friends. At least Russia is not sanctioning China.”

Americans might intentionally maltreated Ya Ya and the dead one Le Le giving the bad relation between the two countries now. Couple years ago, a Chinese panda also died in Japanese zoo for unspecified reason. China maybe should stop this silly panda diplomacy of renting pandas to countries that have animosity towards China. Not to make Chinese national treasure pandas suffer in unfriendly hands.

Fans Cry At Shanghai Airport In Excitement As Giant Panda Ya Ya returns to China after 20 years


Been following this story on chinese and japanese SNS, it's a crime to treat a panda that way.
People are not allowed to meet Ya Ya inside the airport, huge crowds gathered outside the Shanghai airport, troops of police force were sent to maintain the order


Millions of Chinese welcome panda back home after stay in US​

Ya Ya returns to China after storm of controversy over her health following 20 years at the Memphis Zoo.

28 Apr 2023

Giant panda Ya Ya, who lived 20 years at a United States zoo, is back in China after a controversy over her health played out against the backdrop of a souring relationship between Beijing and Washington.

Ya Ya arrived in Shanghai on Thursday afternoon to a social media storm. Panda lovers who could not make it to the airport launched what they called an online pick-up for Ya Ya.

“We welcome Ya Ya’s return online” had chalked up 340 million reads on the Chinese messaging platform Sina Weibo by the time her 16-hour flight from Memphis, Tennessee, touched down.

The Sina Weibo hashtag “Ya Ya has landed in Shanghai” had been viewed 430 million times as of Thursday evening.

Ya Ya returned to China on a special flight a year after reports began circulating that she and Le Le, the Memphis Zoo’s male panda, were in poor health.

Le Le’s death in February and the emergence of pictures online of Ya Ya looking thin and bony only added to the concerns among panda lovers not only in China but also in the US and elsewhere.

As diplomatic tension grew between the US and China over issues ranging from Taiwan to Xinjiang and human rights, some critics accused the US of not taking proper care of the pandas.

But now that Ya Ya is back home, most are focused simply on seeing her health restored.

“We need to find out the real reason why Ya Ya is sick now,” a Beijing resident who wanted to be identified only as Ms Shi told Al Jazeera. “We need to listen to the experts. We need to be more rational on this incident – if someone made a mistake. Maybe it’s just the American zoo didn’t do a good job. It has nothing to do with the Sino-America relationship. We need to look at it rationally.”

China has long operated a programme of “panda diplomacy“, through which the animals are loaned for a limited time to zoos around the world as a symbol of friendship. Many zoos invest millions of dollars creating panda habitats – in Malaysia’s case, an expansive air-conditioned enclosure – to meet the standards required by Beijing.

Ya Ya, who was born in the Beijing Zoo in 2000, was transferred to the Memphis Zoo under a conservation programme in 2003.

The zoo spent $16m to build a giant panda facility with traditional Chinese cultural elements, set up a breeding management and veterinary team, and planted about 4 hectares (10 acres) of bamboo ahead of Ya Ya’s arrival, according to a report last month in China’s state-run Global Times.

The agreement ended this April.

“Ya Ya is returning to China to live out her golden years,” Memphis Zoo said in a statement on Facebook as the panda left the US. “After 20 years, Ya Ya has become like family, and she will be sorely missed by the Memphis Zoo staff and the local community.”

The Chinese government acknowledged the pandas had been well looked after in the US.

“During the giant pandas’ stay at the Memphis Zoo, they received good care from the zoo and great affection from the American people,” Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Wednesday.

Ya Ya began to shed fur in 2006, and her condition worsened in 2014. Experts at the Memphis Zoo and in China tried various treatments for the condition but were unable to solve the problem, according to the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens.

The organisation said heart disease had been determined as the cause of Le Le’s death. His remains were returned to China on the same flight with Ya Ya.

Beijing-based China analyst Einar Tangen blamed Western media for manufacturing a Chinese furore over Ya Ya’s health.

“She’s become a symbol in the Western narrative. They are saying the Chinese press is whipping up the Chinese public and saying it’s state-owned media. That’s not true,” he told Al Jazeera.

“State media is actually saying she’s fine, and we are just bringing her back. It really does go to show how far the US and Chinese people have drifted apart in perceptions.”

According to the Global Times, China currently has 60 giant pandas on loan to countries around the world.

“The panda is a unique animal from China and a national treasure,” Beijing resident Mr Su said. “I think it’s a good thing that people from other countries have a chance to know more about pandas.”

Ya Ya will be in quarantine for 30 days before she is transferred to Beijing Zoo.

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