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Chinese scientists create winning theory on Rock-Paper-Scissors

What would happen if every country forces its scientists to research only in certain areas???
You know the answer am sure.

I dont intend to continue this further for I think its futile.
Thank you!
I meant to say research on topics which would help the human race! that chapter is vast itself.
I meant to say research on topics which would help the human race! that chapter is vast itself.
Oh! Come on!
Its like saying, instead of investing in mangalyaan India should 've invested that amount in uplifting those below poverty line.
Oh! Come on!
Its like saying, instead of investing in mangalyaan India should 've invested that amount in uplifting those below poverty line.
My point exactly,say what is the point of studying Mars's surface,when the Europeans or the Chinese are already doing it(maybe)instead you can do something better with that sum of money.
My point exactly,say what is the point of studying Mars's surface,when the Europeans or the Chinese are already doing it(maybe)instead you can do something better with that sum of money.
Babaji aap ke charan kaha hai?? :rolleyes:

Now thats if Europeans and Chinese would readily give their technology to us.
Do you know the knid of business India will get from investing in such space technologies??
We 're the second country in this world to get to mars. ISRO has made an impact world over.
Babaji aap ke charan kaha hai?? :rolleyes:

Now thats if Europeans and Chinese would readily give their technology to us.
Do you know the knid of business India will get from investing in such space technologies??
We 're the second country in this world to get to mars. ISRO has made an impact world over.
They should give India a medal for reaching the mars,BTW there is nothing on the red planet,waste of money but hay,who am i to judge that! ghareb key madad kar laitey zada khushe ho tey!
They should give India a medal for reaching the mars,BTW there is nothing on the red planet,waste of money but hay,who am i to judge that! ghareb key madad kar laitey zada khushe ho tey!
I am not sure if you know that space exploration has helped in vaccine developments, creating microgravity platofroms for treating cancer and ear thermometers etc etc?
In short the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Btw we 're very off topic. :)
They should give India a medal for reaching the mars,BTW there is nothing on the red planet,waste of money but hay,who am i to judge that! ghareb key madad kar laitey zada khushe ho tey!

This kind of thought will lead to backwardness~
If you only focus on what is obvious, you won;t know the possibility of the unexplored.

If somehow Tesla and Benjamin Franklin was discouraged and shunned for their studies in "useless" electricity phenomenon, then maybe we would still be using candle stick, no internet, no computer, no electronics, etc. It is because there are pioneers studying something unknown. which at first seems useless, that will open a plethora of possibilities, even contribute to solving the problems humans are facing.

If somehow Newton and Leibniz was shunned because they wasted their time solving mathematical puzzles, then maybe we would still live like our ancestors without any advanced calculus to build sophisticated architecture, machine, and anything we're now taken for granted..

Those scientists and mathematician had actually never known the usefulness of the stuff they're studying back then. Only several hundred years and hundreds of further researches later could people begin utilizing such knowledge to provide useful solution for humankind.
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I am not sure if you know that space exploration has helped in vaccine developments, creating microgravity platofroms for treating cancer and ear thermometers etc etc?
In short the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Btw we 're very off topic. :)
But you get the bottom line right.

This kind of thought will lead to backwardness~
If you only focus on what is obvious, you won;t know the possibility of the unexplored.

If somehow Tesla and Benjamin Franklin was discouraged and shunned for their studies in "useless" electricity phenomenon, then maybe we would still be using candle stick, no internet, no computer, no electronics, etc. It is because there are pioneers studying something unknown. which at first seems useless, that will open a plethora of possibilities, even contribute to solving the problems humans are facing.

If somehow Newton and Leibniz was shunned because they wasted their time solving mathematical puzzles, then maybe we would still live like our ancestors without any advanced calculus to build sophisticated architecture, machine, and anything we're now taken for granted..

Those scientists and mathematician had actually never known the usefulness of the stuff they're studying back then. Only several hundred years and hundreds of further researches later could people begin utilizing such knowledge to provide useful solution for humankind.
There is a saying "don't sneak your arse every where"was giving an example to levina.
This is nothing original. This result has always been in the game theory discourse. Heck, even wiki knows it.

Nash equilibrium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quoting an extract ..

The concept of stability, useful in the analysis of many kinds of equilibria, can also be applied to Nash equilibria.

A Nash equilibrium for a mixed strategy game is stable if a small change (specifically, an infinitesimal change) in probabilities for one player leads to a situation where two conditions hold:

  1. the player who did not change has no better strategy in the new circumstance
  2. the player who did change is now playing with a strictly worse strategy.
If these cases are both met, then a player with the small change in his mixed-strategy will return immediately to the Nash equilibrium. The equilibrium is said to be stable. If condition one does not hold then the equilibrium is unstable. If only condition one holds then there are likely to be an infinite number of optimal strategies for the player who changed. John Nash showed that the latter situation could not arise in a range of well-defined games.

In the "driving game" example above there are both stable and unstable equilibria. The equilibria involving mixed-strategies with 100% probabilities are stable. If either player changes his probabilities slightly, they will be both at a disadvantage, and his opponent will have no reason to change his strategy in turn. The (50%,50%) equilibrium is unstable. If either player changes his probabilities, then the other player immediately has a better strategy at either (0%, 100%) or (100%, 0%).
I guess it is good to have diversity in research. Besides, often, scientists have to dedicate their attention to where money/funding is.

My IQ is too low to understand this, I think it's mainly about mentality strategy to win.
I meant to say research on topics which would help the human race! that chapter is vast itself.

What if European scientists came up with this theory?

You'd probably say "wow, so creative, how could people actually research this! Amazing!"

Just another Asian that drinks the mainstream media koolaid.

This is nothing original. This result has always been in the game theory discourse. Heck, even wiki knows it.

Nash equilibrium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quoting an extract ..

Nash equilibrium says nothing about the time-dependent sequencing of events. It is, by definition, a time-independent phenomena, by the name "equilibrium". This research is about time-dependence, and the paper itself has clearly said it displayed non-Nashian dynamics due to its non-random time-dependent nature.
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