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Chinese rapid reaction force vehicle-"Lynx" 4x4 all-terrain vehicle

What rest of the world? Russia has the highest approval rate of China in the world at 74% in 2021.

Now what about the U..S? Hmm... Seems EU will stay neutral. So where's rest of the world? India gonna risk getting destroyed while barely being able to scratch China with their WW2 nkes, of which half fizzle? Where are they?

1. Russia's economy is in dire straits......China is their biggest customer...so that doesn't surprise me. Question in in case of a WW will Russia stay neutral or risking China....

Now in today's scenario ...I guess most of other nations stay neutral till they see which side has upper hand and then they may side with it....and that is what is happening...each side (US/China) through other MoA (means of attack) such as economy, media, social media, cyber, space...trying to prove it is better than the other...to win more allys/gain sympathy....China has already got a big dent to it's branch because what it did w.r.t COVID....

And you please stay assured...WW3 will not be fought the ww2 was fought.....it will be a new generation of warfare....with an objective to implode the other.
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