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Chinese President calls for reinforced army building


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Chinese President calls for reinforced army building
English.news.cn 2010-03-12 18:18:51 FeedbackPrintRSS

BEIJING, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao on Friday called on the armed forces to strengthen ideological and political development to provide mighty support for safeguarding China's sovereignty, national security and development interests.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the armed police shall also promote modernization, and make more contributions to the nation's social and economic development as well as stability, he said.

Hu, also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), made the remarks at a plenary meeting of PLA deputies to the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature.

"Ideological and political development is of paramount importance in all work of the army," he said.

After hearing the speeches by PLA deputies, Hu pointed out that the armed forces shall continue to give top priority to the country's sovereignty and national security.

Hu stressed that the armed forces must seize the historic opportunity to vigorously promote a sound and fast national defense development.

He said the armed forces shall push forward the development featuring military and civilian integration and exert efforts to achieve the unity of a prosperous country and a strong army.

The building of national defense and the armed forces shall be further integrated into the nation's economic and social development, he added.

The armed forces shall voluntarily serve the overall work of the Party and the country, serve the people wholeheartedly, and play a more important role in building a moderately prosperously society in all aspects.

He told the armed forces to maintain its flesh-and-blood relationship with the people and further consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government, between the army and the people, and between different ethnic groups.

Party committees and governments at all levels shall as always support the development of national defense and the army, he added.

CMC vice chairmen Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou and other senior military officers attended the meeting.
we need to increase military funding, otherwise we will fall behind other nations and return to the qing dynasty days.

of course, political education is important since an army with no soul is not an army but a big gang, but equipment should still be strongly emphasized since if the difference in equipment is too great even the strongest will cannot override it. even a disciplined army with sticks will lose to armed hooligans with machine guns.
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