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Chinese outstanding academic performance not because of hard working, its more to do with genetic

If Chinese really have high IQ, than they would not fall for this crap and stop working hard. Success is from work smart, as well as work hard, plus some good luck.
This is for children, where IQ scores are more easily susceptible to prepping due to the lack of complexity in the questions.

What matters is adult IQ, and the Chinese adults have an average IQ of about 90-95. Final adult intelligence is rate of maturity X length of maturity. It could be that Asians have a lower length of maturity than whites.

Sample size looks absurdly small. You cannot generalize anything on such tiny tiny tiny tiny sample size.

Note that I disagree with the topic that Chinese is genetically smarter what ever. Smarter does not equals to higher IQ. Creativity and ability to achieve that creativity is something I, witout statistic backup, think that white people perform better.
If Chinese really have high IQ, than they would not fall for this crap and stop working hard. Success is from work smart, as well as work hard, plus some good luck.
I think you said it right.

Success is hard work and some luck as well.
Sample size looks absurdly small. You cannot generalize anything on such tiny tiny tiny tiny sample size.

Note that I disagree with the topic that Chinese is genetically smarter what ever. Smarter does not equals to higher IQ. Creativity and ability to achieve that creativity is something I, witout statistic backup, think that white people perform better.

See my comments a few posts after that post regarding probability of seeing that result if we assume the null that the Chinese do have an average IQ of 105.
If Chinese really have high IQ, than they would not fall for this crap and stop working hard. Success is from work smart, as well as work hard, plus some good luck.
It is all caused by a "genius" landed on this forum. We are curious and watching what a real "genius" is like...He does have invented something::omghaha::omghaha:
And I think some false flags here in this forum should do this, or hire someone to do...Lol... @F-22Raptor :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
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It is all caused by a "genius" landed at this forum. We are curious and watching what a real "genius" is like...He does have invented something::omghaha::omghaha:

And I think some false flags here in this forum should do this, or hire someone to do...Lol... @F-22Raptor :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
Is this another product of the supppa high IQ that we are supposed to be impressed about?
I don't agree with the title. it's not like Chinese are some super-geniuses and everybody else are idiots.

Chinese are more hardworking than other peoples. That is why they are this far. This is why they are the world's largest economy.

When Muslims were ruling South Asia as the Mughals they produced some well educated scholarly people.

Quite agree with that!

But I do believe that generic is playing a role.

Despite a success is more on hardworking.

Some race are good with sport. In school, you can see certain race of fellow student, tend to be better in sport. But it doesn't prevent other races to win Olympic, as many physically weak race, won many gold medal surpassing any gifted races.

I do believe some race are gifted in brain. They are lazy, playing a lot, or equally lazy as other races, but they easily score better at school. But it doesn't mean other races unable to surpass them in school with study harder.

If we are gifted, and combine it with hardworking, success will be achieved, greatly.
Quite agree with that!

But I do believe that generic is playing a role.

Despite a success is more on hardworking.

Some race are good with sport. In school, you can see certain race of fellow student, tend to be better in sport. But it doesn't prevent other races to win Olympic, as many physically weak race, won many gold medal surpassing any gifted races.

I do believe some race are gifted in brain. They are lazy, playing a lot, or equally lazy as other races, but they easily score better at school. But it doesn't mean other races unable to surpass them in school with study harder.

If we are gifted, and combine it with hardworking, success will be achieved, greatly.

I like your post. Unlike the this article of thread that could cause Chinese to be complacent. All these news and research result about Chinese being more intelligent and it’s not due to hard work are total hug wash. I believe East Asian economic miracle is due to hard work. And the way to stop further progress is to stop working hard.

Any innate superiority belief are for sp12 Brahmin to consume. They are the ones born to be superior. Look at what superior birth status get them today.I prefer working hard with integrity and work smart over perceived innate superiority. Only results define ones work. Let’s measure the result by the How one finish the race. Not by how one start the race.
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With 105 or more, people still need immense hard work to succeed.
Without hard work, people of average 150 fail whatsoever.

I think people overestimate their own IQs. It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
The truth is, not many people have IQs above 130, and most people don't realize what someone with a 130 IQ is capable of.

Someone with a 130 IQ can breeze through any undergrad with minimal effort except math and physics. They can sit-in on multiple lectures a day and absorb 95% of the information without taking any notes. They can party all night every night and still ace all their classes.

Anyone with an IQ of 130 and above can succeed in life without putting much effort.
Its funny with such low congative ability you stilll try to act as if you know something:

Let me repeat it again:

(1) Chinese pupils in 1990s scores barely better (97 or so) like your little sample, China's national IQ grow significantly comparing to the americans, due to the rise of living conditions.

(2)There is no high complexity problem in adult IQ tests, most international tests on IQ nowadays using the same test for both adult and children, they just rescale the score by age.

(3) Most of the Chinese in the US are from Guangdong due to historical reasons, see the differnece of province IQ of China, Guangdong is well belong average province there, and obviously english language is a problem for them to take IQ tests in English (especially verb part) if you even know how good the english average adult Chinese americans there speaks.
People of low IQ always find excuses for themselves.
Modern Muricans are not those smart jewish half a century ago.

Today's Muricans love ice, opioid drugs, demoralising liberal ideology, and, are the origin of immoral wars around the world.
When everyone is living longer, USA joins some Sub-Sahara African countries in the club of diminishing life expectancy.
I wanted to pay Tribute to a Man in this day...
The Great, Stephen Hawking...
And He had a saying related to such thread...

"People who boast about their IQ are losers"
by Stephen Hawking
I wanted to pay Tribute to a Man in this day...
The Great, Stephen Hawking...
And He had a saying related to such thread...

"People who boast about their IQ are losers"
by Stephen Hawking
Therefore, we see the biggest loser here is the newly landed genius from Amurica... and probably one of the biggest "winners" in the world will be Tunisians..LoL...
Therefore, we see the biggest loser here is the newly landed genius from Amurica... and probably one of the biggest "winners" in the world will be Tunisians..LoL...
Don't need to be "Bitter"...
Or Maybe you feel targeted?

If it is...then it's not my fault... You should take it to the one who said it... The Great Stephen Hawking...
But I think you will be too late to do so...

Not My saying Boy/Girl... Take your anger on "Him"... No need to switch target...

Best Regards,
A Fellow Human...
What is new? Another time. Another people. Let success get to their heads. In the late 1800s it was the British, in the early 1930s the German thought they were special, for a while we had American's rolling. Now another success story is about to get interpreted as intrinsic superiority.

A few times I've heard my parents say "the children of fire are Ash". It means the children of the successful are unsuccessful. Fire is the first type of energy mankind harnessed, ash is simply it's byproduct.

I wasn't sure I agreed with the saying. After all successful people get to pass down the experience of getting to success, the wealth they might accumulate and will be able to offer thier children a better start in life as well as better opportunities.

Having thought about it though, after seeing some examples where this saying was apt, I think there is some truth in it. I don't think it is applicable everywhere but certainly to same cases. I started to think why and came up with the following reasoning;

1. Neglect due to the persuit of success. Those trying to leave a mark on the world, might not have time to adequately pass on thier wisdom to thier own.

2. Taking things for granted. Opportunity needs to be grasped and utilised, opportunity alone will not be enough for success to be passed on. In fact success cannot be passed on, only ever achieved.

3. Lack of the conditions that drove the persuit of success. People get comfortable, my father worked 7 days a week, did double shifts most weeks, I consider my 9-5 a burden... lol

This is similar to why wealthy families often lose thier wealth by the third generation.

The mentality you mentioned is the same thing, people dismissing hard work as genetic superiority.
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