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Chinese outstanding academic performance not because of hard working, its more to do with genetic

Children's IQ tests are watered down. The scaling is done with people in the same age as the test-taker, but the test itself is easier that the ones given to adults.

Also, your last statement is completely incorrect. IQ scores becomes more aligned to genetics as you age due to the higher complexity of questions found in adult IQ tests. This is why Asian prep and cram schools play no role in adult IQ.

Its funny with such low congative ability you stilll try to act as if you know something:

Let me repeat it again:

(1) Chinese pupils in 1990s scores barely better (97 or so) like your little sample, China's national IQ grow significantly comparing to the americans, due to the rise of living conditions.

(2)There is no high complexity problem in adult IQ tests, most international tests on IQ nowadays using the same test for both adult and children, they just rescale the score by age.

(3) Most of the Chinese in the US are from Guangdong due to historical reasons, see the differnece of province IQ of China, Guangdong is well belong average province there, and obviously english language is a problem for them to take IQ tests in English (especially verb part) if you even know how good the english average adult Chinese americans there speaks.
Chinese success is not based on genetics. Its because Chinese worked hard to get success.

Please to not bring pseudoscience to be related to success.
Chinese success is not based on genetics. Its because Chinese worked hard to get success.

Please to not bring pseudoscience to be related to success.
Personal success might be based more on hard work but societal success is heavily dependent on organisation. For a society to prosper, the organisational systems are very important and can create magnitude differences in economic output and other social metrics.
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Personal success might be based more on handwork but societal success is heavily dependent on organisation. For a society to prosper, the organisational systems are very important and can create magnitude differences in economic output and other social metrics.

And mass immigration destroys society.
Personal success might be based more on handwork but societal success is heavily dependent on organisation. For a society to prosper, the organisational systems are very important and can create magnitude differences in economic output and other social metrics.
Chinese work hard, which is why I like working with them. There were Chinese students at my university in Canada (Carleton University which I went to) and the College which I am currently I am in (Seneca College).

The only problem Chinese students have in western countries is the language barrier which is English other than that, Chinese work hard to get the success.

I also met a Japanese student at Carleton University. He basically said the reason Japanese go to western universities is to learn English.

I am assuming Japanese universities are on par with western universities. I could be wrong though.
I'm a simple man...When I read ppl linking Genetics to IQ... I run...

And Last... Some seems to think a "Genius" is this Anime/Movie character who is born with the World knowledge... while sitting...and doing nothing...

A well Know Genius said " When Other were sleeping...I was learning..."

Short-term efforts can only change environment.
Hence, you hear some scientists estimate 82-RSSers can one day reach around 90 if the education and nutrition are adequate.
But that 90 is the genetic ceiling, unchangeable within hundreds of years.

And some estimate the IQ of students in those poor Chinese province can one day reach Shanghai and HK, 105-110, from the current 100-102, given that the social environment improves on par with Shanghai/HK.

Long-term efforts --- thousands of years of Darwinist social/natural selection ---- can eventually change genetics.
One day we will read your book, and North African narration on genetics.
No need for mine... I learned from a different school... Neuroscience/Clinical

Tbh... I don't Blame Herrnstein "point of view" since back in those days... the Knowledge on that subject was limited... He had an Hypothesis, that is no more nowadays... Even Harvard Psycho cursus do not teach such "Hypothesis"...

But if you are interested to "Know"... In our field of Work... Never...Genetics is Involved...Never.

And many seems to not know this...But Having 90-100-150 IQ..;doesn't make you more "Intelligent"...
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