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Chinese Officials Threaten Pull-Out From Olympic Training Camp

Ha Ha Ha, dumb Chinese actually think the Brits would care if they pull out or not.

If China pulls out over Dalai Lama's visit, then it's their loss and no one else's. All the other countries would welcome the Chinese pull out since it would throw Chinese athlete's conditions off and make them perform poorly, increasing their chances at golds.

So please, do pull out of Leeds and make other countries happy!!

What a bunch of delusional commies.

hahaha what re tard indian troll read this

A YORKSHIRE MP has accused China of “bully-boy tactics” following reports that the country threatened to pull its athletes out of their Olympic training camp in Leeds because of the Dalai Lama’s visit to the city.

Fabian Hamilton, Labour MP for Leeds North East and chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet, told the BBC it was “reprehensible and disgraceful” that Chinese representatives could tell democratically elected councillors “that they can’t do what they think is best for the city under pain of economic sanction”.

Leeds is hosting the exiled Tibetan leader tomorrow at the Yorkshire International Business Convention (YIBC).

Lord Prescott has already cancelled his appearance at the YIBC in case he offends political connections in China, said organisers, and earlier this week Trade Minister Lord Green pulled out from a related event, although he blamed this on having to attend the G20 summit in Mexico.

Leeds City Council chief executive Tom Riordan said last night: “The Yorkshire International Business Convention is a private event not organised by Leeds City Council.

“Whilst we are aware of some sensitivities around this year’s convention, as it is not a council event we do not feel it is appropriate for us to make any further comment.”

A spokeswoman added: “We have nothing to add to the statement, but can confirm that there is no change to the Chinese athletes’ training camp in Leeds.”

YIBC organiser Mike Firth has a track record of bringing international figures to Yorkshire. Past speakers include Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, George Bush senior and Mikhail Gorbachev.

A spokesman for the convention said last night: “I have spoken to Mike and he says he doesn’t want to comment on the issue.”

A statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry last month condemned Prime Minister David Cameron’s meeting with the Dalai Lama, claiming it “severely interfered in China’s internal affairs”.

Fury at China

two mps one former minister actually did listen to our concerned
Dalai lama is a troll and Chinese should not take him seriously..

I know ! ~ he should rather take a page off some others and start asking people to blow up civilians to be " real mancho" terrorists instead of using " words". He is asking for his lands to be under sovereign rule- again not unlike you folks shrill for Palestine. Difference being - he is asking to do with non violence.
The rest of world do and revere him.

Thus China loses.

Not sure about that, your obsession with negative Chinese news shows exact opposite. No one keeps bashing losers. All your posts falls into two categories:

1. Korea is number 1 because it has K-pop!
2. China is terrible and miserable, bad on everything

If this is not inferior complex, I don't know what it is.

Get a life please, anger and hatred is not good to your health.
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