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Chinese Naval Base in Turkey

Should China and Turkey operate together in maritime policies?

  • Yes (naval bases, joint exercises, ports)

  • No (waste of money, no results)

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Jan 23, 2018
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China and Turkey are facing the same problems relating their EEZ's.


1.- The US build a large coalition (Australia, India, Japan, Vietnam etc) to minimize China's EEZ and to steel their maritime rights. The US pressures the neighbours not to cooperate with China and make them all afraid so that they buy weapons against a 'hostile' China (Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia etc) and are constantly provoking Beijing with sanctions.

2.- The US and Israel are doing the same to Turkey. They are prisoning them to their own mainland by building a coalition (France, Greece, Egypt, South-Cyprus, UAE) to encircle Turkey and steal the resources of their EEZ. The US and France are also making great weapondeals with Turkey's neighbours and channelizing old anti-Ottoman sentiments with diplomatic and digital media warfare.

China need a naval port in the East-Med to give challenge the US warships, because the US is doing the same in the South China Sea. Turkey can give that port. The presence of China in this sea, with joint exercises with the Turkish Navy, would give a strong message to the US and their plans to counter the Belt Road Initiative. Because if Turkey is blocked from being a trade/energy-hub, it will harm China's project too.

And maybe China will allow a Turkish port in the South China Sea, so that Turkish ships can bring a visit to those French islands in the Great Ocean.


China-Turkey friendship:

- Turkey denounced the Japanese Invasion of China in 1937

- Turkey was one of 76 nations voting in favor of restoring UN membership to the Chinese government in 1971.

- Turkey's cooperation with China for the joint development of ballistic missiles began in the late 1990s. Out of this Turkey manufactured the J-600T Yildirim tactical ballistic missile with Chinese technology.

- Chinese SU-27's used the Konya facilities to exercise with Turkish F-4E Phantoms in 2010.

- China made Turkey not only a dialogue partner of the SCO, but also granted them the chairmanship of the energy club for the 2017 period. That made Turkey the first country to chair a club in the organisation without full membership status.

- 2018 was the "Year of Turkey" in China.

- China classified Turkey as a important central chain in the Belt and Road Initiative.

- A song created by Xiao Zhang called "I want to take you to romantic Turkey" became one of the most popular songs in China.

- There is a Jeet Kune Do Federation in Turkey.
Turkey should definitely have a chinese naval base. Imagine the whining and shouting of that hobit macron when chinese navy arrives in the Mediterranean. It will also be good opportunity for china to push back on expired ex powers like france and UK who sends warship to south china sea.
Forget it. Turks are champion supporter of murder in China.

More recently, Uighur Salafi-jihadis have been very active in Syria: at least 5,000, according to the Syrian embassy in Beijing.

Beijing knows exactly what would happen if they return to Xinjiang.

So it’s no wonder that China has to act. That includes closing madrassas, detaining imams and arresting – and “re-“educating” – possible jihadis and their families.

The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), which declared an Islamic Emirate, ISIS/Daesh-style, in November 2019 in Idlib, northwest Syria. TIP was founded in Xinjiang 12 years ago and has been very active in Syria since 2011 – exactly the same year when they claimed to be responsible for a terror operation in Kashgar which killed 23 people.
Turkey should definitely have a chinese naval base. Imagine the whining and shouting of that hobit macron when chinese navy arrives in the Mediterranean. It will also be good opportunity for china to push back on expired ex powers like france and UK who sends warship to south china sea.
Why not demand Turk naval base in Shanghai in return?
Personally I welcome Turk submarines in the Sc sea. More guests more funs.
Japan tries to make good relations with Turkey. The world is very complex, such as the areas in the local Middle East/Eastern Europe or far away such as the Asia-Pacific. Most countries have some sort of relations with China one way or the other, many of which maintain good relations with both China and Japan such as Malaysia,Singapore, and Thailand. So please consider Japanese efforts towards Turkey.

Japonya Başbakanı Şinto Abe, açılış törenine video konferans ile katılırken şu ifadeleri ifadeleri:

"Geçen gün Sayın Erdoğan ile telefon görüşmesi yaptıktan sonra tekrar görüşmekten memnuniyet duyuyorum. Sayın Erdoğan video konferans şekliyle katılmak üzere Çam ve Sakura Şehir Hastanesi'nin açılışına katıl davet edildim." İstanbul'u ziyaret etmek mümkün olmadı. Açılış törenine katılabilmekten mutluluk duyuyorum Benim kalbim Sayın Erdoğan ve Türk halkıyla birliktedir Öncelikle bu açılış töreni vesilesiyle çaba sarf eden herkese en içten tebriklerimi sunuyorum. Bu hastanenin aslında haziran faaliyete geçmesi öngörülürken, Sayın Erdoğan'ın talimatıyla, öngörülen sırada açılmasına karar verildi ve koronavirüs tedavisinde uygulanmasına karar verildi.

Cumhurbaskanı Sayın Erdoğan, geçen gün bu hastaneyi Başakşehir Çam ve Sakura Şehir Hastanesi olarak adlandırmıştır. Bu hastanenin İstanbul halkına sonsuza kadar sağlık ve esenlik getirmesini bekliyorum. Alınan bu tedbirlerin neticesi olarak vaka sayısının azlığı vefat sayısının düşük olmasından dolayı normalleşme takviminin açıklandığını biliyorum. Koronavirüs salgınıyla mücadele etmek için uluslararası işbirliği çok önemli. Öncelikli olarak tedavi ve ilaç geliştirilmesidir. Japonya'da yapılacak ve koronavirüste umut olabileceği belirtilen ilacı arzu eden ülkelere bağışlayacağız. Buda kapsam Türkiye'ye bağışlıyoruz. Ayrıca Türkiye'nin duyduğu ihtiyaca binaen sağlık çalışanlarına tıbbi destek sağlayacağız.

Geçtiğimiz yıl gerçekleşen G20'de Sayın Erdoğan ile gelişmekte olan ülkelere teyit ettik. Afrika ve Ortadoğu'daki ülkesine uzatan Türkiye'ye saygı duyuyorum. Japonya'da koronavirüs salgınından etkilenen ülkelere yardım etmek için sağlık sistemini güçlendirmek ve ekonomik faaliyetlerinin canlandırılması için kredi paketleri hazırdır. Çeşitli Diğer Türkiye ile işbirliği yapmak isteriz. Her ülke için koronavirüsle mücadele öncelikli olacaktır. Durum sakinleşince ikili girişim girişiminde bulunacağız. 2020 yılı Japonya ile Türkiye dostluğun temeli olan Ertuğrul Gemisi faciasının 130'ncu yıldönümüdür. Ertuğrul faciası bizim dostluğun kaynağıdır. Bu törenlerin koronavirüsün geçmesinden sonra gerçekleşmesini bekliyorum. "


Cumhurbaskanı Erdoğan'ın açıklamaları şöyle:

"Başakşehir Çam ve Sakura Şehir Hastanesi'nin hayırlı olmasını diliyorum. Sayın Abe'ye teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum. Bu muhteşem eserinde emeği geçenlere teşekkür ediyorum. Bu bizim dostluğumuzun kalıcı olmasını sembolize eden çiçek oluyor.İstanbul'un gurur abidelerinden biri olacak eseri daha kazandırdık.

789 bin arsa alanı üzerine kurulu bu hastane şimdiden dünyanın sayılı hastaneleri arasına girmiştir. Kamu-özel ortaklığının en güzel örneklerinden birinden. 456'sı yoğun bakım olmak üzere 2 bin 682 yatağı ve 90 ameliyathane masası ile bu eser kovid-19 ile mücadelemizde önemli rol oynayacaktır. Günlük 35 bin ayakta hasta ve 500 özellikli ameliyat yapılmasını planlıyoruz. Artık İstanbul uluslararası bir sağlık merkezi parçalanmış. Burası sağlık turizminde Türkiye'nin marka eserlerinden biri olacaktır.

Koronavirüs salgını son bir asırda karşılaştığımız en büyük sağlık sorunudur. Buldukları aşı noktasında ve ilaç noktasında tüm insanlıkla paylaşacaklarını ifade etmek ve Türkiye de bu kapsamda ifade etmeleri bizim Sayın Abe'ye bir şükran borcumuz olduğunun ifadesidir. Kendisine çok çok teşekkür ediyorum. Şimdiye kadar 330 bin kutu birçok ülkenin ciddi sıkıntılar görüyoruz. 80'i aşkın olmayan ürünler gönderdik ve göndermeye devam ediyoruz. Bu insani, vicdani bir bizim görevimizdir.

Sağlık çevrilmesi çöktüğü, kamu düzeninin yara çevrim birliği Türkiye ve Japonya örnek bir davranış sergiliyor. Dün günlük vaka sayımızı 1000'in altına düşürdük. Diğer göstergelerde olumlu gelişmeler var. Tedbirleri elden bırakmıyoruz. Şu anda hiçbir eksiğimiz bulunmuyor. Elimizdeki tüm insanlık için salgına karşı seferber etmeyi sürdüreceğiz. "

Istanbul, May 21 (Jiji Press)--A ceremony was held in Istanbul on Thursday to celebrate the formal opening of a huge hospital built in the largest Turkish city with cooperation from Japanese trading house Sojitz Corp. <2768> and others.

Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital is expected to play a key role in the treatment of people infected with the novel coronavirus.

It has over 2,600 beds, compared with some 1,400 beds at Fujita Health University Hospital, Japan's largest hospital in terms of bed capacity, which is in the city of Toyoake in Aichi Prefecture in the central part of the nation.

The Istanbul facility also has about 400 intensive care unit beds, one of the highest among hospitals in Europe. It partially opened in April and is accepting coronavirus patients.

On its name, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech on Monday that cam, which means pine in Turkish, and sakura, or cherry blossom in Japanese, are symbols of Turkey and Japan, respectively, stressing that the hospital was created as a result of cooperation between the two countries.

Turkey’s president on Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to Japan’s new prime minister.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent best wishes to Yoshihide Suga, the new leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said Turkey’s Communications Directorate.

Suga replaces longtime Premier Shinzo Abe, who stepped down over health issues.

Pointing to how Turkish-Japanese diplomatic relations sprang from the aftermath of the tragic Sept. 16, 1890 shipwreck of the Ertugrul frigate, and Japan’s rescue efforts and the hospitality it showed the survivors, Erdogan said the date of Suga's election is meaningful and significant for bilateral ties.

He said he hopes to carry the "deep-rooted friendship" forward based on a strategic partnership established in 2013.

The president praised Japan's contributions to global peace and stability.

Both nations, Erdogan said, will guide the international community with their sincere joint efforts, and will work in close cooperation on bilateral, regional and global issues.

- The Ertugrul frigate

It has been 130 years since the Ertugrul frigate shipwreck in southeastern Japan, a heartbreaking incident considered the beginning of the Turkish-Japanese friendship.

In response to the visit of Prince Komatsu of Japan to Istanbul in October 1887, the Ertugrul was sent to Japan in July 1889.

Carrying 609 sailors, the ship left Japan on Sept. 15, 1890 but was caught in typhoons that affect the East Asian country every year.

It sank off the coast of Wakayama Prefecture on its way back home on Sept. 16, resulting in the loss of 533 Turkish sailors and officers, including Ottoman Rear Adm. Ali Osman Pasha.

Japan’s rescue efforts, and support shown to survivors, however, sealed the friendly ties between the people of both nations.

A monument for the martyrs was erected in 1891 in Kushimoto, where the accident took place. The tragic legacy is kept alive at memorial ceremonies held annually at the monument.
China doesn't want to get involved in Turkey vs Europe issues. I'm guessing Turkey probably doesn't want to be involved in the SCS either.
I stopped reading this post when I came to 'Israel encircling turkey'

Do your research first

PS* BTW, there's no year of the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey_(bird)in the Chinese zodiac- only https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken and they r different

I think you should do your research. 'Year of Turkey' in China in 2018 had nothing to do with the Chinese Zodiac but instead it was a celebration campagne of mutual trade relations between the two nations and tourism and cultural activities.

And yes, Israel together with Greece, South-Cyprus and Egypt organized a forum to build a pipeline trough disputed waters right in front of Turkey, and without Turkey's approval. Turkey rejected this project, and now the US and France are coming for help to encircle and isolate Turkey like they do with China in the South China Sea.
China would be stupid to do this. It would effectively make Greece a mortal enemy and ratchet up hostilities with the EU. Plus Turkey has a long history of anti-China posturing.
China would be stupid to do this. It would effectively make Greece a mortal enemy and ratchet up hostilities with the EU. Plus Turkey has a long history of anti-China posturing.
Ok that is a minor side affect. You commit political suicide if openly support Turkey. However there are benefits in economic terms: you can buy Turkey for cheap. Look at the Lira.
China has NO brain to do it .... therefore China never will become real Global Power and The US,The UK and France always will send their Warships and Submarines to the South China Sea ... enjoy with it China

China can not protect even its own OBOR Project
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