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Chinese Military Growth

what is Chinies Miltery ?? You seem disrespect for China.
what is Chinies Miltery ?? You seem disrespect for China.

i dont mind, its ok.
a individual got all his right to like something and hate something, i hate russia personally.
and dont expect all 1.4 billions chinese people is friend of pakistan, only those aware of national affairs would be very nice toward pakistani, some pakistani and indian and africans r really really bad luck got racial treatment in hong kong.
Just look how scared that NEWS anchor is and about to cry reading about Chinese military might. Relax that frigate was just on a humanitarian mission to Libya :china:
China should first give basic human rights to their citizens.
I'll just ask you 1 objective question: Which countries have human rights, what are those human rights, and which of those are we lacking?

China Human Rights

Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances. Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown. Repression of minority groups, including Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians, and of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians who practice their religion outside state-sanctioned churches continues. While the recent reinstatement of Supreme People's Court review of death penalty cases may result in lower numbers of executions, China remains the leading executioner in the world. Review our annual report on China human rights violations.
China Human Rights

Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances. Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown. Repression of minority groups, including Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians, and of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians who practice their religion outside state-sanctioned churches continues. While the recent reinstatement of Supreme People's Court review of death penalty cases may result in lower numbers of executions, China remains the leading executioner in the world. Review our annual report on China human rights violations.

Yeah, you probably forget how the West against Muslims, demonizing propaganda, the Muslim is not enough to know it?
China Human Rights

Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances. Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown. Repression of minority groups, including Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians, and of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians who practice their religion outside state-sanctioned churches continues. While the recent reinstatement of Supreme People's Court review of death penalty cases may result in lower numbers of executions, China remains the leading executioner in the world. Review our annual report on China human rights violations.

And yet, per capita, our execution rate is below Singapore, a shining example of multicultural progress. Also, the biggest human right is to eat, and the 2nd biggest human right is that of information which we get by being literate. None of the issues brought up by Amnesty International except the first are even issues in China.



In fact, you are more likely to be executed in Texas, USA than you are in China.



The support rate for death penalty is at 83.3%.

Falun Gong is just a criminal cult. If you want us to legalize Falun Gong then Pakistan should legalize the Taliban but since both are terrorists both will remain illegal.
And yet, per capita, our execution rate is below Singapore, a shining example of multicultural progress. Also, the biggest human right is to eat, and the 2nd biggest human right is that of information which we get by being literate.

Agreed , China is on right path but still much to do
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