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Chinese military build-up affecting regional balance: US Admiral

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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Chinese military build-up affecting regional balance: US Admiral

WASHINGTON (PTI): The buildup of Chinese armed forces is continuing "unabated" and Beijing's goals appear to be power projection beyond Asia and to challenge America's freedom of action in the region, a top US Admiral has said.

Outlining that Chinese buildup was affecting regional military balance, Admiral Robert Willard, Commander of the US Pacific Command said, "China's rapid and comprehensive transformation of its armed forces holds implications beyond the Asia-Pacific region".

The Admiral's comments came in a testimony to the Congress armed services committee and raised concerns that whether Beijing harboured global military ambitions.

"Of particular concern is that elements of China's military modernisation appear designed to challenge our freedom of action in the region," Willard said.

Elaborating, the top American Admiral said China had augmented its submarine and air defence fleet, which was now the dominant presence in crucial Asian waters in South China Sea, East China Sea and the Yellow Sea and these forces constituted "anti-denial and anti-access" capability against the American and regional forces.

"The PLA Navy has increased its patrols throughout the region and has shown an increased willingness to confront regional nations on the high seas and within the contested island chains.

Additionally, China lays claim to the Senkakus, administered by Japan, and contests areas on its border with India," Willard said.

The US armed forces officials also told the Congressional committee that over the past several years, Beijing had begun a new phase of military development by beginning to articulate roles and missions for the PLA that go beyond China's immediate territorial concerns, but has left unclear to the international community the purposes and objectives of the PLA?s evolving doctrine and capabilities.

In his opening remarks, Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of Senate
Armed Services Committee said as China's influence and military grow, traditional alliances and partnerships in the region may come under pressure from a perception that the balance of power is shifting. And other countries in the region may deem it necessary to grow their militaries as well.

Chinese military build-up affecting regional balance: US Admiral :: Brahmand.com
well,china didn't spend 600B$(over 4%GDP) on defence, and we didn't propagate “U.S threat” everyday.McMahon is an illegal line.some countries give us enough reason to build up a more powerful army.we just try to safeguard our territorial integrity and don't want to be another iraq.if this affect someone ,so be it
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translation into english:

US admiral says, the US is no longer able to plunder, bully and steal from asian countries. What a shame for Wall Street.
US has a habit of crying at everything, these imperialist doesn't want to see both india and china to grow. I think india and china should cooperate more closely after resolving all their disputes.
I guess USA is feling the heat now a days.

It is in direct conflict of interest with China. It is in indirect conflict with India as well. Even Israel is showing them the mirror. Pakistan was always suspicious of them. Better not to talk about Iran etc.

Also India and China are carefully downplaying and avoiding aggression. This is helping for both nations to concentrate on other development related things. This is another pain for USA.

India or China are not spending even 1/10th part of USA defense expenses. And US is saying of increased spending!! :what:
Rank Country Spending ($ b.) World Share (%)
— World Total 1464.0 100
1 United States 607.0 41.5
2 Chinaa 84.9 5.8
3 France 65.7 4.5
4 United Kingdom 65.3 4.5
5 Russiaa 58.6 4.0
6 Germany 46.8 3.2
7 Japan 46.3 3.2
8 Italy 40.6 2.8
9 Saudi Arabia 38.2 2.6
10 India 30.0 2.1
11 South Korea 24.2 1.7
12 Brazil 23.3 1.6
13 Canada 19.3 1.3
14 Spain 19.2 1.3
15 Australia 18.4 1.3

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China is not spending much considering the population and its strong economy.. so this is BS.
Chinese military build-up affecting regional balance: US Admiral,Moral of the story is in oder to match China India Japan and other countries need to purchase your US weapons.
Rank Country Spending ($ b.) World Share (%)
— World Total 1464.0 100
1 United States 607.0 41.5
2 Chinaa 84.9 5.8
3 France 65.7 4.5
4 United Kingdom 65.3 4.5
5 Russiaa 58.6 4.0
6 Germany 46.8 3.2
7 Japan 46.3 3.2
8 Italy 40.6 2.8
9 Saudi Arabia 38.2 2.6
10 India 30.0 2.1
11 South Korea 24.2 1.7
12 Brazil 23.3 1.6
13 Canada 19.3 1.3
14 Spain 19.2 1.3
15 Australia 18.4 1.3

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China is not spending much considering the population and its strong economy.. so this is BS.

Our National defense budget is 704 billion dollars this year, that's more than every other country in the United Nations combined. Also that's just stated on paper, our defense budget wouldn't be surprising to anyone if it was 1 trillion dollars. Same goes with every other country for ex: China stated last year they had 90 billion dollar defense budget, we have much reason to believe their budget was well over 110 billion dollars.

-LOL our hypocrisy knows no bounds that's very true, our government is total BS, all controlled by the Right Wing Lobbyists in this country bending over for the Zionists over sees. But I wouldn't be wanting to live anywhere else though so... =/
Roughly translation of the article -> Please buy our weapons and open your airports and ports to Uncle Sam to be used by our USAF and USN so that we can help you defend the monstrous China.

<-LOL our hypocrisy knows no bounds that's very true, our government is total BS, all controlled by the Right Wing Lobbyists in this country bending over for the Zionists over sees. But I wouldn't be wanting to live anywhere else though so... =/>

Wow, even if you have to live in a shelter or under a bridge? Hey at least you can proudly say that the bridge or shelter MADE IN USA.

It's possible you know that the majority of US citizens may resort to that kind of home someday. **** the federal and state tax you to death there (I think it's worse than communism). Meanwhile, the federal spends the people's money like crazy in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. WTF?
i don't think there will even be a US in 20 years. the admiral should be considering how to put down a 2nd american revolution rather than picking fights with other countries.

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