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Chinese helicopters violated Indian airspace: Reports



New Recruit

Jan 25, 2013
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New Delhi/Srinagar: Even as the Armies of India and China on Tuesday held a second flag meeting over the recent PLA incursion into Ladakh, it has come to light that Chinese helicopters had also violated the Indian air space.

As per reports, choppers belonging to the Chinese Army entered the Indian air space, hovered for a while and then flew back.

The incident happened on April 15 – the day when a platoon of Chinese troops intruded 10 kilometres deep inside Indian territory in Ladakh and set up a tented post in Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) sector.

The airspace violation is also reported to have taken place at Depsang in DBO sector.

India has already raised the issue with China and held two flag meetings.

China has denied that its troops intruded into the Indian territory.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said yesterday that "China's frontier troops have been abiding by the agreement between the two countries and abiding by the LAC agreed by the two countries.

"Our frontier troops have been patrolling on the China's side of LAC," Hua had said, adding, "Our troops are patrolling on the Chinese side of the LAC and have never trespassed the line".

Defence Minister A K Antony had said yesterday that India will take "every step" to protect its interests to resolve the situation arising out of the incursion.

brother is no need to make different threads for single news ,,, you can post this in your previous thread...
well there are different perceptions regarding lac.so technically this is not wrong to them and there were indian posts in the same region which were abandoned now.so that is not wrong to us .this is not new in the region .as they have mentioned they are negotiating to ease the tensions
Ok why didn't the mighty indian air defence engage them?

Not worth it. They wandered, they hovered, they went back home. Which is what the mighty Indian forces expect them to do anyway.

If there was a chance that visiting helicopters would mercilessly kill our soldiers (like what happened for you at Salala), then rest assured, the IAF wouldn't take such a casual approach.
its not a violation. its a regular process being done by both forces because of no actual LAC border with clear markings.
Ok why didn't the mighty indian air defence engage them?

At least we found out that they have violated our air space when they were at it.. unlike our neighbour who chest thump for possessing Nukes even at the slightest of grievances and had their air space violated , worlds most wanted man picked , shot at few people and went away safely :)
Sleep well mate!!
Looks like they were providing air cover if anything happened here. :(

The situation now looks like Kargil 2.0 to me. Let's hope Congress has the guts to remove the soldiers who have wandered to this side to our border.
There are agreements in place,that either air space should not not be violated from 10km of loc or lac.
Don't treat gound violation with air space violation equally! Since perception in both case is different !
its not a violation. its a regular process being done by both forces because of no actual LAC border with clear markings.

Exactly. That is what the Indian defence minister Anthony says all the time, that the border is not properly demarcated, so these incidents happen regularly on BOTH sides.

But our media never makes a fuss about it when it happens to us.

Imagine what would happen if our Chinese media says "Indian soldiers crossed the border into Chinese territory!" ... every time there was an incident of differing perceptions on the LAC? That would be highly irresponsible.
I dono why media is making it sooo serious..... I have seen almost all the news channels... i could see Times Now was seriously reporting it.... may be they want some interesting story line for their prime time.... for god sake some one teach these media people to act in a matured way....

Exactly. That is what the Indian defence minister Anthony says all the time, that the border is not properly demarcated, so these incidents happen regularly on BOTH sides.

But our media never makes a fuss about it when it happens to us.

Imagine what would happen if our Chinese media says "Indian soldiers crossed the border into Chinese territory!" ... every time there was an incident of differing perceptions on the LAC? That would be highly irresponsible.

Do you have some thing called TRP in china???????? In india we have more than 100 news channels and no one to control them... since no one to control them they will do what ever they feel like to improve their TRP's.... Some how i used to watch news channels on prime time... now i shifted to NGC
Ok why didn't the mighty indian air defence engage them?

How many times we've violated their air space and on the ground, what did the mighty Chinese do?
NATO butchered your soldiers, and what the hell did you do about it?
But our media never makes a fuss about it when it happens to us.

Imagine what would happen if our Chinese media says "Indian soldiers crossed the border into Chinese territory!" ... every time there was an incident of differing perceptions on the LAC? That would be highly irresponsible.

To be fair the Chinese media is highly regulated by the state, the Indian media can do and say pretty much what they like.

Do you have some thing called TRP in china???????? In india we have more than 100 news channels and no one to control them...
I'm pretty sure I've heard the figure of 300+ news channels in India.

All it needs is for some maturity and at the very least PROFESSIONALISM to be shown by these amateurs who are just playing at being journalists.
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