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Chinese health experts call to suspend Pfizer's mRNA vaccine for elderly after Norwegian deaths


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Chinese health experts called on Norway and other countries to suspend the use of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies such as Pfizer, especially among elderly people, due to the vaccines' safety uncertainties following the deaths of 23 elderly Norwegian people who received the vaccine.

The new mRNA vaccine was developed in haste and had never been used on a large scale for the prevention of infectious disease
, and its safety had not been confirmed for large-scale use in humans, a Chinese immunologist said.

The death incidents in Norway also proved that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines' efficacy was not as good as expected, experts said.

As of Thursday, Norway has reported 23 deaths in connection with vaccination.

"So far, 13 of these have been assessed. Common side effects may have contributed to a severe course in frail elderly people," the Norwegian Medicines Agency said on its website.

All the deaths have occurred in frail, elderly patients in nursing homes. All are over 80 years old and some of them over 90, Norwegian media NRK reported.

Two COVID-19 vaccines, Comirnaty, from BioNTec/Pfizer, and Moderna, are used in Norway. The vaccines have been developed on mRNA technology and have received temporary approval in the EU, according to the agency.

Norway launched a mass vaccination campaign at the end of December, with the very oldest citizens and residents of nursing homes being offered vaccination first, including those over the age of 85.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency admitted that the studies that form the basis for the temporary approval of the vaccine included very few people over the age of 85, and there is little known about how any side effects will affect these age brackets, but it said, "we assume that the side effects will largely be the same in the elderly as in those over 65 years of age."

Chinese experts said the death incident should be assessed cautiously to understand whether the death was caused by vaccines or other preexisting conditions of these individuals.

Yang Zhanqiu, a virologist from Wuhan University, told the Global Times on Friday that the death incident, if proven to be caused by the vaccines, showed that the effect of the Pfizer vaccine and other mRNA vaccines is not as good as expected, as the main purpose of mRNA vaccines is to heal patients.

The mRNA vaccines teach human cells to make a protein to trigger an immune response; then, the immune response can protect people from getting infected if the real virus enters the body.

Meanwhile, toxic substances may be developed throughout the process of mRNA vaccinations; thus, the safety of vaccines cannot be fully ensured, Yang said.

But that's not the case for inactivated vaccines in China, which have more mature technology, Yang said.

A Beijing-based immunologist, who requested anonymity, told the Global Times on Friday that the world should suspend the use of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine represented by Pfizer, as this new technology has not proven safety in large-scale use or in preventing any infectious diseases.

Older people, especially those over 80, should not be recommended to receive any COVID-19 vaccine, he said.

He said that people over 80 years old have a weaker immune system and are more prone to adverse effect; thus, they should be recommended to take medicines to improve their immune system, he said.

China has started vaccination for people aged between 18 and 59, as statistics on people aged 60 years and over and people aged 18 years and below were relatively small during clinical trials of the vaccines. Thus, we cannot fully identify the efficacy and side effects for these two groups, a Beijing-based health expert who requested to be anonymous, told the Global Times.

Its ridicolous with how much the U.S. vaccine makers are getting away, while their propaganda mouthpieces are bussy distracting with gloating about some occassional headaches after using Chinese vaccines and touting "Western standards" set by their poison dubbed vaccine that kills more people than their virus.
Errr, that does not prove it is the vaccine mainly responsible for the deaths.

33000 elderly people in Norway have been given the vaccine and so 30 or so dying within 1 month of getting the vaccine is what would be expected if they were not given the vaccine and did not contract the virus.

Can we stop this constant Chinese propaganda against what looks like a very safe and effective Covid vaccine?
Errr, that does not prove it is the vaccine mainly responsible for the deaths.

33000 elderly people in Norway have been given the vaccine and so 30 or so dying within 1 month of getting the vaccine is what would be expected if they were not given the vaccine and did not contract the virus.

Can we stop this constant Chinese propaganda against what looks like a very safe and effective Covid vaccine?
So 23 death shall not be concern? If administrated 1 million elderly. You can see how many deaths will occur.
So 23 death shall not be concern? If administrated 1 million elderly. You can see how many deaths will occur.

How many 85 year olds are expected to die anyway within 1 month without being given the vaccine?

A person of this age maybe has a 1-2% chance of dying every month for any reason under normal circumstances.

33000 people and so you would expect 330-660 people to die anyway within 1 month.

If this was the rate for healthy 30-40 year olds then there would be real cause for concern.

Please do not play politics on a health emergency.
How many 85 year olds are expected to die anyway within 1 month without being given the vaccine?

A person of this age maybe has a 1-2% chance of dying every month for any reason under normal circumstances.

33000 people and so you would expect 330-660 people to die anyway within 1 month.

If this was the rate for healthy 30-40 year olds then there would be real cause for concern.

Please do not play politics on a health emergency.
We are not playing politics but did raise a valid statistics. So u are saying 85 years old gonna died soon and u simply do not care?
We are not playing politics but did raise a valid statistics. So u are saying 85 years old gonna died soon and u simply do not care?

No, all I am saying is these people being given the vaccine would have died anyway without the vaccine.

Once you have substantially more people of this age dying than would be expected then time to really get concerned.

Millions of 80+ year olds have been given the Pfizer vaccine already and this has not happened so far.

If China does not want to use this vaccine, then fine.
No, all I am saying is these people being given the vaccine would have died anyway without the vaccine.

Once you have substantially more people of this age dying than would be expected then time to really get concerned.

Millions of 80+ year olds have been given the Pfizer vaccine already and this has not happened so far.

If China does not want to use this vaccine, then fine.
That is your hypothesis. Usually these old don't travel much. The young health officer and nurse are vaccine and therefore, chances of being affected by covid-19 are low. These old need not to be vaccine or vaccine with a proven and more traditional method like inactive vaccine produced by China.
That is your hypothesis. Usually these old don't travel much. The young health officer and nurse are vaccine and therefore, chances of being affected by covid-19 are low. These old need not to be vaccine or vaccine with a proven and more traditional method like inactive vaccine produced by China.

We shall see as the UK is using both the Pfizer mRNA vaccine and the more traditional inactive vaccine by AstraZeneca.

I will not be taking any of these 2 vaccines if they are offered to me as the chance of myself getting severe disease is very low and we have no long term data on their safety for obvious reasons.

With the 80+ year olds it is better they take their chance with these vaccines than risk death from Covid-19 which is very real for them.

Due to the government incompetence in the UK, 1000 a day are now dying on average and so vaccinating the elderly and other vulnerable is very urgent. China can afford to go slow as it has been far more successful in suppressing the virus.
Errr, that does not prove it is the vaccine mainly responsible for the deaths.

33000 elderly people in Norway have been given the vaccine and so 30 or so dying within 1 month of getting the vaccine is what would be expected if they were not given the vaccine and did not contract the virus.

Can we stop this constant Chinese propaganda against what looks like a very safe and effective Covid vaccine?
Dude this is your bias mate, Pfitzer vaccine is NOT SAFE. MRNA vaccine had never been used before. Chinese vaccine had been bashed, ridiculed even when we applied the highest testing criteria but NONE died, they even tried to blame a suicide on us.
Dude this is your bias mate, Pfitzer vaccine is NOT SAFE. MRNA vaccine had never been used before. Chinese vaccine had been bashed, ridiculed even when we applied the highest testing criteria but NONE died, they even tried to blame a suicide on us.

UK is using both the mRNA and the inactivated vaccine like China and so good data will be available very soon.

I don't think the Chinese virus is not safe and is probably very similar in effectiveness as the UK's AstraZeneca vaccine that uses similar technology.

It has already been approved by multiple countries like UAE, Bahrain and Indonesia and so that gives people confidence in it.
I guess they are hating the vaccine as the manufacturer is the US company Pfizer.

The vaccine was developed by a German company led by two Turkish immigrants and being mass produced by a US company and so is a true multinational effort.

Looks like the UK vaccine from AstraZeneca will help S Africa in it's battle against Covid-19. S Africa announced a deal for 1.5 million doses to be delivered by next month. Hope that it is as effective as the trial data suggest.
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I guess they are hating the vaccine as the manufacturer is the US company Pfizer.

The vaccine was developed by a German company led by two Turkish immigrants and being mass produced by a US company and so is a true multinational effort.

Looks like the UK vaccine from AstraZeneca will help S Africa in it's battle against Covid-19. S Africa announced a deal for 1.5 million doses to be delivered by next month. Hope that it is as effective as the trial data suggest.
you must remember; first the massive coverup and in denial; then the go against every possible narrative or attempt to get vaccines going; I am sure they are also behind anti-vaxxers and providing them bogus materials to deliberately cripple the world. Think of it - what better way to come on top by fragmenting society and pushing their narrative. Every country does it but this is a matter of life and death; and even here they have gone below turd level.

If they had the same technology as Pfizer; they will be touting it like no mans business. Best way is to push it down.
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