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That's it? that's best you got? Your statement doesn't hold any credibility, if that was your reason.:rolleyes:

Its clear that India has craze to dominate subcontinent n wants to be a super power like russia n USA
War of 1962 was result of wrong indian policy but on the other hand china n pak had border problm but unlike india, Pak n china solved it at table not in battle field

In 1965 India attacked Pakistan with out reason but by the grace of ALLAH Almighty Pakistan defeated india
In 1987 India deployed the army to border
In 2001 India made tension without reason

Now india is trying to become a permanent member of UNO to get veto power

These examples r few there r lot of examples
Abt China-India tension, my chinese mature fellows can reply better
LOVE PAKISTAN :pakistan:
LOVE CHINA :china:
Its clear that India has craze to dominate subcontinent n wants to be a super power like russia n USA

You got that right and God willing India will be a major power in the world.

War of 1962 was result of wrong indian policy but on the other hand china n
pak had border problm but unlike india, Pak n china solved it at table not in battle field

Pakistan and China had border problem? Could you care to explain more about it?

In 1965 India attacked Pakistan with out reason but by the grace of ALLAH Almighty Pakistan defeated india

I would state otherwise? It's can of worm that has been opend many time on this forum.

In 2001 India made tension without reason

Are you n_ts? All those militents that attacked paliament was from Pakistan. Thank US that prevented another war in 2001.

Now india is trying to become a permanent member of UNO to get veto power

What's wrong with that? A country with Billion people, a regional power and one of the fastest emerging economy definetly deserve to be there.

These examples r few there r lot of examples

Unfortunatly your examples are hollow.

Abt China-India tension, my chinese mature fellows can reply better
LOVE PAKISTAN :pakistan:
LOVE CHINA :china:

Chinese are mature and long live Pakistan and China.
Its clear that India has craze to dominate subcontinent n wants to be a super power like russia n USA
War of 1962 was result of wrong indian policy but on the other hand china n pak had border problm but unlike india, Pak n china solved it at table not in battle field

Pakistan gave china parts of kashmir to 'solve the problem' peacefully. we expect exactly the same settlement between india pakistan too :) just kidding.

The border problems of india china are legacy problems, handed down by the british. just like the durand line. i hope they are solved soon.

in any case india china relations are mature and they are talking abt the issues.
I would say China & India can't be friends neither can afford to be enemies.
Pakistani won 1965 war. Don't forget 1 Pakistani equals 10 Indians.
I would say China & India can't be friends neither can afford to be enemies.
Pakistani won 1965 war. Don't forget 1 Pakistani equals 10 Indians.

1) Getting veto power is nt a bad thing but in India's hand its a very bad thing coz "Having a gaint power is good thing but using it like a giant is bad thing"
2) I think u hvnt read Indian Army's EX chief Shanker Roy's statement. He said "India was fully prepared to attack Pakistan but Pakistani Atomic power was main threat which prohibted India to attack Pakistan in 2001. This statement is not so old it was given in previouse month i think

3) India will become a super power is in ur dreams. China is not only sub continent's but also world's next super power coz china has s strong economy n strong political system
Muslims r not killed in china on the base of religion like India
1) Getting veto power is nt a bad thing but in India's hand its a very bad thing coz "Having a gaint power is good thing but using it like a giant is bad thing"

You will definetly suggest that India with veto power is bad thing because India and Pakistan are arch rivals. If shoe was in the foot, I pretty sure Indians would have same opinion.

2) I think u hvnt read Indian Army's EX chief Shanker Roy's statement. He said "India was fully prepared to attack Pakistan but Pakistani Atomic power was main threat which prohibted India to attack Pakistan in 2001. This statement is not so old it was given in previouse month i think

I am not disputing that nuclear threat didn't played role in that decision. But you said in your previous post that India provoked that situation but it was Pakistani infiltrators who crossed the border.

3) India will become a super power is in ur dreams. China is not only sub continent's but also world's next super power coz china has s strong economy n strong political system Muslims r not killed in china on the base of religion like India

India will become Major power if current economic situation countinues. When? who knows? China is next superpower, there is no question about it. Sir if you want to talk about human rights, china has ever worse record. Most of the news dont even come out. Human right apply to all humans not just muslims, nothing agains muslims. I can talk about tibets and muslims operetion in western china but that's whole different issue. If you want to talk about it, we can open a new thread.
India will become Major power if current economic situation countinues. When? who knows? China is next superpower, there is no question about it. Sir if you want to talk about human rights, china has ever worse record. Most of the news dont even come out. Human right apply to all humans not just muslims, nothing agains muslims. I can talk about tibets and muslims operetion in western china but that's whole different issue. If you want to talk about it, we can open a new thread.[/QUOTE]

Very good
U r talking abt tibet but u hv closed ur eyes frm Kashmir. u hv forgotn Golden temple incident. u hv forgotn that muslims were killed n burned in Gujrat under Nrinder Moodi's leadership.

2) U knw that Pakistani infiltrators cross the border but u dnt knw abt RAW camps on afghan border who r working against Pak
The current relation between India and China does no good to either India nor China. Both governments were generally doing good to stay cool, but people on both sides don't appreciate each other. IMHO, we all have fell into western media's trap. The current situation only serve the best to those who just sit aside and watch fighting. The old Divide and Conquer trick still works today.
‘A thorn in India-China relationship’

P. S. Suryanarayana

SINGAPORE: The continuing presence of the Dalai Lama in India “does not help” in its ties with China, according to Singapore’s elder statesman and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew. In a dialogue session, under the auspices of Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Academy, he said: “I do not see the Dalai Lama as a bargaining chip [for India] against China. … As long as the Dalai Lama is there [in India], there will be this thorn in their side. … 1959 [when he reached India] was a different year. And, in 2009, the configuration of world balances has changed. And, it is going to change in their [Chinese] favour over the next 50 years, provided there is no internal collapse.”

Answering questions from S.D. Muni, Professor at the Singapore-based Institute of South Asian Studies, Mr. Lee emphasised that the status of Tibet “is off the table”. On an intervention by dialogue moderator and Singapore’s Ambassador-at-Large Tommy Koh, Mr. Lee said China believed that the Dalai Lama’s reported acceptance of the status of Tibet “is not his true position.” In fact, the Chinese “need no interlocutor” to resolve the Tibetan problem. “They need time to bring up a new generation [of Tibetans]: speaking Chinese, thinking like them and integrating … into China.” Responding to India’s High Commissioner S. Jaishankar on the issue of rebalancing the world order, Mr. Lee said: “My guess is that they [the Chinese] would like to have in the Security Council only five permanent members [as at present].”

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The Hindu : Front Page : ‘A thorn in India-China relationship’


Sino-India relationship won't be fundamentally improved if 1) Dalai Lama issue, 2) territorial disputes are not resolved.
U r talking abt tibet but u hv closed ur eyes frm Kashmir. u hv forgotn Golden temple incident. u hv forgotn that muslims were killed n burned in Gujrat under Nrinder Moodi's leadership.

First of dont use text language. If you are too lazy, dont type anyting.
Sick to the topic, why some guys have the habit of bringing this to every topic? There is seperate thread for Kashmir issure.

U knw that Pakistani infiltrators cross the border but u dnt knw abt RAW camps on afghan border who r working against Pak

So what do you think that ISI is doing in India? I am pretty sure that they not here to watch cricket.
China suggests it blocked India's loan efforts at ADB due to border dispute

BEIJING: The Chinese foreign ministry on Tuesday indicated it was motivated by the dispute over Arunachal Pradesh to block India's application for a
loan from the Asian Development Bank. Part of the loan money is meant for development of Arunachal, which China is claiming as its own territory.

Jiang Yu, spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry, was asked at the ministry's regulator briefing on Tuesday to confirm reports that China had vetoed India's loan application and if this was done because the money is going to be spent in Arunachal Pradesh.

She did not give a direct reply but gave ample indications that China was using the ADB meeting to deal with a bilateral issue between the two countries.

Jiang said Beijing always supported ADB's efforts to play a "positive role" for the development of poor nations. She then went on to say that China was in favour of consultations for settling the border dispute with India in an amicable manner.

It is not unusual for the foreign ministry to avoid giving direct replies to questions and coach them in a manner that gives some idea of the government's thinking. Jiang's statement is noteworthy because China did not provide any reasons for its move at the ADB meeting.

The move will have deep ramifications over India-China border talks and might also affect the growing trend of the two countries working jointly on certain issues in international forums, sources said. It showed China is determined to push the debate on the border issue to the international arena instead of settling it solely in a bilateral fashion, sources said.

The move also comes at a time when China is lobbying world leaders for a larger role for itself in the International Monetary Fund and other international institutions. Analysts said the incident is bound to cause alarm bells in New Delhi, which may have to consider the long term effects of growing Chinese influence over international bodies.

The ADB was firming up its country partnership strategy for India until 2012 when Beijing came in the way. India was seeking funds for flood management, water supply and sanitation, sources said.

This is the first time that ADB's efforts to lend money to India has been blocked. India was the largest recipient of ADB funding last year after receiving $3 billion in loans.
China although a great Economic Power house is stil a relatively low key in International politics.

Usa is stil the worlds only Hyper power and Policeman.

Russia although only approx same size as India in GDP now stil has a very big voice/opinion in Global Politics. As do the Brits & French too.

China is not a AGGRESSIVE nation by nature. Rather more subtle.

China also defintitely sees India as a Major Economic & military RIVAL in next decade or so.

China has already acknowledged India,s steady Rise as have USA & Europe.

FOR PAKISTAN this seems a little bitter to admit or Acknowledge JUST YET.

Coming back to Indo China Relations i expect them to mirror China Japan relations in other words diplomatic but Wary of each other.

I don,t see the SORT OF TENSION exist between india china that exists between Pakistan and india.

I see massive two way trade between the 2 fastest growing economies in the world with half the worlds poplulation as their markets. 2.5 billion people and trade worth over $100 billion by 2010.. Both countries will use each other to continue to grow their trade globally. I genuinely believe both wil put ECONOMIC growth above conflict or local border disputes.
This is not media propaganda ,Even I have seen news where Chinese Officials claiming Arunachal Pradesh,Sikkim as Part of China.Nobody in India/China going to threat "We are going to engage in war" :) . Claiming Indian territory as part of China is called threat. Number border cease fire violation from China into India is more than that of India - Pakistan border . That why India considers China a threat.

I agree that India does not for a Invasion, You need only one reason for Invasion ,resource . We do not have much natural resource in our country except coal , Iron. But there there are other reasons for China like Tibet.

China never claims Sikkim

But Arunachal Pradesh = South Tibet
China never claims Sikkim

But Arunachal Pradesh = South Tibet

Sikkim residents vent ire over China’s claim to land in their state

Gangtok, May 20 (ANI): Residents of Sikkim have reacted strongly to reports about China’s claim to a small tract of land in northern Sikkim.
“On the one hand, China is trying to tell the international community that it has stepped back from laying claims on portions of Sikkim close to its borders, on the other hand, we keep hearing about military activities on Sikkim’s border with China,” said Ratan Gurung, a resident.
“China is retracting on its commitment. It’s wrong on its part to lay claim on the area,” added Bhupal Basnett, another resident.
China has made fresh claims with troops making an entry into the “finger area” which is the northernmost tip of Sikkim. The boundary area is demarcated by mounds of stones, which China has objected to.
India though has told China it will not allow Chinese troops in the area, as it would mean a breach of treaty between the neighbours.
The row has occurred even as the two Asian giants reopened trade across the 15,000-ft Nathu La Pass, 52 km east of Sikkim’s capital Gangtok, as part of a broader rapprochement.
The move marked the first direct trade link between the two countries since a bitter border war in 1962.
The Sikkim boundary was demarcated and recognised by the two countries as far back as 1959.
The current claim by the Chinese is the latest among several irritants in Sino-India ties. China has continued to stake claim over large parts of Arunachal Pradesh, particularly Tawang.
Even as discussions continue over the matter, China and India have exchanged words over Arunachal. The Indian Government has on many occasions asserted and conveyed to the Chinese that Arunachal is an integral part of India. (ANI)
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