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Chinese experts say India will not ally with US against Beijing

Actually this is probably true. One thing that needs to be conceded to the Indians are their political moves of the past half century. By constantly picking the middle ground, they have played it safe and succeeded because of it. Now, as they are gaining increasing clout due to the rapid economic development, the Indian government will begin to pick sides in a more concrete manner in future conflicts and issues. But, this will not be a result of American pressure or that of any other nation.

The Indians will do what serves their interests. Always having kept their distance from allying too closely with any one nation, today they find themselves in a powerful enough position that such an alliance is no longer even a requirement to climb the global hierarchy.

I expect the Indians to oppose the Chinese, mainly because history has taught us there is guaranteed conflict when two powers begin competing for the same limited resources. When and if that happens, it will not be a decision made by the Americans. Judging by their poker-like political actions to date, they may just let the Chinese and Americans duke it out (figuratively, at least for now) and may sit back and enjoy their own relative peace, till they are in a position to make power plays of their own. It has been Indian policy to date and has worked wonders, one of sitting quietly and accumulating friends till the time comes to cash in the advantage.

i agree with your post..... Many members over here are not understanding how powerful US is...... they built missile shield EU and in their ally states ..... to protect the US from missile threat... we don't even know what kinda secret weapons they have...... china is not powerful to face the US alone or even with Russia..... First of all china should recognize the importance of allies , even they are small in size but will be useful.... without making good relationship with neighbors no country will become great power..... but china keep trying to bully vietnam, ASEAN countries etc.... and India clearly have no interest to invite US into our land to contain china....
Actually this is probably true. One thing that needs to be conceded to the Indians are their political moves of the past half century. By constantly picking the middle ground, they have played it safe and succeeded because of it. Now, as they are gaining increasing clout due to the rapid economic development, the Indian government will begin to pick sides in a more concrete manner in future conflicts and issues. But, this will not be a result of American pressure or that of any other nation.

The Indians will do what serves their interests. Always having kept their distance from allying too closely with any one nation, today they find themselves in a powerful enough position that such an alliance is no longer even a requirement to climb the global hierarchy.

I expect the Indians to oppose the Chinese, mainly because history has taught us there is guaranteed conflict when two powers begin competing for the same limited resources. When and if that happens, it will not be a decision made by the Americans. Judging by their poker-like political actions to date, they may just let the Chinese and Americans duke it out (figuratively, at least for now) and may sit back and enjoy their own relative peace, till they are in a position to make power plays of their own. It has been Indian policy to date and has worked wonders, one of sitting quietly and accumulating friends till the time comes to cash in the advantage.

What a excellent analysis bro... I think GoP must take you as an advisor for their foreign policy making...
Actually this is probably true. One thing that needs to be conceded to the Indians are their political moves of the past half century. By constantly picking the middle ground The Indians will do what serves their interests. Always having kept their distance from allying too closely with any one nation, today they find themselves in a powerful enough position that such an alliance is no longer even a requirement to climb the global hierarchy.......
You should write more often on these subjects.....Good analysis :tup:
Actually it is Pakistan's own policy which wants any country to be an ally of Pakistan should become enemy of India.

It wanted USA to fight its battles against India. When USA said it is not a zero sum game. USA became an enemy
It wants Russia to leave friendship with India and become its enemy. Russia will also pi$$ them off..
And it has always wanted China to join in any fight between Pakistan and India. But China is not so foolish to fight India when it has huge economic interests with India compared to that of Pakistan..

When did we wanted USA to fight our battle against India???? And USA and Pakistan are enemies???? adn we are enemies because they said NO???? you live in a world different world.
Because many Chinese experts still believe that your nation is a great nation with its own sovereignty and political decision.

And hopefully you guys can deserve the appreciation that they have showed to your nation. :coffee:
Even if India joins SCO like CD told me we can still partition India into 34 countries. It would then be just an internal matter for SCO

A failed state(which itself got bisected) citizen dreaming of partitioning India into 34 countries. Height of delusion and stupidity.
Chinese analysts say that US efforts to make India part of its alliance against China will not succeed India pursued independent foreign policy focusing on its national interests.

US defence secretary Leon Panetta's visit to New Delhi is as part of Washington's efforts to make it part of alliance against Beijing but India's interest lie with Beijing, Wang Dehua, a specialist on South Asia studies at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies said.

"It seems that the US is sparing no efforts in forging a semi-circle of alliance against China from the South" as Panetta has attended the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore and afterward visited Vietnam and India, Wang, a specialist on South Asia told state-run Global Times which carried an article highlighting Panetta's visit to New Delhi.

"But India has its own agenda in the region," Wang said noting that India wants to be independent in making its own foreign policies while maximising its national interests.

"For example, India has refrained from becoming deeply involved in the South China Sea rows because it viewed any friction with China as being against its fundamental national interests," Wang said.

"India's interests lie in wider economic and cultural cooperation with China. This is China's opportunity to break up the US intention to contain China," Wang said.

Recent write-ups in the Chinese media were consistent with expectations that India would remain independent.

Another article in the Chinese version of the Global Times said that China should would work to improve bilateral ties with "clear goals" to strengthen friendship taking into consideration New Delhi's independent foreign policy and its recent decision to pull out of South China Sea oil blocks exploration.

"For a long time, India has not figured as an important centre of Chinese foreign policy and China has not decided on a clear goal in its India policy", the write up published in Huanqiu Shibao, the Chinese version of the hardline Global Times daily run by the ruling Communist Party of China, (CPC) said two days ago.

"Now, the activity of the Indian military in the Indian Ocean has increased and the Indian Navy is also sailing more and more towards the east, lack of mutual trust may lead to both sides adopting a mistaken strategy. China should have clear strategic goals towards India", it said.

Chinese experts say India will not ally with US against Beijing - The Economic Times

who are the indians fooling ? Indians are the trojan horse of zionists they are in bed with eachother.
The neutral policy adopted by india would serve it good for long long time. why should india poke its nose in outside matters when there are a lot things to do at home first. If india is a big market for USA/EU etc.. then with same logic it is for China/Asian countries also. I dont see india taking any attacking diplomacy for next 20-30 years. It is really true that india is a elephant in asia, and its never good to make enemy with such beast. even if its lazy elephand, that doest make india's potential any less. Just wait and keep watching the best diplomacy.
loll u mean indian guys are in bed with american girls..... wow what else we want???

anyways india diidnt make this statement.

exactly thats why india should side with USA against china & send its troops to afgunistan.
...I expect the Indians to oppose the Chinese, mainly because history has taught us there is guaranteed conflict when two powers begin competing for the same limited resources. When and if that happens, it will not be a decision made by the Americans. Judging by their poker-like political actions to date, they may just let the Chinese and Americans duke it out (figuratively, at least for now) and may sit back and enjoy their own relative peace, till they are in a position to make power plays of their own. It has been Indian policy to date and has worked wonders, one of sitting quietly and accumulating friends till the time comes to cash in the advantage.

Good post! The only point that I don't agree on is the bold part, once because India is still not in the same league as the US, China, Russia or parts of Europe to openly fight a war for resources today. Secondly, because Indias relation to China isn't as bad as it looks some times. It is true that they are the biggest military threat to India, but on the other side the economical and political relations are quiet good! Be it the BRICS, Chinas support to India in the UNC, the trade relations between both countries..., all proves of increased relations between both.
If they didn't had gone with the military build up in Tibet and had tried to get India closer to them, just like the US are doing now, things would have been far better for them, us and possibly even between India and Pakistan. They didn't and that opened the door for the US, because they realised that this is a huge chance to get an important tactical advantage against China!
India now as you correctly pointed out, can sit back and see what goodies the US will offer to get us on their side and we will play this game very slowly to get the maximum out of it. India don't even has to choose a side now and wait if a conflict between the US and China really happens and then take a decision and enjoy good relations to both countries in the meantime.
The defence procurements today are good examples for this current policies, because we didn't just bought arms and techs from them, but got the best conditions in terms of restrictions, customisation or offsets than even close allies like the UK didn't get in the past. Still not comparable to Russia or Europe, but it's a start and India benefit big times! :smokin:
You talking about Pakistan?

I am not talking about only Pakistan..........

example one: In iran when revolution came....the king who was on American payroll after revolution run to America but Americans refused to accept him.

Example two....same thing happened in Philipines as example one.

Example three and four they killed Bhutto (Father of Benizer), Saddam who even was buying weapons from them......Qadafi who even surrendor on the issue of Nukes.

and there are lot more..

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