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Chinese envoy dismisses all rumours in Pak and Indian media over CPEC Projects


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom
ISLAMABAD – A total of six documents were signed, including the Long Term Plan for CPEC which is to run from 2017 till 2030. In addition, minutes of the 7th JCC were also approved by both sides, as well as those from the meeting of the Joint Working Groups on Gwadar, Energy and Industrial Parks. Implementation minutes on New Gwadar International Airport were also finalised.

The subsequent JCC will work on commercial contract and financing arrangement for the Main Line 1 (ML1) project which envisions a high speed rail link between Karachi and Peshawar. This is the single largest project in CPEC. In addition to ML1, “3 new infrastructure projects will accelerate talks on signing commercial contracts and financing agreements” Zhao says.

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Feasibility reports for nine Special Economic Zones (SEZs) “were handed over to Chinese side” he says, adding that three of them, “Rashakai, Dhabeji and M-3 in Faisalabad seemed most feasible.” The language is non-committal on whether any decision was made to begin construction on these yet, or whether further work is needed before work begins.

For Gwadar, the NDRC notes the beginning of the construction of East Bay Expressway, whose ground breaking was held after the JCC meeting, and “Gwadar power plant and Gwadar Expo will be inaugurated very soon. Major projects will be completed in Gwadar Free Zone by early 2018”.

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Regarding the Diamer-Bhasha Dam, the NDRC is quoted by the diplomat as saying that “China and Pakistan discussing Bhasha dam project under CPEC energy expert group. However it has not been included in list of energy projects. Recent media report on Bhasha dam was not accurate, or reflected on personal view of an individual official.”

The reference is to news reports from a parliamentary committee during which a former Chairman Wapda claimed that the Diamer-Bhasha project is being cancelled due to the stringent conditions attached by the Chinese side for its financing. The report was never formally clarified by any government body.

READ MORE: Pakistan-China six agreements signed: List of accords
Mr Zhao made no mention of the reported demand from the Chinese side to allow the Yuan to be used as legal tender in Gwadar. Regarding news reports that Pakistan will receive 9 per cent of Gwadar Port’s earnings, he shared a published clarification issued by the Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) chairman.

In the clarification, the chairman confirms that the GPA will get “9pc of the gross revenue from port and marine service businesses and 15pc of the free zone businesses.”

According to semi-official sources (Chinese scholars dealing with Pakistani and south asian affairs) CPEC projects are going ahead better than expected. The pace of implementation is very satisfactory. Given the close ties between the two countries and the fact that CPEC is the flagship project of Chinas' Belt and Road Initiative, funding is never going to an issue. The only issue is how to utilize the fund with a mininum of waste.
Looks like Indian propaganda fired back :lol:

Dawn is a traitor to Pakistan. They are too many Pakistanis traitor ruining Pakistan. Many years ago Dawn already posted many malicious lies to derail the Chinese in Pakistan. Yet many Pakistanis took the bait.
That sums that up. False propaganda against China Pakistan will not work. On an important note, China and Pakistan MUST implement policies that reduce waste and corruption. If corruption becomes out of control, STOP CPEC or a least reduce funding.
I must say I am extremely disappointed with DAWN. I never expected this from them.

Expected ? Where in the world you are living man. Dawn is doing planned propaganda against CPEC projects since day one. Every second day you will find malicious topics about CPEC.

Funny thing is, the more they are spreading lies more investment is coming from China with new projects are being signed on monthly basis. Even KP Govt has inked collaboration projects directly with Chinese now that's why you don't see PTI criticizing CPEC anymore.
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