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Chinese diplomat backpedals on blaming US for coronavirus


Jul 25, 2016
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Foreign Ministry spokesman says his tweet reflects 'righteous anger of many Chinese people'

TSUKASA HADANO, Nikkei staff writerAPRIL 08, 2020 00:23 JST

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian's social media posts have created a firestorm of criticism in the West. © AP
BEIJING -- The Chinese official who had accused the U.S. military of bringing the novel coronavirus to Wuhan walked back his statement on Tuesday, saying he was only trying to get back at American politicians stigmatizing China.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian held a news conference for the first time in roughly a month, after tweeting on March 12 that it "might be U.S. Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan."

His tweet was reported widely by Western media, and his long absence triggered speculation that he had been demoted over the comment.

Zhao stressed on Tuesday that "the virus was a scientific question that requires scientific opinions." He also called for greater cooperation between China and the U.S. in responding to the virus.

When asked if his tweet represents the view of the Chinese government, Zhao said "The questions raised on my personal Twitter account are a response to US politicians' stigmatization of China, which also reflects the righteous anger of many Chinese people over these stigmatizing acts."

Chinese President Xi Jinping is working to win over the international community through so-called mask diplomacy, sending medical supplies to the U.S., Europe, Japan, and other areas.

Zhao's offer for cooperation could also be an attempt to flaunt the Chinese Communist Party's handle on the situation.

Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump is struggling to contain the coronavirus outbreak in his country. The president has been criticized at home and abroad for calling the coronavirus "the China virus," though he claimed the label is not racist.

Zhao's comments had triggered strong pushback from both countries. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told top Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi that "this is not the time to spread disinformation and outlandish rumors, but rather a time for all nations to come together to fight this common threat."

Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai also dismissed the claim as a "crazy" theory.

Benassi Infected US teammates Before Wuhan
Patient Zero - Maatje Benassi infected many of her American teammates before arriving in Wuhan. Five of them were sick enough to be hospitalized in Wuhan during the games and evacuated back to the US where they later died. I wonder how the contingent of 300 military personnel who descended on Wuhan just prior to the first outbreak in Wuhan are faring? How many fell ill? How many more died?

What we do know for sure:
- 300 American military personnel stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel during the World Military Games in Wuhan
- 172 American athletes won ZERO events, picking up 5 bronze and 3 silver
- 5 Americans soldiers were so sick they had to be hospitalised and evacuated back to the US where they later died
- 42 staff at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel formed the first cluster of Covid-19 where it spread out to their families and friends
- 7 people who worked at the Huanan Seafood Market and had contact with staff at the Wuhan Oriental came down with Covid-19 and spread it to people who came to the market"

CDC reportedly admitted to US Congress that some Americans who seemingly died from influenza last year were subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. A total of 200,000 were reported to have died from this influenza outbreak that started in September 2019.
Then there were another reports that alleged that five sick US army officers might have been responsible for the spread of the virus to China during the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan during Oct 18-27 last year.
The five were hospitalised in Wuhan for an “unknown sickness”, and very soon after they were ferried back to the US by a plane specially sent from Washington.
Until now, US army forces failed to clarify anything on M.Benassi. Whether she has infected by covid-19 and if, when?

Usually, US media is quick to squash any rumour but now they keep very quiet and all is just attempt to deflect the allegation without substantial support. Why M.Benassi not coming out to reflute the allegation? Maybe she is not alive anymore.
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