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Chinese daily blames India for 1962 war

i don't hate chinese , but warmongering is what your leadership is doing and filling ur brains with their propaganda . talk to us when you get a working internet connection that does not block anything and everything the reality is all about !
I have heard allot of BS arguments about this war. China chose to build an entire road through disputed territory without even saying anything to India's government. That is provocation, they acted as if the land was theirs without even saying anything first. That road started the path towards war.

China is doing the same thing in the SCS, arbitrarily building in disputed territory, which provokes other countries into action.

China is expansionist.
China wants the border problem to be put aside temporarily but ask yourself why?

China speaks something does something else as they did in 1962. They want contain the growth and influence of India globally but have full access to the second best growing economy and market in the world. You just ask Japan, Philippines, Vietnam and neighboring countries of China. Everybody is scared of their hegemony. Let's be cautious but with pragmatic assertiveness. China is looking at market access to India but will not allow India into its country. Why our software giants are unable to have foot-hold in China? Who is putting the restriction?

Don't believe china, today they saying about peace, but they preparing ground for war, by following STRING of PEARLS strategy and they want major share in india market to control the govt.

Solve border issue first then move on to other objectives. But never let them gain too much control in our market our they will drown our domestic companies by lowering price at unfair price just to destroy our industries. They are already trying to do so.

They have pushed this border issue for more than 3 decades. Enough is enough. If we wait, they will only be in a better position and that;s what they are waiting for. Their navy is their weakest link but they are accelerating that development asap. This is a golden opportunity with the rest of Asia seeing Chinese intentions clear as day.
This war was caused by misunderstanding.If the chinese were really getting pushed couldn't they just have sent a delegation and said look this is unacceptable for us and draw a line in the sand?Instead of attacking in a sneaky fashion outright.
But i agree nehru did want a little too much.if one looks at the map u'll see aksai chin is necessary to china to maintain link with xinjiang.On the other hand claim over arunachal is absolutely ludicrous.It would have been better to sit down and exchange the territories and end the tragic dispute that is ruining 3000 yr relations between 2 great civilizations.
But this proposal was then rejected by nehru.I think this was a bad blunder.Give and take is the way for diplomacy.Today i think they should just reuse the proposal and end the dispute and sign agreements on both sides to cut down military buildup in the border areas.That should do it.
This war was caused by misunderstanding.If the chinese were really getting pushed couldn't they just have sent a delegation and said look this is unacceptable for us and draw a line in the sand?Instead of attacking in a sneaky fashion outright.
But i agree nehru did want a little too much.if one looks at the map u'll see aksai chin is necessary to china to maintain link with xinjiang.On the other hand claim over arunachal is absolutely ludicrous.It would have been better to sit down and exchange the territories and end the tragic dispute that is ruining 3000 yr relations between 2 great civilizations.
But this proposal was then rejected by nehru.I think this was a bad blunder.Give and take is the way for diplomacy.Today i think they should just reuse the proposal and end the dispute and sign agreements on both sides to cut down military buildup in the border areas.That should do it.

Dont forget China annexed Tibet, on some Bullshit ancient claim
You know what Yaaa we did... we attacked you .......
.... And Move on!!!
Those limbs of China have become obsolete and Japan, Vietnam,south korea and phillipines will confront China in east and south. India will take care of Tibet movement. Islamic militants will take care of East turkestan movement.

For thousands of years, the Celestial Empire has always had to deal with numerous Barbarians :devil: nations making trouble :flame: at its empire’s peripherals.

This is nothing new. :no:
For thousands of years, the Celestial Empire has always had to deal with numerous Barbarians :devil: nations making trouble :flame: at its empire’s peripherals.

This is nothing new. :no:

Yes very true but this time barbarians are inside a big empire trying to grab other countries resources.
Was there any warnings issued along with article.

This week's warning is missing. The week is half way , so lets wait and hope .
It was all your fault, so you deserved to get humiliated.

China was the aggressor. It built an entire road through the territory in dispute unilaterally.

China has attacked the following countries with sneak attacks (AKA aggression):

East Turkestan
South Korea

I know the people of the PRC are fed massive amounts of propaganda on a daily basis. Nothing is the fault of your country according the the PRC.

If you want to regurgitate the BS your government feeds you go ahead. Just proves you cant cope with reality or use your own mind.
China was the aggressor. It built an entire road through the territory in dispute unilaterally.

China has attacked the following countries with sneak attacks (AKA aggression):

East Turkestan
South Korea

I know the people of the PRC are fed massive amounts of propaganda on a daily basis. Nothing is the fault of your country according the the PRC.

If you want to regurgitate the BS your government feeds you go ahead. Just proves you cant cope with reality or use your own mind.

Xizang is our territory, if you wanna mess with us, then we won't hesitate to wipe your country off the map.
Xizang is our territory, if you wanna mess with us, then we won't hesitate to wipe your country off the map.

Hahahahaha :rofl: you guies are wiping too much these days. Any problems comrade ??? :rofl:

So....... is this official warnning or just come out of your wiping exersice ??? :rofl:

And bit of advice : you should use good quality of Maps. It's dam 2012 and you guies invented the Print tech. So now is good time to upgrade to quality maps :rofl:
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