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Chinese contenders selected inTurkish air defense system tender


Feb 22, 2013
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Ankara has granted a long-awaited tender for long-range missile and air defense systems to Chinese contenders, following a meeting of the Defense Ministry’s executive council, daily Hürriyet reported today.

CPMIEC’s (China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corp.) HQ-9 was the lowest offer at a reported 3 billion dollars. The Chinese contenders also submitted co-production solutions, as requested in the tender.

Turkey presently has no long-range air-defense systems. The $4 billion program, dubbed the T-LORAMIDS, is being designed to counter both enemy aircraft and missiles.

The other bidders were the U.S. partnership of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, offering the Patriot air defense system; Russia’s Rosoboronexport, marketing the S-300; and the Italian-French consortium Eurosam, maker of the SAMP/T Aster 30.
If Turkey wants long range air defense, well HQ-9 is good, but if Turkey wants long range air defense, but with anti-ballistic capability, S-300 is best choice.
If Turkey wants long range air defense, well HQ-9 is good, but if Turkey wants long range air defense, but with anti-ballistic capability, S-300 is best choice.

I think, HQ-9 engages balistic misssiles, during the re-entry stage of the balistic missile.
I think, HQ-9 engages balistic misssiles, during the re-entry stage of the balistic missile.

Can it stop nuke missiles that Indians randomly threaten to throw at us?
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