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Chinese consortium to launch new airline in Pakistan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Chinese consortium to launch new airline in Pakistan
| Says it will bring in $3 billion investment
November 05, 2016
Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD - Praising the country’s economy as capable of absorbing and capitalising the direct foreign investment, the Chinese investors have expressed their interest in launching a new airline in Pakistan for which they would be discussing modalities with the Government of Pakistan.

The representatives of a consortium of Chinese investment companies comprising China Huarong International Holdings Limited, China Innovative Finance Group Limited, Hong Kong Tian Group, Chandong Hi-Speed Group and China Road & Bridge Group yesterday met Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at the PM House.

Warmly welcoming the delegation, the Prime Minister appreciated the Chinese delegation’s fruitful interaction with Ministries of Finance, Petroleum & Natural Resources, Water & Power and Capital Development Authority.

The Prime Minister expressed hope that members of the Chinese delegation will have a productive visit in the backdrop of briefing by various ministries about immense potential for investment in Pakistan’s infrastructure development, energy and communication sectors.

Appreciating the prudent and practical measures taken by the government for the revival of the national economy, the members of the delegation said that Pakistan is fully ready as well as capable of absorbing and capitalising the Foreign Direct Investment.

The delegation apprised the Prime Minister that they are bringing $3 billion Investment Fund to Pakistan because of the vision of the Prime Minister that focus on infrastructure development and energy sectors.

The Chinese delegation also expressed its intent to explore possibility of starting a new airline in Pakistan after the permission from the Government of Pakistan. The Chinese side said that it is actively pursuing its investments in infrastructure, power, aviation and tourism sectors of Pakistan.

“We fully appreciate the vision of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif which enunciates that economic prosperity is an offshoot of infrastructure connectivity and self-sufficiency in the energy sector,” the members of the delegation stated.

The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the leadership and brotherly people of the People’s Republic of China for their all weather support that is getting stronger with each passing day. The CPEC is a game changer that is going to transform the lives of the billions of people of the region, the PM said.

He said that the economic outlook of Pakistan has altogether changed in the last three years, which is being acknowledged globally. Standard and Poor’s (S&P) has also upgraded Pakistan’s ranking to B from B-; Pakistan is among this year’s global top 10 improvers in Doing Business 2017, the Prime Minister expressed with satisfaction.

Inflation is continuously on downward trend while reduction in petroleum prices also helped in decreasing inflation, he further added. He said the Foreign Exchange Reserves have now increased to over $24 billion.

“Our Investment Policy has been designed to provide a comprehensive framework for creating a conducive business environment for the attraction of FDI,” the PM said. Pakistan's policy trends have been consistent, with liberalisation, de-regulation, privatisation, and facilitation being its foremost cornerstone, he stated. The Law of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) has been made to meet the global challenges of competitiveness to attract Foreign Director Investment (FDI).

Finance Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Chairman Board of Investment Miftah Ismail, Mayor Islamabad Sh. Ansar Aziz and other senior government officials were also present during the meeting.



APP adds: The spokesman of Ministry of Planning and Development and Reforms said on Friday that work on the Western corridor of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is progressing in full swing and reaffirmed that the route would be completed by 2018.

The 650 km long Gwadar-Quetta section of the Western route has already been completed which according to the given time line was to be delivered in December 2016, this shows the work pace is not only smooth rather we are moving on fast track and ahead of time.

He made these remarks while clarifying a news item appeared in a section of the Press regarding CPEC and maintained that the points raised by honourable members in a meeting of Senate Committee on CPEC are inappropriate based on lack of information.

In a statement issued here, the spokesman stated that completion of the Western route would bring a new era of development and prosperity for the people living in the underdeveloped areas.

He said that construction work on the 285 km DI Khan-Hakla Road has also been commenced.

The spokesman said, CPEC is a multi-sectoral cooperation between Pakistan and our all weather friend China.

All decisions regarding CPEC projects and its execution are made with mutual consultation keeping in view the interests and well-being of the people of Pakistan, he said.

Therefore, the apprehensions expressed by the honourable members of the Senate Committee on CPEC are baseless and unfair, he added.

Published in The Nation newspaper on 05-Nov-2016
China may lead Pakistan to path of Economic prosperity just like America led South Korea to the road of development. Pakistanis should fully utilize this God sent Chinese help and avoid making the mistakes like they committed in past when they had every chance to become a developed nation with the help of their Uncle Sam.:enjoy:
Looks like Chinese are anticipating a lot or air travel between China and Pakistan.

In reality, the Chinese are anticipating a lot of $$$$ in return. That is the key motivation here, not the air-travel. Tapping a country with 200 million population that has started to grow and will be growing at one of the fastest rates over the next 15 years, brings tremendous benefit to the Chinese. They want the whole growth pie and don't want to share it with anyone else (other countries). So they will outbid and will invest more to get more out of Pakistan. This is just the beginning.

On other news, NASDAQ wants a 45-50% share of the Pakistani stock market (PSX?). They are ready to pour in$ 30-40 billion for it, which will include partnership share purchase, integration and system designs to work with NASDAQ real time. That really means, over quarter million high paying jobs in Pakistan in IT also to support high speed trading operations on PSX and integrated with NASDAQ. The West is also planning on pouring all together about $ 100 billion in various ventures into Pakistan. From Car manufacturing to Make-Up manufacturing, to Construction, Hospitals, Education to Clothing to IT, etc, etc. Pakistan is indeed at a really good place and time. The current change in the Standards and Poors rating to a solid "B" really means "go invest", when the "B Minus" means "safe to invest". So the investors are being urged to invest in Pakistan.

Just sit back and watch Pakistan as a country take off on the economic ladder worldwide. This is history in making. A nation going from bankrupt and failed state to one of the highest growth countries on the planet. Pretty amazing turn around if you ask me! Thanks
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Chinese consortium to launch new airline in Pakistan
| Says it will bring in $3 billion investment
November 05, 2016
Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD - Praising the country’s economy as capable of absorbing and capitalising the direct foreign investment, the Chinese investors have expressed their interest in launching a new airline in Pakistan for which they would be discussing modalities with the Government of Pakistan.

The representatives of a consortium of Chinese investment companies comprising China Huarong International Holdings Limited, China Innovative Finance Group Limited, Hong Kong Tian Group, Chandong Hi-Speed Group and China Road & Bridge Group yesterday met Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at the PM House.

Warmly welcoming the delegation, the Prime Minister appreciated the Chinese delegation’s fruitful interaction with Ministries of Finance, Petroleum & Natural Resources, Water & Power and Capital Development Authority.

The Prime Minister expressed hope that members of the Chinese delegation will have a productive visit in the backdrop of briefing by various ministries about immense potential for investment in Pakistan’s infrastructure development, energy and communication sectors.

Appreciating the prudent and practical measures taken by the government for the revival of the national economy, the members of the delegation said that Pakistan is fully ready as well as capable of absorbing and capitalising the Foreign Direct Investment.

The delegation apprised the Prime Minister that they are bringing $3 billion Investment Fund to Pakistan because of the vision of the Prime Minister that focus on infrastructure development and energy sectors.

The Chinese delegation also expressed its intent to explore possibility of starting a new airline in Pakistan after the permission from the Government of Pakistan. The Chinese side said that it is actively pursuing its investments in infrastructure, power, aviation and tourism sectors of Pakistan.

“We fully appreciate the vision of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif which enunciates that economic prosperity is an offshoot of infrastructure connectivity and self-sufficiency in the energy sector,” the members of the delegation stated.

The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the leadership and brotherly people of the People’s Republic of China for their all weather support that is getting stronger with each passing day. The CPEC is a game changer that is going to transform the lives of the billions of people of the region, the PM said.

He said that the economic outlook of Pakistan has altogether changed in the last three years, which is being acknowledged globally. Standard and Poor’s (S&P) has also upgraded Pakistan’s ranking to B from B-; Pakistan is among this year’s global top 10 improvers in Doing Business 2017, the Prime Minister expressed with satisfaction.

Inflation is continuously on downward trend while reduction in petroleum prices also helped in decreasing inflation, he further added. He said the Foreign Exchange Reserves have now increased to over $24 billion.

“Our Investment Policy has been designed to provide a comprehensive framework for creating a conducive business environment for the attraction of FDI,” the PM said. Pakistan's policy trends have been consistent, with liberalisation, de-regulation, privatisation, and facilitation being its foremost cornerstone, he stated. The Law of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) has been made to meet the global challenges of competitiveness to attract Foreign Director Investment (FDI).

Finance Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Chairman Board of Investment Miftah Ismail, Mayor Islamabad Sh. Ansar Aziz and other senior government officials were also present during the meeting.



APP adds: The spokesman of Ministry of Planning and Development and Reforms said on Friday that work on the Western corridor of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is progressing in full swing and reaffirmed that the route would be completed by 2018.

The 650 km long Gwadar-Quetta section of the Western route has already been completed which according to the given time line was to be delivered in December 2016, this shows the work pace is not only smooth rather we are moving on fast track and ahead of time.

He made these remarks while clarifying a news item appeared in a section of the Press regarding CPEC and maintained that the points raised by honourable members in a meeting of Senate Committee on CPEC are inappropriate based on lack of information.

In a statement issued here, the spokesman stated that completion of the Western route would bring a new era of development and prosperity for the people living in the underdeveloped areas.

He said that construction work on the 285 km DI Khan-Hakla Road has also been commenced.

The spokesman said, CPEC is a multi-sectoral cooperation between Pakistan and our all weather friend China.

All decisions regarding CPEC projects and its execution are made with mutual consultation keeping in view the interests and well-being of the people of Pakistan, he said.

Therefore, the apprehensions expressed by the honourable members of the Senate Committee on CPEC are baseless and unfair, he added.

Published in The Nation newspaper on 05-Nov-2016

As each day passes the bond between Pakistan and China grows stronger and stronger. Our economy gets stronger and stronger too. We are no longer allies but brothers and sisters. CHINA ZINDABAD

Chinese consortium to launch new airline in Pakistan
| Says it will bring in $3 billion investment
November 05, 2016
Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD - Praising the country’s economy as capable of absorbing and capitalising the direct foreign investment, the Chinese investors have expressed their interest in launching a new airline in Pakistan for which they would be discussing modalities with the Government of Pakistan.

The representatives of a consortium of Chinese investment companies comprising China Huarong International Holdings Limited, China Innovative Finance Group Limited, Hong Kong Tian Group, Chandong Hi-Speed Group and China Road & Bridge Group yesterday met Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at the PM House.

Warmly welcoming the delegation, the Prime Minister appreciated the Chinese delegation’s fruitful interaction with Ministries of Finance, Petroleum & Natural Resources, Water & Power and Capital Development Authority.

The Prime Minister expressed hope that members of the Chinese delegation will have a productive visit in the backdrop of briefing by various ministries about immense potential for investment in Pakistan’s infrastructure development, energy and communication sectors.

Appreciating the prudent and practical measures taken by the government for the revival of the national economy, the members of the delegation said that Pakistan is fully ready as well as capable of absorbing and capitalising the Foreign Direct Investment.

The delegation apprised the Prime Minister that they are bringing $3 billion Investment Fund to Pakistan because of the vision of the Prime Minister that focus on infrastructure development and energy sectors.

The Chinese delegation also expressed its intent to explore possibility of starting a new airline in Pakistan after the permission from the Government of Pakistan. The Chinese side said that it is actively pursuing its investments in infrastructure, power, aviation and tourism sectors of Pakistan.

“We fully appreciate the vision of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif which enunciates that economic prosperity is an offshoot of infrastructure connectivity and self-sufficiency in the energy sector,” the members of the delegation stated.

The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the leadership and brotherly people of the People’s Republic of China for their all weather support that is getting stronger with each passing day. The CPEC is a game changer that is going to transform the lives of the billions of people of the region, the PM said.

He said that the economic outlook of Pakistan has altogether changed in the last three years, which is being acknowledged globally. Standard and Poor’s (S&P) has also upgraded Pakistan’s ranking to B from B-; Pakistan is among this year’s global top 10 improvers in Doing Business 2017, the Prime Minister expressed with satisfaction.

Inflation is continuously on downward trend while reduction in petroleum prices also helped in decreasing inflation, he further added. He said the Foreign Exchange Reserves have now increased to over $24 billion.

“Our Investment Policy has been designed to provide a comprehensive framework for creating a conducive business environment for the attraction of FDI,” the PM said. Pakistan's policy trends have been consistent, with liberalisation, de-regulation, privatisation, and facilitation being its foremost cornerstone, he stated. The Law of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) has been made to meet the global challenges of competitiveness to attract Foreign Director Investment (FDI).

Finance Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Chairman Board of Investment Miftah Ismail, Mayor Islamabad Sh. Ansar Aziz and other senior government officials were also present during the meeting.



APP adds: The spokesman of Ministry of Planning and Development and Reforms said on Friday that work on the Western corridor of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is progressing in full swing and reaffirmed that the route would be completed by 2018.

The 650 km long Gwadar-Quetta section of the Western route has already been completed which according to the given time line was to be delivered in December 2016, this shows the work pace is not only smooth rather we are moving on fast track and ahead of time.

He made these remarks while clarifying a news item appeared in a section of the Press regarding CPEC and maintained that the points raised by honourable members in a meeting of Senate Committee on CPEC are inappropriate based on lack of information.

In a statement issued here, the spokesman stated that completion of the Western route would bring a new era of development and prosperity for the people living in the underdeveloped areas.

He said that construction work on the 285 km DI Khan-Hakla Road has also been commenced.

The spokesman said, CPEC is a multi-sectoral cooperation between Pakistan and our all weather friend China.

All decisions regarding CPEC projects and its execution are made with mutual consultation keeping in view the interests and well-being of the people of Pakistan, he said.

Therefore, the apprehensions expressed by the honourable members of the Senate Committee on CPEC are baseless and unfair, he added.

Published in The Nation newspaper on 05-Nov-2016

This is really a good initiative. Your nation should cease this opportunity and keep growing like your nation is growing under NS now.

Guys, another note, this is really heartening to see some positive news on this weekend.Senior members of this forum should really start thinking about having lot of capturing positive news so that it brings fresh air to our day.
I am not sure how I should respond but I wouldn't want to see Chinese dominating our Airline business. They are free to have shares and operate business in partnership but I find it too much if they launcy a new company in Pakistan and possibly beat PIA and her rivals. Total dominance may not be good for us although it can be the opinion of an individual

China has been doing great for our strategic projects and I do not have words to thank for their good gesture but I am not in favour of seeing Chinese airlines operating on behalf of Pakistan
I am not sure how I should respond but I wouldn't want to see Chinese dominating our Airline business. They are free to have shares and operate business in partnership but I find it too much if they launcy a new company in Pakistan and possibly beat PIA and her rivals. Total dominance may not be good for us although it can be the opinion of an individual

China has been doing great for our strategic projects and I do not have words to thank for their good gesture but I am not in favour of seeing Chinese airlines operating on behalf of Pakistan
sir, might this chinese competition will uplift PIA.. you know that how much we Pakistanis are lazy if there is not any competitor.
I am not sure how I should respond but I wouldn't want to see Chinese dominating our Airline business. They are free to have shares and operate business in partnership but I find it too much if they launcy a new company in Pakistan and possibly beat PIA and her rivals. Total dominance may not be good for us although it can be the opinion of an individual

China has been doing great for our strategic projects and I do not have words to thank for their good gesture but I am not in favour of seeing Chinese airlines operating on behalf of Pakistan

In the coming years, China will have a MASSIVE influence in every aspect of Pakistani life. Iran and Turkey will have a massive influence on our culture aswell. Any inflence east of us will slowly die off.

This is the first step. Are we prepared for it?
In the coming years, China will have a MASSIVE influence in every aspect of Pakistani life. Iran and Turkey will have a massive influence on our culture aswell. Any inflence east of us will slowly die off.

This is the first step. Are we prepared for it?

That is why I am not in favour of overseas dominance. I am all up for stratrgic projects and partnership but not to accept total dominance for sure.

I don't think we will have any influence from Iran as whatever influence was there in history is also diminishing. There was presence of significant persian speaking population in Pakistan, we used to read persian poetry back in school days but it doesn't seem they still teach that anymore.

I agree about some Turkish influence and a mix of Iranian and Arab culture will be continued as it is today.

That is why I am not in favour of overseas dominance. I am all up for stratrgic projects and partnership but not to accept total dominance for sure.

I don't think we will have any influence from Iran as whatever influence was there in history is also diminishing. There was presence of significant persian speaking population in Pakistan, we used to read persian poetry back in school days but it doesn't seem they still teach that anymore.

I agree about some Turkish influence and a mix of Iranian and Arab culture will be continued as it is today.

In total agreement. The sure thing is that influence from the east of us is dying a certain death. Pakistan is definitely heading in a permanently different direction to where we were in the past. Our future and destiny lie there.

External competition is good but not domination. But if different allies of ours are competing against eachother in Pakistan wouldn't that be a good thing in the long run for Pakistani industries and companies?
eh... How about we hand over the whole country to china .-.
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