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Chinese Companies Dominate Forbes Asia's Newest Fab 50 List


Nov 4, 2011
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Chinese Companies Dominate Forbes Asia's Newest Fab 50 List

Companies from China dominate Forbes Asia’s newest Fab 50 list, our annual scorecard of the region’s best large businesses.

Some 23 companies from China made the 2011 list, compared with only 16 last year.

A large percentage of the founders of the Chinese companies on this year’s Fab 50 list also appear on the newly released Forbes China Rich List. Notable among that group is Sany Heavy Industry, which competes with Caterpillar and Deere in the construction equipment industry and has a record seven members of the new rich list.

The story of Asia is increasingly the story of China, and this year's list of the 50 best publicly traded companies inAsia-Pacific certainly reflects that. Virtually half of the companies--23, to be exact--hail from China. No country has ever boasted close to that number since we started spotlighting the region's most fabulous companies in 2005.

China's gain was largely India's loss. After tying the mainland for the most companies lastyear, India could muster only seven entries this year. Japan, which led the pack with 13 companies six years ago, had no companies this year for the first time, partly a result of the Mar. 11 earthquake. The strong South Korean economy produced eight Fab 50 companies, the most it's had since 2005.
We got half of the whole list?

Awesome. :cheers:

that's really nothing,see these

Chinese banks dominate The Banker’s Top 1000 ranking

Chinese banks account for the largest slice of global banking profits, according to The Banker magazine’s Top 1000 World Banks ranking out today.

While global banking profits have recovered to almost pre-crisis levels, Chinese banks’ profits have soared by 95% over the past three years and now account for 21% of total global banking profits.

In the main ranking of The Banker’s Top 1000, based on capital strength, Chinese banks hold three of the top-ten positions – up from just one last year. Industrial Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has moved from 7th place to 6th; China Construction Bank has risen from 15th to 8th and Bank of China has moved from 14th to 9th place. Agricultural Bank of China, the only one of the big four Chinese banks not in the Top 10, has risen from 28th to 14th.

While four years ago British banks were the second most profitable in the world, with profits at 58% below their peak in 2007 they are now behind US, Chinese, French and Japanese banks. The Royal Bank of Scotland is down from 4th to 10th place, Barclays from 10th to 12th and Lloyds from 12th to 18th.

“With the Chinese economy growing so fast Chinese banks would be expected to accelerate, but the poor state of much of the British banking sector three years after the crisis is surprising,” says The Banker’s editor Brian Caplen. “The ranking very clearly shows the shift in the centre of gravity for the world economy from Europe to the major emerging markets.”

Other major emerging economies have also shown gains in this year’s ranking. Brazil’s banks have some of the highest returns on average capital at 32%, while India’s banks have increased profits by 115% since 2007. UK banks have a return on average capital of 9.6% and their non-performing loans now stand at 5% – more than double the levels of Brazil, China and India.
Kristina Eriksson
Chinese antiques' price now skyrocketting

China Dominates World Art Market
September 07, 2011

At Sotheby’s modern art sale last spring, a Chinese buyer claimed the priciest piece, paying $21.3m for Picasso’s “Femme Lisant (Deux Personnages).” Another buyer set a new French record for Chinese art when he bid $31m in March for a scroll at Labarbe auction house in Toulouse. Get used to it: Chinese dominance at auctions is only likely to become more pronounced as the country with the world’s largest number of billionaires assumes a primary place in the international art auction market.

Both Sotheby’s, Christie’s, and other auction houses have been focusing on these new buyers, adding Chinese representatives in London and New York, as well as developing beachheads in China. What Chinese buyers lack in sophistication and experience, they more than make up for in resources. The number of Chinese billionaires is expected to rise 20% each year through 2014. “Chinese buyers,” said Hong Kong collector Lawrence Chu, “are now recognized as the most important area of business development.”
“The story of Asia is increasingly the story of China”

Hails to the "authoritarian" government of China!

While other “democracies” wither, you thrive. :tup:

Beware of jealousy from the others, and fend for yourself tightly.
haha,China is surely on the right track,we dont really care about western anti China propaganda machine,the more they make noise,the faster we advance.
Sany Heavy Industry

SANY makes great stuff..but some how their deal in Saudi has gone stale mate..I see all these awesome construction machinery standing in a lot rusting for nothing..God know why are they not progressing?

May be because it sudden influx of cheap used construction machinery from USA??
all NUMBERS FUDGED by the chinese companies. play on the books and numbers, other countries know companies like these too...
haha,Indians,come on and deny everything.if not for those companies,how come China be the biggest manufacturer and exporter in the world and hold one third of the world's foreign reserve?

Can you deny that China is the biggest trading partner of EU,Africa,ASEN...
haha,Indians,come on and deny everything.if not for those companies,how come China be the biggest manufacturer and exporter in the world and hold one third of the world's foreign reserve?

Can you deny that China is the biggest trading partner of EU,Africa,ASEN...

I'm american and this has nothing to do with India. don't be a sheep and and fall for chinese FUDGED numbers!

Looks like neglected threads have been reactivated by Beijingwalker to boost his flagging ego
I'm american and this has nothing to do with India. don't be a sheep and and fall for chinese FUDGED numbers!

Which makes you an even sadder individual. You have nothing but funny financial products, a huge military machinery and tons of copyrights on Hollywood productions. Everything else has been outsourced without a return ticket.
I'm american and this has nothing to do with India. don't be a sheep and and fall for chinese FUDGED numbers!

haha,ok,you like to deny all thos facts?and China is not a top trading partner of those regions?do you think those countries dont have statistics departments?
haha,ok,you like to deny all thos facts?and China is not a top trading partner of those regions?do you think those countries dont have statistics departments?

That seems to be your only counter argument. I saw this in most of your posts, even when it has nothing to do with the question posed to you ! Your arsenal is wearing thin. You are a hot air balloon. Big on the outside, full of gas inside
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