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Chinese city of Wuhan to build a 1000 bed hospital in a week from scratch to attend Coronavirus

It could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing.

If they are building the 1000 bed hospital for overflow, then it would mean the normal medical service in the region is overstretched, which only mean 1 thing, that is the outbreak is bigger than they first imagine.

On the other hand, these cases need specialist care, not grouping them in a 1000 bed hospital. That is what Africa failed in containing Ebola, you want to divert patient to numerous other hospital where you have enough equipment and staff to look after them, instead of getting a massive treatment centre, which actually induced panic in public, where most of the patient just went there and die during the Ebola outbreak.

This is a vert delicate situation here, one need to balance the standard and level of medical care, and the public relation.

need to wait and see how the crisis develop...….
They had set a success precedent in Beijing Xiaotangshan SARS Hospital in 2003, designed to accommodate 1,000 patient beds.



They had set a success precedent in Beijing Xiaotangshan SARS Hospital in 2003, designed to accommodate 1,000 patient beds.




I did say this is a good thing or a bad thing, did I?

I mean, if they were to use to contain the virus and use as an overflow of the normal hospital, that's a good thing.

On the other hand, if the Chinese are build this hospital to treat people. That is where they need to watch out. During the Ebola outbreak, international organisation (Red Cross, MSF and WHO) set up these 400, 500 bed super hospital to try to treat the massive incoming of Ebola patient. It basically do nothing but overwhelm the medic working on these site because that take a lot more man power and resource than just bed to take care of the case, and these "Hospital" turn into death factory, infected wouldn't want to go into these hospital because only bodies comes out, and rumour started that people were killed in those hospital for their organ.. And you know what happened afterward? People riot and they literally goes into these hospital and pull patient out and in the course infect more people.

This is very well documented with people riot in these hospital and turn against the medical worker. I know you will probably say China is not Africa and nCoV is not Ebola but well, you can't know for sure

Watch this program about Ebola and if you want to see how these "Super Hospital" failed, skip forward to 45 minutes

It's always amazing to see the technical know-how and capability of GoC to achieve complex engineering feats.

@beijingwalker when it's completed can you provide a time lapse video of the construction.

Another 1,300 beds Specialized Hospital for nCoV2019 will be ready in the next 15 days.
The Hospital will be named Leishenshan Hospital

The first one with capacity 1,000 beds for nCoV2019 which scheduled to be in Operation on 1 Feb 2020 will be named Huoshenshan Hospital

@BHarwana @Krptonite
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Chinese premier Li Keqiang visits Wuhan to visit medical workers to the hospital site
Not sure about date of this photo. Th ground is being paved with concrete, Modules of field hospital is already delivered on site. Also possible with underground tanks for sceptic and waste disposal (note the truck carrying the large white cylinder on top left of photo.)

This is a screenshot taken just minutes ago from live cast on you tube.
Screenshot (1726).jpg

for up to minutes live cast on you tube, watch this:-
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Works in progress from January 28 to January 31 Morning (4 days). The photo shows a corner section of the overall area. 25KM of electrical cables installed in 3 days.

20200128 a.jpg
20200129 be.jpg
20200130 c.jpg
20200131 d.jpg

The size of the hospital is enormous.
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They'll need a lot more than 1000 beds seeing as how many people have been infected or/& will be.
China converts empty building into 1,000-bed coronavirus hospital in just 48 hours

Per the Metro, a new 1,000-bed hospital that will be dedicated to fighting the coronavirus outbreak has been completed in China after just 48 hours of converting an empty building.

The Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Centre is located in Huangzhou District (a city close to Wuhan, where the disease is believed to have originated), and started receiving patients last night at 10:30pm (local time).

More than 500 construction workers, electricians, police officers, and volunteers worked around the clock in Huanggang City in order to complete the daunting feat. The hospital was originally intended to be opened in May, but following the reported deaths of more than 130 people in China and the constantly growing threat of the disease spreading, they managed to complete the conversion much sooner.

The 1st batch of coronavirus patients were moved to the Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Centre today, reported local media.

This project took 48hrs thanks to joint effort of staff from construction firms, utility companies and paramilitary police officers.
Can't help but compliment China's efficiency and effectiveness, but still, eating everything and anything, their government has to regulate that. Can't be having a new virus pop out every decade or two, no offence to the Chinese, but someone has to criticise especially if its going to affect others.
Can't help but compliment China's efficiency and effectiveness, but still, eating everything and anything, their government has to regulate that. Can't be having a new virus pop out every decade or two, no offence to the Chinese, but someone has to criticise especially if its going to affect others.
99.9% Chinese don't eat bat

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