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Chinese Christians ask UN to investigate “disappeared” human rights lawyer

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Apr 4, 2011
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A Christian youth summer camp run by one of China’s “house churches” in Anhui province was surrounded by 100 police, who detained the pastor and three ministers, the China Aid Association has learned.

In China, it is illegal to teach children about Jesus.
State-run Three-Self Patriotic Association churches do not allow anyone under age 18. The vast majority of Chinese Christians, estimated between 50- and 150-million, worship in illegal “house churches,” both Catholic and Protestant. However, with the number of Christians eclipsing the membership of the Chinese Communist Party, officials have launched a crackdown.

Officials from the local Religious Affairs Bureau, the Qiaotou Township government, the Public Security bureau and local police stations and traffic police descended upon the church camp which was being held at the residence of Pastor Lu Jingxiang, at 6 a.m. Thursday Aug. 11.

Qiaotou is in Mingguang City, which is part of the Chuzhou prefecture level city of coastal Anhui province.

Pastor Lu and the three ministers were taken to the local police station for holding an “unregistered, illegal meeting.” The principal of the town elementary and high school recorded the names of all the children in attendance.

Pastor Lu was released the same afternoon, and the three out-of-town ministers were also later released.

The evening before the raid, local officials spread rumors that Pastor Lu had hidden drugs and cult members in his home.

Pastor Lu is a member of the Chinese House Church Alliance and has been pastoring this house church for many years. In early July, the Chuzhou police came to question Pastor Lu and warned him not to invite out-of-town ministers to conduct training or to preach.

U.S.-based China Aid Association President Bob Fu, expressed regret over the increasingly difficult hardships suffered by house churches in China.

He asked concerned readers to “Keep this matter in prayer.”

China Aid also urged the Chinese government “at all levels to realize that the church is bringing to Chinese society true harmony and real cultural progress.”

China raids Christian summer camp, spreads rumors pastor is a drug dealer - Beliefnet News
In China, it is illegal to teach children about Jesus.

What nonsense. :rofl:

I have several relatives in the mainland who are Christians, and they talk about Jesus all the time. I myself could probably tell you more about the life and teachings of Jesus than most people on this forum.

It's not that hard to find a "reliable" news source in order to fulfil your China-bashing needs my dear Burnz, just use the keyword "China" in the major news networks like CNN or BBC.
Nice signature by the way Burnz:

An Abrahamic Mind is a Satan's Workshop.

I don't know how they allow such a signature, on a Pakistani forum of all places.

Also, it kind of kills the idea that Burnz has some sort of sympathy for any person from an Abrahamic religion, including Christianity. Not that he was trying particularly hard in the first place.
Nice signature by the way Burnz:

I don't know how they allow such a signature, on a Pakistani forum of all places.

Also, it kind of kills the idea that Burnz has some sort of sympathy for any person from an Abrahamic religion, including Christianity. Not that he was trying particularly hard in the first place.

The Thumb was for China!

Considering What your Fellow Hans think:

Christians should be arrested for disturbing public order. Just as I do not want naked men running around my children offering them candy, I also do not want Christians running around my children offering them bibles! I put Christians on the same list of "undesirables" as rapists and street thugs, they're below even corrupt officials and prostitutes in my book.

Corrupt officials steal money, which can be made back.
Rapists, street thugs, and Christians steal things that can't be made back:

This is not good. Jesus is all loving.
Are you a Covert Christian?

No, I am an Atheist who likes reading about philosophy and religion.

Out of all the religions, I know most about Buddhism, followed by Christianity. Now I'm trying to read up more about Islam.
Bullsh!t, you love Jesus does Jesus love you?

Did Jesus love you when his missionaries were raping, killing and enslaving Indians?

Speak bad about the listeners, not the messenger. Have you read NT?

---------- Post added at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 PM ----------

And all forgiving right? Well, at least up to 77 times (Matthew 18:21).

Yep. He abhorred violence. Don't ask me how Christians figured out it is okay to kill in his name or kill at all. All the non-violence movements in world (Gandhi, MLK) were inspired of teachings by Yeshua.
Speak bad about the listeners, not the messenger. Have you read NT?

Have you read NT?

It contrasts quite strongly with the Old Testament in a lot of ways, check out (Deuteronomy 5:9) for example.

The personality of Jesus is almost a complete antithesis of that. Jesus was more of a pacifist.

Yep. He abhorred violence. Don't ask me how Christians figured out it is okay to kill in his name or kill at all. All the non-violence movements in world (Gandhi, MLK) were inspired of teachings by Yeshua.

People are always looking for excuses to justify their crimes, religion is often hijacked in this way, even though the original text actually forbids their actions. (Sucide for example is banned by all Abrahamic religions).
Have you read NT?

It contrasts quite strongly with the Old Testament in a lot of ways, check out (Deuteronomy 5:9) for example.

The personality of Jesus is almost a complete antithesis of that.

Bunch of times. Though OT is also part of Christian bible, most Christians selectively read it. You know the good part about genesis, Adam and killing gays. And yes, OT and NT are polar opposite. Well God was having a bad day (a very long bad day) when Jews were around.
Bunch of times. Though OT is also part of Christian bible, most Christians selectively read it. You know the good part about genesis, Adam and killing gays. And yes, OT and NT are polar opposite. Well God was having a bad day (a very long bad day) when Jews were around.

Jesus is supposed to overrule the Old Testament for Christians. For example, the rule about not eating pork was scrapped by Jesus. If I remember correctly, Jesus said something like "it's not what goes in the mouth that makes a person dirty, it's what comes out (words)" thereby overruling the ban on eating certain things.

So like you said, it is quite funny when ultra-right wing conservatives use quotes from the Old Testament to justify the things they do. Christians are meant to follow the teachings of Christ above all else, i.e. the New Testament.
Ah, I just remembered where Jesus said that. Luckily my quote was not too wrong.

It was Matthew 15:11 where Jesus overruled the Old Testament ban on eating certain foods.
Modern Christianity has nothing to do with teachings of Christ. It's amazing how Americans are so christian and yet so greedy, to put it nicely.

---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

Ah, I just remembered where Jesus said that. Luckily my quote was not too wrong.

It was Matthew 15:11 where Jesus overruled the Old Testament ban on eating certain foods.

Besides, Europeans love pork. They would have left Jesus over salted pork!
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