China and Vietnam should not be enemies. It is the US which is using Vietnam against China in view again, to counter the rise of China, to encircle China and to prevent Asian countries to unite together given that a united Asia would be stronger than EU and the US. Thats why the US had always prevented Japan to apologize for war crimes in view of creating divisions and now it uses India, Vietnam, Philippines against China. So the US uses the divide and rule policy. Asian countries must wake up and realise that the US is not in Asia for their benefit but to maintain the Western hegemony and neo colonialism rule. United, Asian would rule the world, Divided Asia would lose and became like Africa, a backyard of the West.
China and Vietnam have more in common than any other country and even more in common than the US and EU given that in the US, it is latin and black populations who will rule. China and Vietnam have same physical chracteristics, both are yellow with slanted eyes, Chinese ethnics had moved to Vietnam 100 years ago, both share some similar language chracteristics etc. China and Vietnam share similar cultural and religious chracteristics. Both have so in common compared for instance to India. It is difficult to distinguish between a Chinese and a vietnamese while an Indian, the difference could be seen kilometers away.