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Chinese 'birth tourism' operations raided in California


Dec 14, 2010
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Chinese 'birth tourism' operations raided in California
Victoria Kim and Frank Shyong
Published: March 4, 2015 - 5:41AM

Los Angeles: Federal agents raided about 20 locations in three Southern California counties early on Tuesday as part of an investigation targeting "birth tourism" schemes in which pregnant Chinese women travel to the United States on fraudulent visas so that their children will be born US citizens.

Search warrants were served at the homes of people federal authorities suspected of running the operations as well as at apartment complexes where pregnant women were allegedly being housed.

According to charges laid on Tuesday, operators charged Chinese women tens of thousands of dollars for services that guided expectant mothers through obtaining tourist visas, coaching them on successfully making their way into the country and housing them for months as they awaited giving birth.

The raids represent a rare federal crackdown against a widespread practice of foreign nationals giving birth in the US.

Many agencies openly advertise services called "maternity hotels" or "birthing centers," offering assistance in getting their newborns a US passport and extolling the benefits that come with American citizenship, including public education and immigration benefits for parents. Taiwanese, Korean and Turkish mothers are also known to engage in birth tourism, which isn't necessarily illegal.

Those behind the operations targeted in Tuesday's raids, however, are suspected of engaging in visa fraud and conspiracy by helping women falsify records for their visa screening and coaching them to falsely claim that they are traveling to the US as tourists, according to affidavits filed in support of the search warrants. No arrests were expected on Tuesday, but authorities said investigators would be seizing possible evidence and interviewing the mothers for potential criminal charges against scheme operators.

At a apartment complex in Rowland Heights community in Los Angeles, about 40 law enforcement personnel from various agencies pounded on doors early on Tuesday morning.

Teams of agents aided by interpreters entered about a dozen apartments, conducting interviews and gathering evidence such as diaper boxes and trash. Some poked flashlights into the units where residents wouldn't open the door.

"Baby here," said one agent, beckoning another inside an apartment.

One affidavit quoted a law review article estimating that about 40,000 of 300,000 children born to foreign citizens in the US each year were the product of birth tourism.

Women were instructed to enter the US through popular destinations such as Hawaii or Las Vegas, rather than Los Angeles, where authorities are more likely to suspect birth tourism, and purchase tour packages and make hotel reservations to make their stories more convincing, according to an affidavit about an Irvine-based operation known as "You Win USA." Authorities said they also expect to find evidence of tax fraud, money laundering and other federal crimes through the searches.

In an Irvine, California case, an undercover agent posed as an expectant mother and contacted a representative of "You Win USA." The agency helped her come up with a bogus employer, a false proof of income and a fake college diploma to bolster the appearance that she was likely to return to China after a brief visit, according to the affidavit.

A China-based "trainer" assigned to help "package" the visa application asked for a full-length frontal and side photo of the undercover agent's belly to see how visible her pregnancy was, agents wrote in the affidavit.

"I just need to see what your belly is like right now," the trainer said, according to the affidavit.

Agents also wrote that the scheme defrauded hospitals at which the women gave birth. Even though the mothers paid birth tourism operators between $US15,000 ($19,100) and $US50,000 for the service, they paid local hospitals nothing or a reduced sum for uninsured, low-income patients, according to the affidavit.

More than 400 women associated with the Irvine location have given birth at one Orange County hospital since 2013, agents wrote in the affidavit. One of the women paid $US4080 out of $US28,845 in hospital bills when her bank account showed charges at Wynn Las Vegas and purchases made at Rolex and Louis Vuitton stores, the affidavit said.


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@by78 @Luca1 and other "Americans", your take on this Chinese "invasion".
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