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Chinese ace software competition: But why Indian coders are getting hired?

White man companies prefer Indians because

  • Indians are smarter

    Votes: 25 43.9%
  • Indians practice racism, kicking everyone out of jobs

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • Fear of Chinese industrial espionage, while Indians are not capable of reverse engineering

    Votes: 14 24.6%
  • Indians talk better

    Votes: 24 42.1%

  • Total voters
Jun 22, 2013
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Chinese are Russian frequently top all STEMI competition. Below are IT Oylmpic 2014 gold medalist. There are at least 11 or probably 13 Chinese (the Thai could be Chinese). There are only 2 Indians.

This is just one competition and I will show more.

Some thing are not very right. Indians keep getting reputation as good programmer on one hand, meanwhile, there are massive White man engineer complaining the quality of Indian engineers' work. Also Indians are overwhelmingly over-represented in favor of all other tribe.

Many high profile work developed by Indians are showcase of engineering failure.

I hope to listen to opinions.

IOI 2014: Results

For any competition preparation is key. Maybe Indians don't prepare for competitions like this or pisa
For any competition preparation is key. Maybe Indians don't prepare for competitions like this or pisa

You never heard white man complain about East Asian engineering work other than Industrial espionage, reverse engineering and no creativity.

I am an software engineer, and I can tell you white man engineers are quite fed up of Indians.
You never heard white man complain about East Asian engineering work other than Industrial espionage, reverse engineering and no creativity.

I am an software engineer, and I can tell you white man engineers are quite fed up of Indians.
Why is that a point to this competition
Chinese are Russian frequently top all STEMI competition. Below are IT Oylmpic 2014 gold medalist. There are at least 11 or probably 13 Chinese (the Thai could be Chinese). There are only 2 Indians.

This is just one competition and I will show more.

Some thing are not very right. Indians keep getting reputation as good programmer on one hand, meanwhile, there are massive White man engineer complaining the quality of Indian engineers' work. Also Indians are overwhelmingly over-represented in favor of all other tribe.

Many high profile work developed by Indians are showcase of engineering failure.

I hope to listen to opinions.

IOI 2014: Results

View attachment 227932
Programming competition is one thing and Software development and thereby an industry based on that is completely different thing. There are many Indian companies which provide Software Consultancy and / or involved in product development. Some programming competition has got nothing to do with that.
You never heard white man complain about East Asian engineering work other than Industrial espionage, reverse engineering and no creativity.

I am an software engineer, and I can tell you white man engineers are quite fed up of Indians.

If that is the case, then tell me, why do they keep coming to India ?
What is the point of Olympic and college admission exams?
I still don't understand. Are you saying no Indian coders won in the competition?
There are lot of factors. I am also in IT. Working for last 12 years. There are complaints but there are also lot of gains that white man gets.
Software is more complex than engineering.

PISA dont mean much also?...:D

That is the reason I open a thread for discussion.

India does not even have engineering capability to build toilets.
Pisa ,is not something students in India care to much. They are more bothered about IIT which is more tough to get in.
Language and it's very easy to train Indians(especially south indians) compared to other ethnicity .

PS:South Indian are far better in logical thinking than North Indians. I have trained both of them :P
Then why don't they go to Pakistan or Bangladesh or phillipines all with 100 mil plus.
why don't they go there with the manufacturing, I'm sure they like them better than they like China, and like India better than China as well.

For the same reason as well, India isn't Pakistan, Bangladesh or Philippines.
I have seen the worst coder (Indian) get hired while the top coder get rejected by a team of mostly Indians interviewers.

On one more occasion, one Middle east colleague (he got in also) was very angry why this Indian get in (Google), while his esteemed colleagues get turn down.

Software engineers know the strength of our colleagues.
I vote "Fear of Chinese industrial espionage, while Indians are not capable of reverse engineering" because it is the best available answer in your option. LOL

Fact is there are plenty of Chinese leadership in US tech companies. Nvidia, AMD, Yahoo, Intel, IBM. It is worth noting that most tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are Chinese, instead of Indian. Indian is good at working for others, like to be subordinate than taking leadership role like Chinese. We are just more entrepreneurship.

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