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China's Xinjiang to ban burqas in public


Sep 20, 2014
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BEIJING: Authorities in the capital of the mainly Muslim Uighur homeland of Xinjiang voted to ban the wearing of burqas in public, media said on Thursday, as China confronts unrest with tough measures that critics have labelled discriminatory.

Hundreds have died in ethnic clashes across the restive far western region in recent months, with Beijing vowing to "strike hard" against violence.

The local legislature of Urumqi on Wednesday "considered and adopted 'Regulations for the banning of wearing of burqas in public areas in Urumqi'", the Sina web news portal said.

The measure will next go to the regional legislature to "examine and then to implement it", the report added.

China has previously launched drives to discourage women from covering their faces, and security officials often log details of those wearing burqas, an Islamic garment that covers the eyes as well as the whole face and body.

A "Project Beauty" campaign in the predominantly Uighur city of Kashgar saw a publicity offensive encouraging women not to wear traditional Islamic clothing.

Authorities in another Xinjiang city, Karamay, in August banned people wearing hijabs, niqabs, burqas, or clothing with the Islamic star and crescent symbol from local buses.

Rights groups say that harsh police treatment of Uighurs and campaigns against some religious practices has stoked violence.

Beijing has blamed "separatists" from Xinjiang for a wave of deadlyAZ incidents in and beyond the region, which have been labelled "terrorism" by Beijing.

Several hundred people have died this year, and Xinjiang witnessed its bloodiest incident since 2009 when 37 civilians and 59 "terrorists" were killed in an attack on a police station and government offices in Shache county, also known as Yarkand, in July.

Five years ago, rioting involving Uighurs and members of China's Han majority left around 200 people dead in Urumqi.

China defends its policies in Xinjiang, arguing that it has boosted economic development in the area and that it upholds minority and religious rights in a country with 56 recognized ethnic groups.

China's Xinjiang to ban burqas in public - The Times of India
fantastic idea... actually, i call for a world ban on the burqa, but that will be called as "violation of human rights" by the owner of burqa societies... usa government.

There's a difference between being forced to wear a burqa (violation of Human rights) and CHOOSING to wear a burqa. The thing about many dumb fembots is, they don't understand women, including themselves.

There are countless women who actually think that wearing a burqa protects their chastity, or is a commandment from their prophet in the Hadiths, or some other nonsense. The point is, they want to wear it. Not allowing them to is indeed a violation of their Human rights.
A "Project Beauty" campaign in the predominantly Uighur city of Kashgar saw a publicity offensive encouraging women not to wear traditional Islamic clothing.

good idea... enough of this burqa-beard nonsense imported from india/iran/saudia/indonesia through indian-origin tv channels like "peace tv".

There are countless women who actually think that wearing a burqa protects their chastity, or is a commandment from their prophet in the Hadiths, or some other nonsense. The point is, they want to wear it. Not allowing them to is indeed a violation of their Human rights.

oh, those are the tableegh-brainwashed females who go on marches with banners that say "burqa is my choice and not compulsion"... it is these fembots who deny their own feminity ( by hiding under burqa ) and socially-force other ladies ( ladies ) to adopt the burqa.

they don't want to listen that burqa is a iran-lands-origin clothing that has neither origin in arab lands nor in the quran.

these burqa fembots are like those females who go on diets and build muscles... denying their feminine-ness, being ashamed of their nature-given feminine-ness.

of course, denying these fembots their burqa is indeed technically a violation of rights but they are misled creatures who must be guided the proper way... they should be made to understand that nasser and gaddafi removed the burqa but usa government's pet, morsi of ikhwaan, brought it back.
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Thanks to secularist we can do same in India even if this required for security check.

Good move by China
By your logic, so are clothes. You should walk around naked like an animal.

please don't talk like a tableeghi... it places you in the company of hinduvaadi goons like pramod mutalik ( of ram sena ) whose goons itch to beat up ladies who don't follow "indian culture".

No its not, why only woman need to follow such rules

correct... any mullah who is offended by a lady's feminine shape should pluck out his eyes.
Just a few hundred years ago all men and women around the world covered their heads with hats and scarves.
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