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China's Xi calls for oil trade in yuan at Gulf summit in Riyadh

If saudi reject USD for its oil but accept only Yuan to buy Saudi oil. What will happened?
If saudi reject USD for its oil but accept only Yuan to buy Saudi oil. What will happened?
That won’t happen anytime soon. They might use the yuan for some sales but the overwhelming amount of their trade will remain in USD for the foreseeable future.
Freedom & Democracy, you'll see the B-21 Raider actively testing its latest gadgets.
There is no way they will launch a massive attack on KSA. Oil prices would globally skyrocket. It would be suicidal.
There is no way they will launch a massive attack on KSA. Oil prices would globally skyrocket. It would be suicidal.
Dont underestimate them being custodians of Mecca and Medina, no Muslim country would sit still and watch SA be attacked.

What MBS has shown is he is not easily manipulated by the Americans but I don't think his ready to ditch dollar transactions with oil just yet.
There is no way they will launch a massive attack on KSA. Oil prices would globally skyrocket. It would be suicidal.

Dont underestimate them being custodians of Mecca and Medina, no Muslim country would sit still and watch SA be attacked.

What MBS has shown is he is not easily manipulated by the Americans but I don't think his ready to ditch dollar transactions with oil just yet.

What the recent conflict has shown is the resilience of Western economics to adapt and look for alternative sources, more specifically, the US, Canada, and Mexico. Turkey is an example of how they were turned into an insignificant influence while being part of NATO.

AS FOR, no Muslim country would sit still and watch KSA be attached; tell me which Muslim country has the lift capability even to send essential war articles, let alone rations, in the theater US is operating? Can you replenish ammunition stock? Let's step back on the raw materials to make the ammo if you're not sanctioned.

Pakistan folded after one call from the US Secretary of State Colin Powell. The significant Muslim nuclear power.

Let me give you the reality. Let it sink in Russia; civilian aviation is dead because the West stopped all parts and told the pilots, not mechanics, the pilots to fix it on their own and fly. The Russians were stealing washing machine chips to continue their war efforts. Its trucks had Chinese-made rubber tires. They removing nuclear war heads on missiles and using them for conventional purposes, and the list goes on.

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) put it perfectly when through his blessed tongue said, you Muslims would be as useless as the foam on top of the moving ocean water. To put it more bluntly, Muslims will control nothing and rule nothing.
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Freedumb and dumbocracy coming to Saudi Arabia

That won’t happen anytime soon. They might use the yuan for some sales but the overwhelming amount of their trade will remain in USD for the foreseeable future.
Hard to say. The r/s between US and Saudi are deteriorating fast. Nobody expect Saudi to snub US president for oil price. And US is no more the US who can launch war against Libya and Iraq anytime they want for regime change. US has weaken. Saudi might accept both rmb and USD for their oil. This will be the most likely scenario.

Aaahhh...Another 'US collapse' thread...:rolleyes:
Why are u so trigger? I see the reply, none talk about US collapse. The only one is you about US collapse. Lol
Hard to say. The r/s between US and Saudi are deteriorating fast. Nobody expect Saudi to snub US president for oil price. And US is no more the US who can launch war against Libya and Iraq anytime they want for regime change. US has weaken. Saudi might accept both rmb and USD for their oil. This will be the most likely scenario.

Why are u so trigger? I see the reply, none talk about US collapse. The only one is you about US collapse. Lol

There will be less dollar demand around the world as countries use their own currencies for trade, investment and finance. That means less dollars accumulated in reserves to reinvest back into American bonds.
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