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China's True COVID-19 Death Toll 366 Times Higher Than Official Figure, Analyst Says

When it comes to lying, the grand final is between the Anglosphere and India.

You also forgot those Chinese dissidents and Falungong.

They also have the potential to win that title, even those Anglo elites from the establishment cannot stand their blatant way of lying and distorting the truth.

Let's just say, this estimate is true for China at 17000% which also means other estimates are true too in the table especially for India at 900% excess deaths.

Now that brings a good question to our hero Superstar OP from India, shouldn't he be more worried about 4 million excess undocumented/hidden deaths in India? Doesn't he wanna know who those poor people are/were? What happened to their poor families? In what condition their poor family members are currently? In what ways he can identify them and help them on individual and national level? I mean entire world saw what happened in India during those days, right?

Or, Indians like OP don't care about their own country and country fellows but are more worried about others?

according to Chinese economy growing at the fastest rate in a decade, I think it just shows China and India is like a cockroach compared to a siberian tiger in power
Looks like these freaking Indian Panjeets are getting desperate.


Zero Hedge (or ZeroHedge)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Hedge#cite_note-4 is a far-right[12] libertarian[17] financial blog,[13][14] presenting staff-written articles and aggregating news and opinions from external sources.[18] Zero Hedge, per its motto,[a] is bearish in its investment outlook and analysis, often deriving from its adherence to the Austrian School of economics and credit cycles.[22] While often labeled as a financial permabear,[23][24] Zero Hedge has also been described as a source of "cutting-edge news, rumors and gossip in the financial industry".[25]

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according to Chinese economy growing at the fastest rate in a decade, I think it just shows China and India is like a cockroach compared to a siberian tiger in power

China adds roughly the equivalent of India's ENTIRE GDP to its economy EVERY year.

So yes, India is basically a coachroach compared to China.
One thing Is for sure, Chinese official numbers cannot be verified. Anything which comes out from China officially has to be taken with a bag of salt.
Yup and that justifies burning bodies in car park and fcking up the covid containment right? Because China has 300x more deaths, plug out from some brown arse. Lolol

The delusion is high in this one. The ultimate excuse for their failure. Lol
Yup and that justifies burning bodies in car park and fcking up the covid containment right? Because China has 300x more deaths, plug out from some brown arse. Lolol

The delusion is high in this one. The ultimate excuse for their failure. Lol
In India you cannot hide facts for long,but in China its not the case if you think otherwise you live in some controlled state. If you want I can prove it you taking you as an example.
2 / 22,100 * 100 = 0.009%
By comparison, Singapore has a low death rate of 0.2-0.3%

The beauty of China zero covid policy is that when the case number is low, China can afford to use the resource prepared for billion and concentrate it on a comparative small no.

That is why China can do this,

By far most of SG's deaths were after they gave up their zero covid policy for economic reasons. So the death rate was even much lower before that.
Showing that it's no rocket science. Tests, quarantine, early treatments etc can give very low death rates, something many western rulers are too dumb, corrupt to see.
In India you cannot hide facts for long,but in China its not the case if you think otherwise you live in some controlled state. If you want I can prove it you taking you as an example.
Yah tell that to the hundreds of millions of Chinese not wearing mask now which includes me. My foreign expat friends including Indians are now begging to come into China because its the safest place on earth now, remember their young kids are not vaccinated. So wake up and smell the coffee, don't create excuses to justify your own incompetence. I have been maskless for the past 2 years working as normal in the most densely populated city in China. Hide? Common sense mate. You guys have been brainwashed by the 'truth' media aka western media, I can objectively tell you they are lying right in your face and you still think they are a Saint. China is I repeat us THE ONLY COUNTRY CAPABLE of Co trolling this virus, and it has nothing to do with vaccines, it plain simple management and control. We fcking test, isolate and quarantine. Some of the best technologies are used.. You want me to elaborate, check out BGI mass testing facility, the tracking app tech which is way more accurate than the muckey mouse apps you guys are using.... It's beidou plus AI mate, you can't hide with the virus.
One thing Is for sure, Chinese official numbers cannot be verified. Anything which comes out from China officially has to be taken with a bag of salt.

But this report just make up numbers instead of proof why the Chinese numbers are wrong. So this is conspiracy theory that MSM and India media regularly engage in.

This include the today’s Iraqi WMD hoax, which is Xinjiang genocide. A completely fake news. To be honest, there is no diff between MSM or conspiracy sites as both peddling fake news.
Lol, if so, we would see people burning the bodies everywhere in the open streets in Beijing, not New Dheli, and half decomposed corpses would be floating all over the Yangze river, not the Ganges
That is why India has failed so badly. They will not accept the reality and will only make up false news to deceive themselves.
A bunch of losers.

Here is how their colonial master described Indians: "as passive, ignorant, irrational, outwardly submissive but inwardly guileful".

Dishonesty is in their cultural DNA, and they haven't evolved a bit since independence. Worse, they still have no idea why they suck.
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mitaars and their obsession with lumbers! mittaar jaleel hindu satan he howa hai china nai!
In India you cannot hide facts for long,but in China its not the case if you think otherwise you live in some controlled state. If you want I can prove it you taking you as an example.

Well, China just don't give a damn to whatever Indians accuse them of. They just add one Indian economy into their GDP at a time as response.
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