Complete nonsense to say India did not go thorough any revolutionary changes. This ignorance pretty much sums up your entire take on world history.
you call me ignorant and yet you are the one that failed to read/understand my post. no where did i say india didnt go through changes(it most certainly did), however post-independence none of the said changes are on the scale or as disruptive as the GLF or the cultural revolution. furthermore the whole talk of GLF and revolutions are merely a side point. i will say no more about it.
India has done well on developing its cultural, on developing democracy, on developing its social structures, on developing its food security and an independent foreign policy.
China has not done well on any of these parameters except food security.
again you did not read/understand at all, i clearly said development index, the for front of which is the Human development index. but even going by what you said, go ahead and feel free to give us some graphs or charts, like i said, other than democracy, india is behind in nearly every index. the fact that you even dispute this clearly shows your here for arguments sake and not because you have a point.
Because any debate does not change the fundamental nature of granting people choice. It is a futile exercise. India has demonstrated that every poor family has chosen freedom over food shelter and life. This is staring at you in the face, yet you are unable to reconcile with this truth. This inability to handle truth is another of chinas failure.
since the debate about the universe wont change it in any way i guess the scientific community should just not talk about it anymore huh? since nothing said on this forum has any effect on real life policies of governments/military i guess we should all just should pack up and leave huh? yea lets stop talking,
starting with you. furthermore with regards to the so call choice, there is no alternatives for those families. not one said to them, "you can stay here have a vote on things you dont understand or move to this other place, you dont get a vote but we guarantee you food, a chance at a nice job and shelter".
and furthermore. this is again a side point.
Yes. China's rapid rise is only due to US support. You are free to laugh and revel inyour ignorance and retarded development. I just find it sad.
so tell me, who prop the US up during its development?
futhermore lets be clear on this point
you believe the US prop china up to contain india?
That is your assertion. Evolution of democracy in the US & GB was a natural process. The advent of the industrial revolution and global conquest was independent of democracy.
that is not my assertion. it is an observation. every example of a rich democracy(recently rich or otherwise) has had, during its development, one of the traits i described. the counter example, india, is fares worse in nearly every index when compared to the authoritarian country next door.
You have stated your ignorant opinion. It carries no credibility with anyone.
i have indeed stated my opinions and observations, whether they are ignorance or have credibility is up to the readers, same with your opinions
It is hilarious to think a villager needs to know international policy and macroeconomics to vote for is local leadership.
its hilarious to think people dont need to be educated before deciding their leaders.
As I said, you understand of democracy is a joke.
a joke to you perhaps.
First learn the fundamentals of democracy before engaging with anyone who lives and breaths it everyday.
again, the readers can decide for themselves whether its you or i that dont know what we are talking about