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China's Strategic Assessment of India - An attempt at considering the Chinese perspective

See that's the difference,in India we cannot tell people where to shit ,unlike your country with tall skyscraper which can't be used if CCP orders not to shit there .

That's no true though. Your government tried but failed. They even made a video telling people where to shit: "Take the poo to the loo".

I don't think anyone jealous of china. in India, china is associated with cheap and fake. Indian use china as verb for fake and duplicate. Most common people in India know about china after kungflu virus.

There are some songs also there.
India also buys a lot of Chinese products.
Saying no in the mouth, but your body is very honest.
Indian since before 2012 was deeply jealous of China and most Indians think about China all the time. Why 2012 prediction India will overtake China by next depavali. Why Indians love saying since 10 years ago Mumbai is about to become better than Shanghai and always compare different Chinese cities and Chinese achievements to India's. India is a loser of the world. It contributes the most to pollution with nothing to show and no real industry or exports except cotton and some materials and medication. Even medication it is something which China does more than India since the beginning but it is such a small part for China we have never mentioned it unlike India talk about super duper power.

We are happy the government can control up to no allowing people to shit wherever they want. Seems we are each happy with our different standards. Indians should stay happy their government cannot control their street shitting. It should become the pride of India after "biggest democracy" is now proven to be cheap shit.

Besides most Indians live on such small wages they see Chinese cheap products as luxuries and cannot even afford the cheapest Chinese things. Chinese expensive things and equipment most Indian businesses and people cannot dream about purchasing. Only the rich Indians. And the richest Indians can buy more expensive stuff but more than 1 billion Indians cannot afford even $20 Chinese fake belt or bag. Just a few million in middle class and just handful super rich.
India Today Interviewed with Yun Sun, the author of the OP article.

Very good video.
Her articles are much more informative.
I think She clearly explained the Chinese perspective. I'm looking forward somethings equivalent from Indian side.
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