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China's stealth fighter could beat US' best: Report

I think TVC would be wasted on a fighter like the J-10. Just my opinion. J-20 probably worth it, J-11 yea, J-10 nah.

I think there is a sort of synergy for vector capability and larger fighter. It gives them the nimbleness to overcome interial problem due to size.

J-10A, probably no. But it would definitely boost the J-10B's maneuverability, albeit its canards and deltas.
J-10A, probably no. But it would definitely boost the J-10B's maneuverability, albeit its canards and deltas.

Undoubtedly TVC can improve maneuverability but it is a question of cost benefit and making the most out of what research/money the PLA has.
Undoubtedly TVC can improve maneuverability but it is a question of cost benefit and making the most out of what research/money the PLA has.

And what better way is there to boost the capabilities of our 4th and 4.5th generation fighters than by applying newly developed technology to it?

The cost is simply a matter of technological maturity in that area. Seeing that China is good a mass producing, I don't have much pessimistic views of its TVC development.

If you pour all that money into TVC research, and use it only on the 5th generation fighters, it won't be as worth it as opposed to using it on a larger variety of aircraft.
I wouldn't say nil, China insists Taiwan is part of China because the civil war is technically still going on, and America is will use force to prevent the repatriation of Taiwan by force.

This is probably the most likely flash point. Though you do have a point about it being a favour for LH, Boeing, etc.

Presents a solution to the US arms sales problem, China should offer Taiwan discount J20's, no US arms deal and Taiwans pilots are already trained up on the J20 for when it becomes part of China again, win win :)
Presents a solution to the US arms sales problem, China should offer Taiwan discount J20's, no US arms deal and Taiwans pilots are already trained up on the J20 for when it becomes part of China again, win win :)

Haha, when we come to the stage when the PRC is willing to sell and the ROC is willing to buy, the whole thing would be a none issue already. That said it would be interesting to see what happens to the ROC armed forces. Since the last reunification offer lets Taiwan keep its own self-defence force.
J-20 Must receive a new generation engine like WS-15 or 117S to compete with F-22 and PAKFA
J-20 Must receive a new generation engine like WS-15 or 117S to compete with F-22 and PAKFA
You forgot Newer generation avionics
New generation weapons
New generation defense systems
New generation Radar and Sensors
New generation control systems and agility
Oh i forgot a new generation plane...
Look, the American weapons manufacturers need a rival, desparately. With our debt problems, the civilians are looking high and low for weapons systems to cut. So, probably, China let its J20 pictures leak as a favor to Lockheed, Boeing, Grumman, etc. The chance of a USA and a Chinese fighter EVER meeting each other in a dogfight is nil. BUT the folks who design, build and fly these super expensive toys in both nations need each other to keep the game going.

I agree, this whole J-20 hype thing in america sounds like a gig to renew public support on spending billions on war machines admist a debt crisis. Nomatter how good U.S think tanks are, they can only predict so much with only pictures.
Yes and i think they must contact HAL for all these , since they have 3 decades of experience in making fighter plane :rofl:

they must admit they cant build 5th/4.5 Gen and ask Russia for help. that is more realistic.
You forgot Newer generation avionics
New generation weapons
New generation defense systems
New generation Radar and Sensors
New generation control systems and agility
Oh i forgot a new generation plane...

Relax, we only call it "new generation" because it is actually new generation, unlike our southern neighbors whose fighters are only "new generation" because its development time will extend into the next generation.
Relax, we only call it "new generation" because it is actually new generation, unlike our southern neighbors whose fighters are only "new generation" because its development time will extend into the next generation.

how about for chinese.. it is next generation(just new name n paint), coz there is some European/US/Russian plane to be compared with. But for India it is next gen coz the Specs are upgraded with time if required.
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