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China's Propaganda on Coronavirus

Actually, it's entirely plausible that OP and his kind would unleash a bioweapon on China and the world. After all, a pandemic is a great business opportunity for cunning Hindus to fleece the panicking gora with fake products:



The owner of a 7-Eleven in New Jersey looking to make a few bucks on the coronavirus outbreak sold a homemade sanitizing spray that burned four children, authorities said.

Manisha Bharade, 47, was issued a summons on charges of endangering the welfare of children and deceptive business practices for mixing foaming sanitizer not intended for resale with water and packaging the mixture in bottles sold in her River Vale store, state and local authorities announced Tuesday
Chinese authorities who are responsible for this pandemic for not informing and containing the virus are now doing propaganda as if they are not responsible and have done good job, Pathetic !

If the authorities have blocked Wuhan as soon as this broke out, the world would have been a better place.

Then again this is china, people are made to sing praises to the same authorities who suppress them.
Beijing Knows Who to Blame for the Virus: America


U.S. President Donald Trump and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar meet with pharmaceutical executives to discuss the coronavirus in Washington on March 2. MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Amid a national lockdown, desperate patients, anger at a cover-up, an economic crisis, and a virus breaking beyond its own borders, the Chinese government’s priorities were clear: It was time to publish a glossy book on how wonderful Beijing’s handling of the virus has been.

A Battle Against Epidemic: China Combating COVID-19 in 2020 compiles numerous state media accounts on the heroic leadership of President Xi Jinping, the vital role of the Communist Party, and the superiority of the Chinese system in fighting the virus. It has gotten rave reviews in Chinese media, not least because it was published by their ultimate boss—the Central Committee Publicity Department, formerly known as the Propaganda Department.

The Chinese audience won’t be the only lucky readers. The book will be translated into English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic, with more likely to follow. Authorities know the virus could irreparably damage China’s image in the world s eyes, but they also see an opportunity to push their own narrative of organization, success, and triumph. Part of that involves glossy propaganda texts, combined with more sophisticated, individually targeted efforts. Part of it is pushing a new set of conspiracy theories about the virus itself, aimed at the ultimate enemy: the United States.

The downside of the epidemic for China’s image is obvious. There are legitimate reasons: The cover-up of the early extent of the outbreak by authorities more concerned with politics than pandemics gave it critical time to spread. But the Chinese government is also likely to be blamed for events outside its control, especially as patients and casualties pile up.Authorities know the virus could irreparably damage China’s image in the world’s eyes, but they also see an opportunity to push their own narrative.

The damage to China’s economy and image is also seriously worrying the leadership, which has been attempting to push people back to work. That damage is already visible in the United States, where the virus has pushed opinions of China to record lows—and made people less confident in China’s economic future. Firms were already looking for suppliers outside of China as a result of the trade war; the coronavirus is giving that a critical push.

Yet Beijing is pushing a powerful counternarrative: the idea that Chinese organization and authoritarianism allowed for a rapid and effective response to the crisis that other countries can learn from. The export of authoritarian techniques has been one of the underrated selling points of China’s global projects in the past few years, especially in Central Asia. The primary audience, as always, is domestic—but it includes foreigners too, especially in developing countries.

In fairness, it may be that the widspread lockdown truly played a critical role in containing the virus. Yet it’s hard to know for sure because of the government-led clampdown on reporting, as well as the introduction of yet another set of new media and Internet controls, already planned before the coronavirus. At the provincial level, statistics on the outbreak range from the dubious to the obviously false. Disturbingly, the World Health Organization, already facing public criticism for its refusal to confront Chinese failures, is a willing participant in pushing that narrative, writing a comically sycophantic report on Chinese efforts based on a recent managed propaganda tour of Hubei province, where the virus first erupted.

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diplomatic resources when it comes to Africa and the Middle East in particular. Take this video produced by China Radio International that’s been widely circulated on Telegram in Iran, in which a fluent Farsi speaker explains how China managed the outbreak, and offers help to Iran, one of the countries outside China most affected by the outbreak. That’s the kind of engagement that can make a lasting difference to ordinary people rather than fellow autocrats.

From early on, there’s also been a deliberate doubling-down on anti-U.S. propaganda. In part that was an almost instinctive reaction; anti-Americanism has so come to dominate the Chinese media in the last four years that it’s the default position for writers. Even in the early weeks of the outbreak, Chinese officials were blaming the United States for supposed overreaction and falsely claiming Washington was the first to impose travel bans. But there’s also a clear desire to divert anger away from officialdom and toward an external foe

The next stage of the propaganda push has been to deny that the virus started in China at all. (Quite how the virus crossed species is still unclear, but there’s nothing to suggest it didn’t happen in China, which saw the first outbreak in the city of Wuhan.) Those claims erupted on Chinese social media last week, where conspiracy-minded sites such as College Daily, already vectors for deeply racist and Islamophobic stories winked at by the propaganda authorities, are pushing the idea that the virus really originated in the United States. Clips from Taiwanese TV and mistranslated captions from American reporting are used to back up the case.

They’re helped in this by China’s own bad recording of flu stats, which makes it appear as though the country has only had a few hundred seasonal flu deaths this year, when in reality 84,000 to 92,000 people in China die of the flu each year. Claims of the deadliness of American flu appeared in January, leading to officials believing that U.S. reporters didn’t fear the coronavirus because they were inured to the disease. The explicit claim that coronavirus started in the United States is relatively new, but—judging from reported conversations between Chinese abroad and their parents and grandparents at home—has spread disturbingly fast. Flu isn’t the only culprit blamed; one other popular theory is that vaping deaths under President Donald Trump were a cover for coronavirus fatalities.

It’s unclear how much of this is state-sanctioned. The United States, of course, has hardly been short of conspiracy theories of its own about the virus. While he walked it back later, Trump himself described the virus as “fake news.” Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton has also played a part in spreading them. But the United States doesn’t have thousands of government and private-sector personnel dedicated to online censorship, who block key search terms and take down stories and rumors unfavorable to the government with lightning speed.

The fact that these stories stay up in China shows that, at the very least, the government is tolerating them. Most worryingly, top Chinese epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan, who has been at the front and center of the response to the outbreak, recently made an enigmatic claim at a press conference that the virus may not have originated in China—winking at these conspiracy theories without explicitly endorsing them.

Even more than boasts about China’s effectiveness, conspiracy theories are targeted at a domestic audience, as well as the Chinese diaspora. But they’re likely to be embraced elsewhere, especially in countries with their own tendency to spot U.S. plots everywhere.

If the coronavirus is uncontainable, as many epidemiologists fear, the whole world is going to be looking for someone to blame—and Beijing wants to make sure that blame falls on Washington.

This article itself is propaganda
This is interesting.

China doesn't agree with US. US calls China corrupt.
WHO doesn't agree with US. US calls WHO corrupt.
EU doesn't agree with US. US calls EU corrupt.

Soon there will be no one that is not corrupt. 众人皆醉我独醒。
Coronavirus: How China's propaganda machine is telling the story

As the novel coronavirus spread, Chinese authorities were reprimanded for censoring information in an attempt to control what was known – part of what contributed to what experts now criticise as a botched initial response.
Now that Covid-19 has gone global, Chinese state-owned media reshaping the narrative by displaying in full force its efforts to combat the virus, including the work of doctors and military to stop the virus and cure patients.

Watch the above video as China correspondent Sophia Yan explains how the propaganda machine has kicked into gear.


China’s media steps up virus propaganda drive - Asia Times

The deadly pandemic's grip on the country is weakening but the anti-US rhetoric is getting stronger


A masked police officer is seen in front of the Tiananmen Gate in Beijing. Photo: AFP

China’s state media is waging a renewed campaign to weed out “noxious thoughts” and whip up patriotism among the masses. This fresh “mental sterilization” drive coincides with emerging signs that the the deadly novel coronavirus’s grip on the country is weakening – there has been a steady drop in new cases for four consecutive days.

On Wednesday, Xinhua quoted a popular opinion piece circulating on WeChat, China’s ubiquitous social networking app, saying that the West, in particular the United States, “owes China a coronavirus apology” for all the smearing and gloating, and that the rest of Asia and even the entire world would have been embroiled in a far worse contagion had it not been for China’s resolute containment and sacrifice.

Earlier, when medical professionals across the nation were still locked in the treacherous battle against the rampaging pneumonic virus, officially known as the Covid-19, sycophants at the Communist Party’s propaganda department and the state-run People’s Daily rushed to compile a 100,000-word book extoling the “foresight, care for the people as well as topflight leadership” of President Xi Jinping as he steered the party and the nation in vanquishing the epidemic.

op-ed that the spread of the pathogen – which began in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, according to Chinese health officials – had been spiraling out of control in the US “like a single spark starting a prairie fire.” California, Florida and the state of Washington have declared the epidemic a public health emergency. There have been 159 confirmed cases and 11 deaths nationwide, compared with China’s tally of 80,567 and a toll of 3,016 as of Thursday.

Xinhua also ridiculed a prayer gathering in Vice-President Mike Pence’s office in the White House at the end of last month. US President Donald Trump has tasked Pence with spearheading the US federal government’s response to the global outbreak. In a photo released by the White House, Pence sits with members of the government’s Coronavirus Taskforce as they bow their heads and pray for the disease to disappear.


Vice-President Mike Pence meets with the President’s Coronavirus Taskforce on February 26 in his White House office. Photo: Handout
Xinhua quoted US commentator Hemant Mehta as saying, “What else did anyone expect? Science? Reason? Something sensible? Of course not… If this virus truly becomes a pandemic, we’re at the mercy of people delusional enough to think their pleas to God will fix the problem. The same God who presumably created the virus, at least in their minds, will somehow make sure it hurts only a handful of Americans … and a ton of Chinese people.”

The Chinese news agency also asserted that Beijing would not bar American citizens from China, even though the US was among the first countries to impose entry restrictions on Chinese travelers. It also said China would not take advantage of the “precarious situation” in the US by limiting the export of masks, protective suits and antiviral drugs, vital medical supplies that American firms do not manufacture.

The conclusion of the article is that the US owes China an apology for its “immoral” words and deeds during the onset of the plague in China, when its politicians and China bashers thought their country would not be hit by the crisis.


A major thoroughfare along the Yangtze River in Wuhan is devoid of traffic, as the central mega city of more than 10 million residents and the provincial capital of Hubei province is still under a sweeping lockdown with no one entering or leaving without prior approval to contain the coronavirus contagion. Photo: AFP
Other Chinese papers are also challenging the etiological conclusion that Wuhan was the breeding place of the virus, citing initial investigations by health authorities across the US, Italy, Iran, etc that found that those infected had no contact with Chinese or other Asians before they became ill. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted last week that there had been several infections with “unknown sources.”

Earlier, China also expelled Wall Street Journal journalists over a headline calling China the “sick man of Asia,” which touched a raw nerve as the term evoked bitter memories of denigration when China was invaded by the West in the early 20th century.

Opinion pieces denouncing the US have gone viral in the official discourse and on social media, with strong indignation still spreading. Yet less than a month ago, Xi thanked Trump for the solidarity and donations flowing into China in an hour-long phone call. Xi also penned letters to tycoon Bill Gates and pupils at an elementary school in Utah to thank them for their support for China and hailed the “longstanding chumminess between the two great nations.”


China’s Communist Party Shifts Coronavirus Blame to Outsiders - CNN

China's government has been working overtime to promote nationalistic propaganda amid the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.


William Ebbs @ebbs_william


After failing to contain the coronavirus outbreak, China's Communist Party is shifting the blame to outsiders in a desperate attempt to save face. | Image: NICOLAS ASFOURI / AFP

  • The Wuhan Coronavirus has shattered China’s self-image, calling decades of Communist propaganda into question.
  • In order to save face, the Chinese government is underreporting Coronavirus infection rates and suggesting the real threat comes from outsiders.
  • The Communist government is trying to change the narrative about its mishandling of the crisis.
The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak exposed the systematic weaknesses in China’s government system. That’s why the Chinese Communist Party is exaggerating its control of the situation and trying to link the coronavirus outbreak with foreigners.

To achieve this goal, they are massively underreporting their coronavirus infection rates, restricting travel from other countries and spreading rumors that the disease originated outside of China.

This is propaganda designed to bolster China’s nationalist self-image and legitimize their authoritarian system.

Xenophobia And Ethnocentrism Are Tools Of The Communist Government


The Chinese word for China is “Zhōngguó” which literally means “Central Kingdom.” The narrative that China is better than everybody else is a key ingredient in nationalist propaganda.

The Communist Party’s heavy censorship and relentless propaganda ensure that most citizens never leave this self-glorifying bubble. That’s why the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic is a little bit awkward for Chinese authorities.


China Restricts Travel From “Virus-Hit Countries”
Chinese authorities in Shanghai and Guangdong will make travelers from Japan, South Korea, Iran and Italy submit to quarantine upon entering the country. According to the government-controlled publication Global Times, these countries may not be capable of fully monitoring and controlling Covid-19.

China backs this assumption up with fake statistics that underreport the severity of Covid-19 in China.

South Korea has 5,186 confirmed cases of Covid-19 while Chongqing, a province that borders the epicenter of the outbreak in Hebei, only reports 576 confirmed cases. Is this possible? Probably not, according to the U.S CDC, which used infection rates around the globe to extrapolate that China’s data was “absolutely underestimated”.

But is China’s Covid-19 data really intended to be accurate?

The questionable stats may be designed to spread propaganda to the world and imply that China is doing a better job of controlling the outbreak than other countries while reassuring Chinese nationalists that foreigners are the real threat.

Chinese Media Suggests Coronavirus Originated Outside China
Chinese propaganda also wants to convince its citizens that the coronavirus outbreak may have started outside of China – particularly in the U.S. where they claim it may have been confused with common influenza.

The Global Times continues to repeat these ridiculous claims, which they attribute to Japan’s TV Asahi Corporation.

The Global Times reports that some netizens believe Americans brought Covid-19 to Wuhan:

Perhaps the US delegates brought the coronavirus to Wuhan. And some mutation occurred to the virus, making it more deadly and contagious, and causing a widespread outbreak this year.

China Is Changing The Narrative About Covid-19
China is slowly changing the narrative about Covid-19.

The Chinese government is convincing its citizens that it’s the only country capable of controlling the coronavirus outbreak. And corrupt organizations like the World Health Organization only make China’s goal easier.

They accept China’s doctored data and bend over backward to appease Beijing.

The Wuhan coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. It spread because of the Communist Party’s incompetence and obsession with saving face. Now, China’s government is trying to shift the blame to the outside world.

Like-wise, this article is also blatant US propaganda just as much as it thinks the Chinese narrative is.

Fight falsehoods with facts. The Chinese, Japanese n Taiwanese researchers n politicians demonstrated how they arrive at the conclusion that the coronavirus originated from the US. Prove those graphs, data, charts n diagrams were fit only for the rubbish bin.

US can only respond with accusations of propaganda. Cheapshot.
Last edited:
Like-wise, this article is also blatant US propaganda just as much as it thinks the Chinese narrative is.

Fight falsehoods with facts. The Chinese, Japanese n Taiwanese researchers n politicians demonstrated how they arrive at the conclusion that the coronavirus originated from the US. Prove those graphs, data, charts n diagrams were fit only for the rubbish bin.

US can only respond with accusations of propaganda. Cheapshot.
Source on highlighted part.
Chinese authorities who are responsible for this pandemic for not informing and containing the virus are now doing propaganda as if they are not responsible and have done good job, Pathetic !

If the authorities have blocked Wuhan as soon as this broke out, the world would have been a better place.

Then again this is china, people are made to sing praises to the same authorities who suppress them.
Stupid EU incompetent countries were long informed of the virus when Wuhan lock down in Jan 23. They failed to implement enough measures to ensure stop of the virus and now they come to blame China in early March. What a joke. Why countries like Thailand and most ASEAN countries despite being close proximity can avoid the disaster like in Europe? Care to share your super intelligent insight?
Chinese authorities who are responsible for this pandemic for not informing and containing the virus are now doing propaganda as if they are not responsible and have done good job, Pathetic !

If the authorities have blocked Wuhan as soon as this broke out, the world would have been a better place.

Then again this is china, people are made to sing praises to the same authorities who suppress them.

Can you Indian invent something more innovative to badmouth China, rather than repeating same propaganda like 10 years, especially after seeing the "efficiency" of Western systems to combat coronas virus.

In last 2 years, I see more hope for India and thought that Indian had learnt something about the so-called democracy, but people like you make me think India is hopeless.
Beijing Knows Who to Blame for the Virus: America


U.S. President Donald Trump and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar meet with pharmaceutical executives to discuss the coronavirus in Washington on March 2. MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Amid a national lockdown, desperate patients, anger at a cover-up, an economic crisis, and a virus breaking beyond its own borders, the Chinese government’s priorities were clear: It was time to publish a glossy book on how wonderful Beijing’s handling of the virus has been.

A Battle Against Epidemic: China Combating COVID-19 in 2020 compiles numerous state media accounts on the heroic leadership of President Xi Jinping, the vital role of the Communist Party, and the superiority of the Chinese system in fighting the virus. It has gotten rave reviews in Chinese media, not least because it was published by their ultimate boss—the Central Committee Publicity Department, formerly known as the Propaganda Department.

The Chinese audience won’t be the only lucky readers. The book will be translated into English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic, with more likely to follow. Authorities know the virus could irreparably damage China’s image in the world s eyes, but they also see an opportunity to push their own narrative of organization, success, and triumph. Part of that involves glossy propaganda texts, combined with more sophisticated, individually targeted efforts. Part of it is pushing a new set of conspiracy theories about the virus itself, aimed at the ultimate enemy: the United States.

The downside of the epidemic for China’s image is obvious. There are legitimate reasons: The cover-up of the early extent of the outbreak by authorities more concerned with politics than pandemics gave it critical time to spread. But the Chinese government is also likely to be blamed for events outside its control, especially as patients and casualties pile up.Authorities know the virus could irreparably damage China’s image in the world’s eyes, but they also see an opportunity to push their own narrative.

The damage to China’s economy and image is also seriously worrying the leadership, which has been attempting to push people back to work. That damage is already visible in the United States, where the virus has pushed opinions of China to record lows—and made people less confident in China’s economic future. Firms were already looking for suppliers outside of China as a result of the trade war; the coronavirus is giving that a critical push.

Yet Beijing is pushing a powerful counternarrative: the idea that Chinese organization and authoritarianism allowed for a rapid and effective response to the crisis that other countries can learn from. The export of authoritarian techniques has been one of the underrated selling points of China’s global projects in the past few years, especially in Central Asia. The primary audience, as always, is domestic—but it includes foreigners too, especially in developing countries.

In fairness, it may be that the widspread lockdown truly played a critical role in containing the virus. Yet it’s hard to know for sure because of the government-led clampdown on reporting, as well as the introduction of yet another set of new media and Internet controls, already planned before the coronavirus. At the provincial level, statistics on the outbreak range from the dubious to the obviously false. Disturbingly, the World Health Organization, already facing public criticism for its refusal to confront Chinese failures, is a willing participant in pushing that narrative, writing a comically sycophantic report on Chinese efforts based on a recent managed propaganda tour of Hubei province, where the virus first erupted.

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Sign up now to receive Editors' Picks, a curated selection of FP's must-read stories. Delivered daily.

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diplomatic resources when it comes to Africa and the Middle East in particular. Take this video produced by China Radio International that’s been widely circulated on Telegram in Iran, in which a fluent Farsi speaker explains how China managed the outbreak, and offers help to Iran, one of the countries outside China most affected by the outbreak. That’s the kind of engagement that can make a lasting difference to ordinary people rather than fellow autocrats.

From early on, there’s also been a deliberate doubling-down on anti-U.S. propaganda. In part that was an almost instinctive reaction; anti-Americanism has so come to dominate the Chinese media in the last four years that it’s the default position for writers. Even in the early weeks of the outbreak, Chinese officials were blaming the United States for supposed overreaction and falsely claiming Washington was the first to impose travel bans. But there’s also a clear desire to divert anger away from officialdom and toward an external foe

The next stage of the propaganda push has been to deny that the virus started in China at all. (Quite how the virus crossed species is still unclear, but there’s nothing to suggest it didn’t happen in China, which saw the first outbreak in the city of Wuhan.) Those claims erupted on Chinese social media last week, where conspiracy-minded sites such as College Daily, already vectors for deeply racist and Islamophobic stories winked at by the propaganda authorities, are pushing the idea that the virus really originated in the United States. Clips from Taiwanese TV and mistranslated captions from American reporting are used to back up the case.

They’re helped in this by China’s own bad recording of flu stats, which makes it appear as though the country has only had a few hundred seasonal flu deaths this year, when in reality 84,000 to 92,000 people in China die of the flu each year. Claims of the deadliness of American flu appeared in January, leading to officials believing that U.S. reporters didn’t fear the coronavirus because they were inured to the disease. The explicit claim that coronavirus started in the United States is relatively new, but—judging from reported conversations between Chinese abroad and their parents and grandparents at home—has spread disturbingly fast. Flu isn’t the only culprit blamed; one other popular theory is that vaping deaths under President Donald Trump were a cover for coronavirus fatalities.

It’s unclear how much of this is state-sanctioned. The United States, of course, has hardly been short of conspiracy theories of its own about the virus. While he walked it back later, Trump himself described the virus as “fake news.” Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton has also played a part in spreading them. But the United States doesn’t have thousands of government and private-sector personnel dedicated to online censorship, who block key search terms and take down stories and rumors unfavorable to the government with lightning speed.

The fact that these stories stay up in China shows that, at the very least, the government is tolerating them. Most worryingly, top Chinese epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan, who has been at the front and center of the response to the outbreak, recently made an enigmatic claim at a press conference that the virus may not have originated in China—winking at these conspiracy theories without explicitly endorsing them.

Even more than boasts about China’s effectiveness, conspiracy theories are targeted at a domestic audience, as well as the Chinese diaspora. But they’re likely to be embraced elsewhere, especially in countries with their own tendency to spot U.S. plots everywhere.

If the coronavirus is uncontainable, as many epidemiologists fear, the whole world is going to be looking for someone to blame—and Beijing wants to make sure that blame falls on Washington.


Funny we are told by US propaganda about Chinese propaganda.
Pay me for my precious time to entertain u, hereafter.

I have plenty of time to spend here, but lavishing them on you requires a monetary incentive @ a discounted rate of $99 USD/sentence.
In other words, you have no proof.

Stupid EU incompetent countries were long informed of the virus when Wuhan lock down in Jan 23. They failed to implement enough measures to ensure stop of the virus and now they come to blame China in early March. What a joke. Why countries like Thailand and most ASEAN countries despite being close proximity can avoid the disaster like in Europe? Care to share your super intelligent insight?
The response from western countries has been terrible. Actions that should have been taken way earlier are being taken right now, when it's extremely late.

In Canada, the government is being urged to close the border with the US, or at least put up screening stations along the border crossings, neither has been done, which is annoying to say the least.

A paltry 500 million was being given to fight the virus, until the government was forced to increase that to a billion, due to outrage.
In other words, you have no proof.

The response from western countries has been terrible. Actions that should have been taken way earlier are being taken right now, when it's extremely late.

In Canada, the government is being urged to close the border with the US, or at least put up screening stations along the border crossings, neither has been done, which is annoying to say the least.

A paltry 500 million was being given to fight the virus, until the government was forced to increase that to a billion, due to outrage.
1 negative rating from u is not enough- make it 1000. your ratings r worthless to me. i see them as toilet paper
Can you Indian invent something more innovative to badmouth China, rather than repeating same propaganda like 10 years, especially after seeing the "efficiency" of Western systems to combat coronas virus.

In last 2 years, I see more hope for India and thought that Indian had learnt something about the so-called democracy, but people like you make me think India is hopeless.

The world is suffering from Chinese doings and you are trying to advise me on their behalf?
Enough of the CPC clown propaganda dude, latest news from china is that two news cities are locked down.
Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17

Link: https://amp.scmp.com/news/china/soc...nas-first-confirmed-covid-19-case-traced-back

Wuhan was/is Ground Zero of the latest COVID-19 type.

However, Corona is a FAMILY of viruses. And different strains are responsible for killing people worldwide. It remains to be seen how many FLU deaths were actually from Corona family of viruses.

And the scary part is that there additional Corona types which have not invaded human bodies yet. :ph34r:
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