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China's nominal GDP will hit $15 TRILLION in 2018

Yes, each country has its own situation, but 1.3% for China is way too little, almost on the bottom of all the countries on GDP recalculations. Maybe China just put this data as it is and no more adjustment, who knows, and you happy, that "F-22" guy happy.......

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This "F-22" guy has been talking that China's GDP is not keeping pace with that of US. Now China just added 2/3 Indian GDP under its belt in one year! 3 India's GDP to go.

I will not be surprised if China adopts SNA08 today and recalculate "owner-occupied" virtual rent based on market price like they do in the US, China's GDP could be 75% of that of USA. Striking distance. But China would like to stay in 2nd spot as long as possible, as the saying goes, the nail that sticks out got hammered.
This "F-22" guy has been talking that China's GDP is not keeping pace with that of US. Now China just added 2/3 Indian GDP under its belt in one year! 3 India's GDP to go.

I will not be surprised if China adopts SNA08 today and recalculate "owner-occupied" virtual rent based on market price like they do in the US, China's GDP could be 75% of that of USA. Striking distance. But China would like to stay in 2nd spot as long as possible, as the saying goes, the nail that sticks out got hammered.
Western countries have lots of fake virtual GDP, like skyrocketing rent and $5000 surgery that will only cost 1000 yuan in China.
your adopted country's GDP is :lol::lol::lol::lol:...

His adopted country is becoming more and more like his real SP12 albeit our Indian friend is not in the least ashamed of it.

Oh he's Indian...what a waste of my precious time...LMAO :lol:

The worst kind of SP12, albeit entertaining. He was hiding well among the bush until he began to speak out and then the real Indian quickly came out.

This "F-22" guy has been talking that China's GDP is not keeping pace with that of US. Now China just added 2/3 Indian GDP under its belt in one year! 3 India's GDP to go.

I will not be surprised if China adopts SNA08 today and recalculate "owner-occupied" virtual rent based on market price like they do in the US, China's GDP could be 75% of that of USA. Striking distance. But China would like to stay in 2nd spot as long as possible, as the saying goes, the nail that sticks out got hammered.

The SP12 F-22 guy also argues that the US will soon beat China in supercomputer, referring to shoddy promises and future tense.
China implemented only R&D component of SNA 2008

According to the CSIS 224-page report, China's nominal GDP is undercounted by $1.1 trillion.

If China fully implemented SNA 2008, China's nominal GDP would INCREASE by $1.1 trillion.

To date, China has only counted the R&D component under SNA 2008 to increase its nominal GDP by $131 billion.

$1.1 trillion - $0.131 trillion = $969 billion (or about $1 trillion left uncounted under SNA 2008)

China still hasn't counted $969 billion of nominal GDP under the full SNA 2008.

According to the citation below, China has taken ONLY ONE STEP towards SNA 2008.

I stand by my claim of a Chinese $15 trillion nominal GDP for 2018.

IMF projection using SNA 1993 with R&D component from SNA 2008: 89,608 billion Yuans / 6.32 Yuans per US dollar = $14.18 trillion dollars for China's 2018 nominal GDP

Full implementation by China of SNA 2008 adds $969 billion of nominal GDP.

$14.18 trillion + $0.969 trillion = $15.15 trillion nominal GDP for China in 2018 (using full SNA 2008 accounting method)

GDP revision reflects real picture of China's economy | China Daily (June 7, 2016)

"BEIJING - China's statistics authority altered the way quarterly GDP data are calculated, a move analysts have called A STEP toward meeting international standards and improving accuracy.

Research and development (R&D) expenditures that can economically benefit companies will no longer be calculated as intermediate consumption, but as fixed capital formation, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced on Tuesday.

That will add $131 billion to last year's GDP figure, the NBS said."

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Welcome back!

It has not.

Even now, only some cities do.

Thank you Brother! It's always nice to read about the progress of China when returning back to this forum. Things are going smoothly in CPEC too. There are so many infrastructure projects happening all over Pakistan. In my friends ancestral village all the boys have left to work on the Karot Dam project. Therefore, take media reports especially those who have an agenda with a pinch of salt. I wonder how Gordon Chang feels....stupid loser...reminds me of a banana:)
China implemented only R&D component of SNA 2008

According to the CSIS 224-page report, China's nominal GDP is undercounted by $1.1 trillion.

If China fully implemented SNA 2008, China's nominal GDP would INCREASE by $1.1 trillion.

To date, China has only counted the R&D component under SNA 2008 to increase its nominal GDP by $131 billion.

$1.1 trillion - $0.131 trillion = $969 billion (or about $1 trillion left uncounted under SNA 2008)

China still hasn't counted $969 billion of nominal GDP under the full SNA 2008.

According to the citation below, China has taken ONLY ONE STEP towards SNA 2008.

Good to beat SP12 people like F-22 via analytical and empirical reasoning. But wait until they refute you with population dividend.


On topic, I believe China will continue to adopt a step by step approach, let the appearance of the size of its GDP grow in line with the qualitative improvements in real economy. Aside from unwarranted overseas attention a bigger GDP would generate, I guess, China also does not want to create a fake complacence until a considerable improvement is made in terms of the transition of China's economy in real terms.
a fake complacence
That's right.
13 or X trillion dollars for China is not big enough (according to our own GDP calculation as opposed to the number-inflating SNA2008).

Fake complacence created by SP2012 believed by PDFers like @randomradio
is the very reason they get stuck at the level worse than Sub-Sahara Africa.

They, the incompetent and ignorant minds, are the very reason they fail, not british one century ago or this party and that party.
P.R. China GDP reaches $13.12 trillion at current prices according to the IMF here.

To be fair, the IMF table you cited use the current price for GDP, which could imply they list the GDP at current exchange rate, instead of the 2017 yearly average used by China official.

At current exchange RMB is 1:6.3x against USD, whilst for 2017 yearly average, that's for 1:6.7x, which explain the source of the 1 trillion USD, it is not the product of GDP revision which is yet to take full effects.
That's right.
13 or X trillion dollars for China is not big enough (according to our own GDP calculation as opposed to the number-inflating SNA2008).

Fake complacence created by SP2012 believed by PDFers like @randomradio
is the very reason they get stuck at the level worse than Sub-Sahara Africa.

They, the incompetent and ignorant minds, are the very reason they fail, not british one century ago or this party and that party.

Switching to SNA 2008 actually reduced India's GDP.

This thread is for mental masturbation of High IQ Chinese. Keep going.
To be fair, the IMF table you cited use the current price for GDP, which could imply they list the GDP at current exchange rate, instead of the 2017 yearly average used by China official.

At current exchange RMB is 1:6.3x against USD, whilst for 2017 yearly average, that's for 1:6.7x, which explain the source of the 1 trillion USD, it is not the product of GDP revision which is yet to take full effects.
no. thats 2018 projected gdp, 13.12T is actually a significant underestimate
no. thats 2018 projected gdp, 13.12T is actually a significant underestimate
Guangdong Province reached 1.4 trillion dollars in 2017!!!

The GDP of southern Guangdong Province and eastern Jiangsu Province reached nearly 9 trillion yuan (1.4 trillion U.S. dollars) and 8.6 trillion yuan last year, respectively, ranking first and second among 31 provincial-level regions.
That's right.
13 or X trillion dollars for China is not big enough (according to our own GDP calculation as opposed to the number-inflating SNA2008).

Fake complacence created by SP2012 believed by PDFers like @randomradio
is the very reason they get stuck at the level worse than Sub-Sahara Africa.

They, the incompetent and ignorant minds, are the very reason they fail, not british one century ago or this party and that party.

Yes, the performance of real economy is what really matters.


Quality to go hand in hand with growth

By Xin Zhiming | China Daily | Updated: 2018-01-30

An employee works at a lab of SMIC (Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation), a leader in IC chip manufacturing. [Photo/IC]
Sustainable model expected to lay firm foundation for the economy's future

The 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the Chinese mainland have released their GDP figures and adjusted the wording on how they will develop their economies this year, aiming for growth quality and sustainability.

Analysts said such a shift will not significantly affect the country's GDP growth this year but will lay a solid foundation for future development.

Guangdong province registered GDP of 8.99 trillion yuan ($1.42 trillion) in 2017, the 29th year that it topped the local rankings. It is roughly equivalent to the economy of South Korea, which ranked 11th globally among nations in GDP in 2016, according to the World Bank.

Next are Jiangsu and Shandong, whose GDP stood at 8.59 trillion yuan and 7.27 trillion yuan, respectively.

Except for the bottom five provinces and regions, all the localities achieved a GDP of over 1 trillion yuan last year, according to local bureaus of statistics.

While achieving steady economic expansion, provinces and regions have shifted their development strategies in accordance with the call of the country's top leadership for high-quality development.

Thirteen provinces and regions cut their GDP growth targets. Most local governments have given greater emphasis to development of new industries and high-tech sectors, promotion of people's livelihood and poverty reduction as ways to improve their quality of growth.

Shandong, for example, has made efforts to move higher in the industrial value chain by upgrading its manufacturing and seeking greater growth in high-tech industries. In Guizhou province, big data and equipment manufacturing have become major pillars of local growth.

Meanwhile, local governments are spending more on people's livelihood. In Hunan province, the proportion of spending on people's livelihood in total public expenditures rose by 1.2 percentage points in the first 11 months compared with a year earlier.

"In the new era, all provinces and regions are making more efforts to create new growth engines, promote people's livelihood and reduce poverty," said Hu Shaowei, an economist at the State Information Center.

The Central Economic Work Conference in December saw Xi Jinping Thought on Socialist Economy with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era take shape. It emphasizes high-quality development instead of only pursuing high GDP growth rates.

The change in the growth model is set to exert some pressure on the growth rate of the world's second-largest economy this year, and local governments should balance development quality and growth rates in the short term to iron out the negative effects of economic restructuring, Hu said.

Despite the new growth philosophy, however, China's GDP growth will remain stable this year, said Liang Haiming, chief economist of the China Silk Road iValley Research Institute. "Given the fast global economic recovery, and domestically, the pick up in consumption and new growth momentum provided by supply-side structural reform, China's GDP growth will be maintained between 6.5 percent and 6.7 percent this year," he said.

There should not be great concern about local governments' shift to more sustainable growth models, he said.
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