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China's new technology about the control of nuclear fusion


Jan 27, 2010
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CASHIPS(Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), is a multidisciplinary institution
whose research activity en-compasses plasma physics,future energy sources, con-densed matter physics, ma-terials science, environmental and atmospheric optics, remote sensing, biomimetic sensing, artificial intelligence, high magnetic fields, bioeng-ineering, and modern agricu-lture,etc.It was made up of 6 research institutes of the Chin-ese Academy of Sciences in 2001 , inclding the Hefei Branch of CAS(HBCAS), the Institute of Plasma Physics(IPP), the Institute of Solid State Physics(ISSP),Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics(AIOFM), the Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machines(IIM), and the High Magnetic Field Scientific Center(HMFS), and became the unit of the CAS Knowledge Innovation Prog-ram. It is located on a beautiful peninsula called "Science Island" in the west of Hefei city, Anhui province, China.
Among about 1500 staff, there are about 1000 scientific or technical personnel, one CAE Member, and 433 senior research scientists. In addition, about 1200 graduate stud-ents and 27 postdoctoral and visiting scholars study here. It has twenty well equipped la-boratories and 10 large-scale technical physics facilities. They include two National Mega-Science facilities, one National and four Provincial R&D Engineering Centers and 10 CAS or Provincial Key Labs. CASHIPS has several technical service divisions including the El-ectromechanical Design and Manufacturing Center and the Library & Network Center.
CASHIPS plays an active role in the Science research of China and has been carrying out many significant programs such as the "National Mega-Science"、 "973"、"863" pro-jects, and those from National Natural Science Foundation of China and from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is also one of the most fruitful research institutions in China. The experiment on HT-7 super-conducting tokamak continuously made prominent progress, which is the only fusion device in the world with plasma discharges of 400 seconds. It was granted, "the Second Prize for the National Natural Science Awards" and "the Second Pr-ize for National Tech & Invention Awards" in 2006, "the Second Prize of the State Scien-ce and Technology Awards" in 2007, "the First Prize of the State Science and Technology Awards" in 2008, by China Government. Exclusive of these prizes, it still gained seven top provincial awards, published more than 1700 papers in journals listed in Science Citation Index, and patented 250 inventions from 2002-2007. Meanwhile, CASHIPS promotes active international cooperation. There is a steady stream of scientific exchanges with the USA, the European Union, Japan, the Russian Federation and some other countries. Co-llaborative projects are in controlled fusion, high magnetic fields, atmospheric and enviro-nmental optics, materials science, artificial intelligence and others. Every year ten or more joint projects were carried out, and several international conferences were sponsored. There are eleven senior scientists who have became members of international committees in their research fields.
CASHIPS is striving to meet the strategic needs of the nation, focusing on the fore-fronts of magnetically confined plasma research, global environment change, new mater-ials, and new physical phenomena at extreme experimental conditions. Future research will use unique tools, including large experimental devices such as EAST, Magnets with fields up to 40 teslas, the large superconducting system test facility, and state-of-the-art atmos-phere and environment research tools. All of these projects are making CASHIPS a nati-onal scientific research center that is known throughout the world. Journals published by CASHIPS are 《Plasma Science & Technology》, 《International Journal of Information Acquisition》, 《Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics》, 《Journal of Atmospheric & Environmental Optics》 , and 《Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence》.
CASHIPS plays a major role in China's graduate education system. The history of graduate education can be traced back to 1981. From 1981 to present, it trained more than 2600 graduate students, including 980 Doctor and 1680 Master. There are now 280 super-visors and 1197 graduate students in training, including 415 candidates for doctor's degree, 782 for master's degree. Young undergraduate students are welcome to continue their edu-cation in our institute ,to actualize their dream of being an outstanding scientist.

Graduate Education----Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
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