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China's military capabilities focused on US: Mullen

Too bad China is still 100 years away from being able to compete with the US technology. Until China can spend more money and get more talent to develop their technology, China will continue to fall further and further behind. So China can start to think about catching up to US once its GDP surpass the US. But its GDP per capita will still fall far short of the US. The smart Indians and Chinese like many in this forum would continue to come to the US and help develop US technology until GDP per capita can start to catch up to that of the US. So hence, 100 year is not an over estimation.
Too bad China is still 100 years away from being able to compete with the US technology. Until China can spend more money and get more talent to develop their technology, China will continue to fall further and further behind. So China can start to think about catching up to US once its GDP surpass the US. But its GDP per capita will still fall far short of the US. The smart Indians and Chinese like many in this forum would continue to come to the US and help develop US technology until GDP per capita can start to catch up to that of the US. So hence, 100 year is not an over estimation.

Hope that all American have the same opinion as yours.
Too bad China is still 100 years away from being able to compete with the US technology. Until China can spend more money and get more talent to develop their technology, China will continue to fall further and further behind. So China can start to think about catching up to US once its GDP surpass the US. But its GDP per capita will still fall far short of the US. The smart Indians and Chinese like many in this forum would continue to come to the US and help develop US technology until GDP per capita can start to catch up to that of the US. So hence, 100 year is not an over estimation.

No problem, 一切盡在國軍掌握之中。
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When the Soviet Union to end, China and Europe started their own programs.

Europe: European Union-Mediterranean Union plan
China: Shanghai Cooperation Organization-Northeast Asia economic integration plan

The U.S in the Gulf War, 1991
the U.S control of oil, Oil attracts capital, the U.S continues to lead the world.

Then Bush emerged, he weakened the USA.
Capital began to shift to China and Europe, and the leadership of the USA to become dangerous.

the USA took out the F22, Show of force began its leadership to ensure.
Therefore, the USA shut down production lines F22
The U.S continues to lead the world.

Came the economic crisis, and Capital began to shift to other countries again.
If Europe or China first out of the economic crisis, the USA leadership will be finished.

Obama more attention to force, and F35 trouble began development work.
Obama needs a war show of force, and North Korea began to trouble.

But this time, J20 has emerged.
What are the American capabilities focused on? I presume that the F-22s and F-35s were developed to counter the Taliban flying carpets?



I agree, that's why we're not underestimating you. We know that the racist Wall Street regime is one of the most dangerous and aggressive rogue states in the world. To deter it from its mad dog aggression would require significant additional input of resources to our defensive systems.

Actually our MIC (military-industrial-complex) wants China to get going on its defense spending. Heck, since the fall of the Soviet Union it's been no fun for them. They need a competitor to gin up more $$$ for far our new toys paid for by us, the USA taxpayers. I bet, twenty years down the road the Chinese people will look around at all the unnecessary (but real neat) military toys they have bought and paid for while their environment (air, land and water) has gone down the toilet .....
Actually our MIC (military-industrial-complex) wants China to get going on its defense spending. Heck, since the fall of the Soviet Union it's been no fun for them. They need a competitor to gin up more $$$ for far our new toys paid for by us, the USA taxpayers. I bet, twenty years down the road the Chinese people will look around at all the unnecessary (but real neat) military toys they have bought and paid for while their environment (air, land and water) has gone down the toilet .....

but 20 years down the line china is suppose to be larger (gdp) than the us, whos government is going down the toilet? did i mention china though dirty has the worlds largest and most ambitious green projects going on while the us drags their feet?
Actually our MIC (military-industrial-complex) wants China to get going on its defense spending. Heck, since the fall of the Soviet Union it's been no fun for them. They need a competitor to gin up more $$$ for far our new toys paid for by us, the USA taxpayers. I bet, twenty years down the road the Chinese people will look around at all the unnecessary (but real neat) military toys they have bought and paid for while their environment (air, land and water) has gone down the toilet .....

China is the only country in the world with net increase in forest area for the past 20 years. We got problems, but the trend is good. In fact, the trend of forest area correlates exactly with increase in military production, so we can assume that this correlation will remain linear for the near future, such as 20 years.

On the other hand the US is spending itself to death with its addiction to oil, low efficiency housing, low efficiency transportation, bank bailouts and military expansion. I predict that in 20 years the United States will no longer exist, instead it would be split into several smaller, more managable nations. You being in Virginia should know that the Union has brutally kept the legitimate government of the Confederate States of America under its occupation for over 150 years. When will the south free itself?
On the other hand the US is spending itself to death with its addiction to oil, low efficiency housing, low efficiency transportation, bank bailouts and military expansion.
You mean those problems do not exists in China?

Beijing Adviser: China's Housing Problems Worse Than in US
“The housing market problem in China is actually much, much more fundamental, much bigger than the housing market problem in the U.S. and U.K." before the financial crisis, says Li Daokui, a professor at Tsinghua University and a member of the Chinese central bank’s monetary policy committee.

I predict that in 20 years the United States will no longer exist, instead it would be split into several smaller, more managable nations.
And you will be added to the list of those who embarrassed themselves with these predictions.
On the other hand the US is spending itself to death with its addiction to oil,...
Yup...And China does not have the same problem...:rolleyes:

Fueling the dragon: China's race into the oil market, by Gal Luft
China's expectation of growing future dependence on oil imports has brought it to acquire interests in exploration and production in places like Kazakhstan, Russia, Venezuela, Sudan, West Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Canada. But despite its efforts to diversify its sources, China has become increasingly dependent on Middle East oil. Today, 58% of China's oil imports come from the region. By 2015, the share of Middle East oil will stand on 70%. Though historically China has had no long-standing strategic interests in the Middle East, its relationship with the region from where most of its oil comes is becoming increasingly important.
Seventy percent of import is from the ME. That is more than the US.


So who really has the long term addiction to oil here?
One bottle of Nestle drinking water in Beijing is one RMB Yuan, that is 15 cents. The same bottle of wter in a convient store in San Francisco is 2 USD.
One bus ride in beining is 40 cents RMB, that is 6 cents USD, the same bus ride in San Francisco is 2 USD.
One subway ride in beijing is 2 Chinese Yuan in a brand new 14 lines system with free transfer, that is 30 cents USD. The same BART ride in San Francisco is 6 dollars, the ride is horrible and slow like hell, it is nothing like the Chinese brand new trains and stations.
But, the cost of a MBZ in China is hell lot more expensive than U.S.
China has 2.6 triilion USD as foreign reserve, it is incrasing 100 billion per month recently, on the other hand USD is running few billion dollar deficits per day with hundreds of trillion underfunded obligations or budegt deficits.
Chinese saves 25% to 50% of their income, while people in U.S. keeps on getting more debts, student loans, mortgage debts, and all kinds of debts.
You mean those problems do not exists in China?

Beijing Adviser: China's Housing Problems Worse Than in US

And you will be added to the list of those who embarrassed themselves with these predictions.

1) Chinese are far richer than you think, and due to some reason, the so-called overpriced stockmarket and real estate market is not as bad as people think. Actually about the emerging China's real estate market, I have something very interesting to say later.
2) Chinese people are pretty tough, unlike protesting europeans, when it comes to hardship, Chinese people prefer shut up and work their way out instead of blaming others.
Again the two fact above I said are more psychological than economic. Chinese have a strong belief about family, but not only family members, the house itself is a very important symbol of a stable,satisfied family life. Parents buy their child a house as their graduation gift&wedding gift. Would you buy a house for 50years leasehold at 1 million pounds(about 10k per month) when you can rent a house at same size,same location at monthly rate 2 grand? In China, you will find most people give you YES. Reason is simply "I need to feel home".
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