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China's military bluster camouflages toothless bite

I strongly support you view, without participating in war, a large army like PLA becomes inactive. Military drills don't help much. An army needs coordinating skills between various wings. For example attacking a strong enemy position in a coordinated ferocious manner is something that neither training nor drill can teach. Killing an enemy in a ruthless ferocious manner cannot also be learnt from drills where there is no bloodshed. US marines are experienced with such bloodshed and thats why its easy for them to mercilessly destroy enemies. Also US marines know how to attack enemies and eliminate them within a limited time or how to survive unexpected sudden enemy attacks. If PLA does not take part in real pitched battles, then one day PLA will become a waxed army. High techs don't give you the bravery that you can learn from real battles. A soldier must always be ready to achieve martyrdom and that makes some one a soldier. A soldier's main aim is to kill the enemy at any cost. Thats his primary duty. Also a real battle will let PLA know whether there is any flaw in their equipments and also new strategies.
So when can we expect Asia to be the next starting location of a world war? I say Taiwan would be a good testing ground for the PLA, particularly the PLAN.
So when can we expect Asia to be the next starting location of a world war? I say Taiwan would be a good testing ground for the PLA, particularly the PLAN.

naah, I highly doubt there would be any world war again.... Well as of PLA , its a good force.... I dont think they need an exercise to retain there so called lost skill, its not that If a country dosent go for a war the country looses the battle skills....
So when can we expect Asia to be the next starting location of a world war? I say Taiwan would be a good testing ground for the PLA, particularly the PLAN.

I was not talking about world war. And Taiwanese are Chinese, why should Chinese fight against Chinese?

I think india will launch a war against China and give PLA the opportunity to test its military potential.
I was not talking about world war. And Taiwanese are Chinese, why should Chinese fight against Chinese?

I think india will launch a war against China and give PLA the opportunity to test its military potential.

India cannot afford an offensive move against china, and neither can china afford an offensive move against India... We both have a fast and rapid economic growth... So a war between two countries is just impossible....
naah, I highly doubt there would be any world war again.... Well as of PLA , its a good force.... I dont think they need an exercise to retain there so called lost skill, its not that If a country dosent go for a war the country looses the battle skills....

Yes, it has made PLA almost inactive. Chinese must become a martial race if Chinese want to survive. The nature is based on the theory of survival of the fittest. Chinese must become a fittest one.
India cannot afford an offensive move against china, and neither can china afford an offensive move against India... We both have a fast and rapid economic growth... So a war between two countries is just impossible....

I hope times of india helps in this regard making some more sensational news.
Yes, it has made PLA almost inactive. Chinese must become a martial race if Chinese want to survive. The nature is based on the theory of survival of the fittest. Chinese must become a fittest one.

"Survival of the fittest" is a just a conspiracy theory, It only implies when the world becomes war mongering.. This is peace time.. Military dosent alone judge the power but also the economy... China has both, and why would china bother wasting it.... China cannot simply afford to seek for a war, but can defend when a country raises arm against it...
you two parties need to get into the ring
Nah nah, communist, I need to remind you 稻光养晦,厚积薄发。Let the US go fight around the world, as long as it doesn't directly affect our interests we should just stay out of it. War costs lives, resources and makes you enemies for generations to come, we don't want none of that.
So when can we expect Asia to be the next starting location of a world war? I say Taiwan would be a good testing ground for the PLA, particularly the PLAN.

Look at these uncivilized, culture-less Americans talking about war like it's nothing.
Look at these uncivilized, culture-less Americans talking about war like it's nothing.

lol... He's not alone, fox news is consistently rated as the most watched news channel in the US, what do you expect? :cry: :cry:
We should always win without fighting where possible. Those who think brute strength is everything are advised to read chinese history.

Look at these uncivilized, culture-less Americans talking about war like it's nothing.
No...Not 'nothing'...More like we are good at it. The deterrent factor. And US 'culture-less'? Do you really think it matters to US, or anyone for that matter, if the Chinese or Japanese or Korean or French or British or German, thinks we have no culture? No one in the US, or any country for that matter, gives a damn if anyone outside their borders thinks his country has any 'culture'. Did the Mongols give a damn about Chinese or anyone else's culture when they rampaged across the lands? No...What the Mongols wanted was to make an indelible mark in Chinese history, one that said at so-and-so point in history, the Chinese or so-and-so people were conquered by and ruled over by the Mongols. And the Mongols succeeded. Chew on that for a while.
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We should always win without fighting where possible. Those who think brute strength is everything are advised to read chinese history.

Or something more recent -- The Cold War. Guess who collapsed without fighting.
Or something more recent -- The Cold War. Guess who collapsed without fighting.

The fighting in Afghanistan was a major reason for the callapse, firstly it was draining the economy and secondly, people wanted change. The people also got tired of the system, many Russians domonstarated and pushed for a reform.
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