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China’s Mars rover feat took NASA decades

How you know?

We could look at the pictures of the solar panels on the Chinese rover on Mars...oh wait there are no pictures from the Chinese Mars rover..

Oh wait..
Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 1.48.56 AM.jpg

There they are.
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So the answer is supapowa is fake! I know US space tech is not really as good as many bragging. It difficult to admit one is not good enough. China is better than US. :enjoy:

..ignorance is bliss.. stay ignorant my friend..
We could look at the pictures of the solar panels on the Chinese rover on Mars...oh wait there are no pictures from the Chinese Mars rover..
:disagree: By just my looking I know SLS is a crapped mission.

Same with the denial who claim China didnt soft landed on Mars on the first day of Mars landing after we didnt provide any photo,
When tribal agrees the brahmin asks him to cut off his thumb and give it as gift so he may never defeat another prince.
last time i heard it was found inside the rec**m of a person who could barely keep his eyes open.....
Lol typical cheapshot. Even when US launched their Falcon 9 , they also couldn't know where their debris will landed. Yet the western media decide to only focus on Long March 5B.

Salty Indian better focus on your moon landing to get it right first. :enjoy:

See, i clearly mentioned, they didn't bother to warn world.. kept mouth shut on the issue.. yes .. china have capabilities, but it won't accept it's failures...
LOL! How are we slow compared to China?
Far earlier? We only started launching satellites 12 years before China.

Since then:
We have sent probes to EVERY planet (some are still working like the Jupiter one).
A probe orbiting around the Sun.
A probe is on its way back from collecting samples from an asteroid.
Probes outside the solar system.
We have had 12 men walk on the moon, with some of them driving on it. They brought back 383 Kilograms of moon samples.
We sent a 75+ ton space station into orbit with a single launch.
We helped build a second Space Station.
We have had people continuously in orbit in the ISS since November of 2000...that's over 20 years.
We have had 5 spaceship designs (including an 8 person capacity space plane) send over 500 people into orbit.
We have reusable rockets.
We have the most powerful active rocket in the world.
We have two day/night nuclear powered rovers driving on Mars right now AND a helicopter.

Mars isn't the only place we have concentrated resources.

US is not slow compared to EU and Russia, but slow compared to China.

If US was not slow, with earlier start about 12 years, and much more resource, the Gap with China is supposed to be much more than 12 years by NOW. But the fact most of the space technological already/almost catched up by China now.
See, i clearly mentioned, they didn't bother to warn world.. kept mouth shut on the issue.. yes .. china have capabilities, but it won't accept it's failures...
Another nonsense. Falcon 9 didnt warn anybody or couldnt give exact entry location only until the debris enter earth atmosphere. Exactly what Long March 5B do except the stupid media selective posting to suit their agenda.

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It’s better that you concentrate on getting China to release the classified photos of the artificial structure.

What artificial structure ?

Not all countries can follow. Russia can't follow America and put a rover on Mars.

Just for the record the USSR proposed a manned mission to Mars called MPK.

A short description from Wikipedia :
The Martian Piloted Complex or MPK was a Soviet Union human mission to Mars proposed by Mikhail Tikhonravov. It featured a six-Cosmonaut crew on a 900-day mission, with a launch in 1975.

The craft would have a mass of 1,630 metric tons and land a crew on Mars for a one-year expedition. It would take 25 N1 rocket launches to assemble the MPK.

A longer description from Astronautix :
Russian manned Mars expedition. Study 1956. This first serious examination in the Soviet Union of manned flight to Mars was made by M Tikhonravov.
AKA: Martian Piloted Complex.Status: Study 1956. Gross mass: 1,630,000 kg (3,590,000 lb). Specific impulse: 310 s.

His Martian Piloted Complex (MPK) would have a mass of 1,630 metric tons and land a crew on Mars on a 30-month expedition.

In Korolev's defense of the N1 draft project in July 1962 he stated that he first sketched out the N1 design in 1956-1957. The requirement at that time was to support a large manned expedition to Mars. This first serious examination in the Soviet Union of manned flight to Mars was initiated by M Tikhonravov's section of Korolev's OKB-1. The study group first considered a complete manned expedition to Mars. This followed the classic scenario worked out by Von Braun's group in their Mars Project of 1948. The Martian Piloted Complex would be assembled in low earth orbit. Using conventional liquid propellants, it would fly a Hohmann trajectory, enter Martian orbit, and a landing craft would descend to the surface. After just over a year of surface exploration, the crew would return to earth. It was calculated that the initial mass of the MPK would be 1,630 metric tons, and a re-entry vehicle of only 15 metric tons could be returned to earth at the end of the 30 month mission. At the planned N1 payload mass of 75 to 85 metric tons, it would take 20 to 25 N1 launches to assemble the MPK.

MPK Mission Summary:
  • Summary: First Soviet study for a manned Mars expedition.
  • Propulsion: LOX/Kerosene
  • Braking at Mars: propulsive
  • Mission Type: conjunction
  • Split or All-Up: all up
  • ISRU: no ISRU
  • Launch Year: 1975
  • Crew: 6
  • Outbound time-days: 270
  • Mars Stay Time-days: 360
  • Return Time-days: 270
  • Total Mission Time-days: 900
  • Total Payload Required in Low Earth Orbit-metric tons: 1360
  • Mass per crew-metric tons: 226
  • Launch Vehicle Payload to LEO-metric tons: 75
  • Number of Launches Required to Assemble Payload in Low Earth Orbit: 25
  • Launch Vehicle: N1
@Hamartia Antidote, what is the "Split or All-up" written above ?
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Unfortunately it is hard to say where CCP ends and the Chinese Govt begins.

It is believed that CCP is funded from different provincial revenue budget.
The funding of all CCP organizations mainly comes from state fiscal revenue. Data for the proportion of total CCP organizations’ expenditures in total China fiscal revenue is unavailable. However, occasionally small local governments in China release such data. For example, on 10 October 2016, the local government of Mengmao Township, Ruili City, Yunnan Province released a concise fiscal revenue and expenditure report for the year 2014. According to this report, the fiscal Revenue amounted to RMB 29,498,933.58, and CCP organization' expenditures amounted to RMB 1,660,115.50, that is, 5.63% of fiscal revenue is used by the CCP for its own operation. This value is similar to the social security and employment expenditure of the whole town—RMB 1,683,064.90.


If you have other information about source of CCP funds please provide.

As far as mainland Chinese culture goes it is no longer 2000 years old as Mao completely destroyed it with a vengeance, it is more like 40 years old.
So whatever 2000 year old Culture you are referring to it only applies to Taiwan and Hong Kong
Doesn't matter mate, until now I don't know whether Indian is democratic or fascist either, or whether bjp is government or cow squad.

Mao destroyed 2000 years of culture? I still celebrate Chinese New Year and all the festivals, still eat traditional food, and still write and read Chinese, know the classics and history, Mao destroyed feudalism, not a perfect man but he destroyed the system chaining down peasants and gave them land, India until today practices cow dung culture and caste. Hmmmmm....
last time i heard it was found inside the rec**m of a person who could barely keep his eyes open.....
They also impose temple prostitution on the local dravidoid hybrid population. Any higher caste can rape a lower caste aka the indigenous Dravuduans. They use religion to justify this act and convinced these people it's a contribution to Bhagwan
Lol. Thousands of years of delusion, them Brahmins even convinced the dravidoid hybrids to eat cow dung and drink pee.
Unfortunately it is hard to say where CCP ends and the Chinese Govt begins.

It is believed that CCP is funded from different provincial revenue budget.
The funding of all CCP organizations mainly comes from state fiscal revenue. Data for the proportion of total CCP organizations’ expenditures in total China fiscal revenue is unavailable. However, occasionally small local governments in China release such data. For example, on 10 October 2016, the local government of Mengmao Township, Ruili City, Yunnan Province released a concise fiscal revenue and expenditure report for the year 2014. According to this report, the fiscal Revenue amounted to RMB 29,498,933.58, and CCP organization' expenditures amounted to RMB 1,660,115.50, that is, 5.63% of fiscal revenue is used by the CCP for its own operation. This value is similar to the social security and employment expenditure of the whole town—RMB 1,683,064.90.


If you have other information about source of CCP funds please provide.

As far as mainland Chinese culture goes it is no longer 2000 years old as Mao completely destroyed it with a vengeance, it is more like 40 years old.
So whatever 2000 year old Culture you are referring to it only applies to Taiwan and Hong Kong

Mao only destroyed feudalism, which enhanced Chinese culture.

Bangladesh is still essentially a feudal state. You know it, I know it, let's not fool ourselves. All Bangladeshis understand this simple reality.

If Bangladesh had a Mao, it would be Singapore from it's strategic location. But alas Bangladesh didn't and thus is Bangladesh.
Mao only destroyed feudalism, which enhanced Chinese culture.

Bangladesh is still essentially a feudal state. You know it, I know it, let's not fool ourselves. All Bangladeshis understand this simple reality.

If Bangladesh had a Mao, it would be Singapore from it's strategic location. But alas Bangladesh didn't and thus is Bangladesh.

Lmao Mao tried to destroy Chinese culture and killed millions of Chinese people , if Bangladesh had a Mao it would still be a shithole either ways and heck no you can't say Bangladesh would be Singapore since Singapore only got rich via due to their location which was a cargo ship traffic route and their leadership which was fit to make Singapore not a shithole.

Bangladesh needs a leader democratic or not to be nationalistic and only serve for Bangladesh's only interests and make proper planned infrastructure and industrialize and get better health care and education and that's all.

You can't take the development strategy of China or Singapore and apply it for Bangladesh
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