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China's likely escalation option against India: Rapid Reaction Forces

Chinese Indian lands nee control cheyyaleru , initial ga thrust ichina mountain terrain vallana difficult for them. is the same reason why they went back in 1962.

valla bonda kukkalani thanni natlu thantharu chettha vedhavalni
chineese 疯狂的屁股跳然后死去Tumara的

chineese 疯狂的屁股跳然后死去Tumara的
yes please put a bomb in houses of our corrupt leaders . and indians will start to love china
think about it. 2 of his parents 2 of his wifes. and 8 gps.

oh..but u asumed his wife wouldnt be working..thats chauvinism..i condemn it..:P
but any way as long as their growth rate is high their economy will be sustained
likely? As oppose to what? Chinese forces rain down death from the moon?
India is a big country that spends on defence, if you resort to guerrilla warfare what would the people think and the world. Also, that region is not great for guerrilla warfare.

The Chinese know exactly what they are doing, with all that tension with the Philippines and outcry, the rocks China claimed is in Chinese hands in reality. So while some call it stupid to provoke ASEAN, China is now the de facto ruler in all but name. Judge for yourself if they know what they are doing.

Mate Himalayan terrain is not fit for normal conventional fighting and perfectly suitable for Guerrilla warfare, Plus the logistics from India side is not a problem but for Chinese supplies has to cross the snow mountains.

Fighting for motherland is nothing wrong and we do not care for anybody's opinion.

Occupying an empty Island is easy compared to a mountainous terrain, just like Afghanistan, The reason Afghanistan cannot be controlled by any external power.

India has sufficient reserve force and trained personnel to fight Guerrilla warfare even if Chinese gain upper hand in the initial encounters.

Chinese are fighting for Rocks in East sea and some uninhibited Islands in SCS, the better option is make friendship with those nations like Vietnam, Phillippines so that they can also do combined patrol.But Chinese are showing their bullying nature and this will lead to Unstable Asia and the recent border incursions in the Himalayas gives some indications that the policy of Chinese is flawed, since they cannot afford enemies around them.
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what is the reason that china is suddenly causing trouble..

Chinese leaders visit to India. or maybe some stupid general wants to disrupt the good relations between both countries.:close_tema:
what is the reason that china is suddenly causing trouble..

Its not sudden they are doing it for real its called testing the water (what will India do if they do something)

For years we have neglected our military modernization, infrastructure and remain in the hope of fake peace with pak or china.

India may even think with the peace with LeT, al queda (though they are not India centric) Taliban etc. etc.

Indian politician and bureaucrats logic is simple let the common men or army die, let the enemy take some of our land we will sing peace tune while sitting on files and do nothing in the end enemy will be tired and leave us. :rolleyes:
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