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China's Hainan island: Naval gazing


Apr 8, 2007
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FROM rooms facing the sea at the Sanya Marriott Resort and Spa, guests can look out along a sweep of luxury hotels that have sprung up in recent years by what is now China’s most famous beach. Officials proclaim that no fewer than four Miss World competitions have been held on Sanya’s palm-fringed shore this decade. They are distinctly quieter about the huge new naval base whose concrete breakwater looms beyond the parasailors and jet-skiers out in Yalong bay.

“Don’t go near it. It’s a military area—very dangerous,” says a man renting kayaks. A taxi driver laughs nervously and says he knows nothing about it. Early this year the publication of commercial satellite imagery explained the coyness. It revealed a Jin-class nuclear submarine berthed there. This is a newly developed vessel that can carry a dozen nuclear missiles. The photographs also showed what appeared to be the entrance to an underground harbour that would do credit to a James Bond set. Analysts say submarines can shelter there.

The unannounced construction of the new base, a few kilometres from an older one at Yulin, had long been known about. Yet the pictures attracted considerable media attention. To some, the large-scale facility suggested a menacing ambition. Sanya is on the southern coast of Hainan island and faces the South China Sea, whose waters are contested by several countries, China among them. The sea would be the conduit for any projection of Chinese naval power into South-East Asia and (as officials in Delhi fear) the Indian Ocean, as well as into the Pacific.

The obsession with military secrecy sits oddly with China’s efforts to turn Hainan, which is about the size of Sri Lanka and sits on China’s southernmost fringes, into an international tourism hotspot. Officials proudly describe the island as China’s Hawaii. From the beach, this correspondent clocked a couple of Luyang-class destroyers and a missile frigate. One of the destroyers emerged from the base and steamed cheerfully up and down in front of the hotels.

Strategically vital though Hainan is, in the 1980s Chinese leaders decided that tourism was Sanya’s best bet. It was the minister of defence then, Zhang Aiping, who persuaded military commanders to let Yalong bay, then a training ground for marines, be turned into a beach resort. Local officials were dispatched to Honolulu to see how it should be done.

Over the next few years Hainan’s tourism industry might open a window on another of the armed forces’ preserves. Plans have been announced for the construction of a satellite-launch centre at Wenchang on the island’s north-east coast, to be completed in 2012. China’s space facilities, including three existing launch centres, are under military control and are usually off-limits to foreigners. In September, when China staged its first spacewalk, a handful of foreign journalists were invited to the launch—a first.

At least as civilian officials see it, the Wenchang centre will break new ground. The local government is planning a $1 billion space theme park alongside it. It wants to turn the little-known area into a tourism destination to rival Sanya. Chinese tourists have already been allowed to view some of the launches at inland facilities, but Wenchang is hoping to turn itself into a bigger draw. One local official was quoted in the Chinese newspapers proclaiming the future launch centre’s distinctive qualities of “commercialism, internationalism and openness”.

This might sound familiar to officials in Jiuquan on the edge of the Gobi desert in north-eastern China. They too had big plans a few years ago for a tourism spin-off from the launch centre about 200km (125 miles) away, deep in the desert, from which the recent spacewalk mission was launched. They were disappointed. The centre’s military controllers were not keen on visitors. A planned theme park on the edge of Jiuquan remains a wilderness.

The military v tourism on Hainan island | Naval gazing | The Economist
The Return of Zheng He? China's Navy on the Move

The announcement today that China will dispatch its navy to defend against pirates of the Somali coast is a big one. It marks the first time that China has committed itself to taking part in what a Chinese naval officer called a multi-lateral "battle task."

That harkens back to Zheng He, the Ming Dynasty court eunuch who commanded a fleet of vessels that crossed the Indian Ocean and made it to the coast of East Africa (and maybe beyond). Zheng He's fleet consisted of giant nine-masted junks, supply ships, water tankers, patrol boats, and more than 27,000 sailors and soldiers. The largest of the junks was over 400 feet long and 150 feet wide -- more than twice the size of Spanish or Portuguese vessels of that time. Zheng, who sailed the seas almost a century before Christopher Columbus found the Americas, brought back boatloads of goodies from his voyages, including a giraffe that apparently spooked the emperor. After several voyages, however, China's blue water navy days were over -- a casualty of conservative forces within the Forbidden City that saw no reason for China to engage in foreign adventures.

Well, it looks like they are back now. China's navy has been growing slowly but surely over the past 20 years. They have purchased destroyers from Russia, equipped with Sunburn anti-ship missiles (with over the horizon capability); they have a growing fleet of submarines -- both diesel and nuclear. They have improved their amphibious landing capabilities. They still don't have an aircraft carrier. (Reports that China was building or on the verge of buying an aircraft carrier have been popping up in the press since the late '80s.) But that could change.

China's contribution to the multi-lateral task force will be more modest than Zheng He's crew: two destroyers and a depot ship will debark from the big PLA naval base on Sanya Island after Christmas.

There's been some speculation about why China decided to pony up men and materiel for the fight. For one, six Chinese ships have been attacked by pirates. So there's been a lot of chatter in Chinese on the Internet accusing the government of not standing up to this menace. More pointedly, however, India's navy has been performing yeoman's work against the pirates and it appears that China -- which views India as a natural competitor -- also wanted to get in on the act.

Pomfret's China: PostGlobal on washingtonpost.com
More pointedly, however, India's navy has been performing yeoman's work against the pirates and it appears that China -- which views India as a natural competitor -- also wanted to get in on the act.

WHAT???? If China has this view about India then China's CMC leaders should be executed by the firing squad for wasting China's money, resources, and manpower. Bigger fish to fry than INDIA.
Japan will be joining China soon too. Japanese Defense Minister has been instructed to speed up the process which will allow Japan to patrol the waters alongside China.

Source: National Public Radio, BBC News segment a few minutes ago.
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