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China's Capitalist Revolution


Mar 15, 2010
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This documentary answers to shady events like Tianmen Square and glorious progress in capitalist development. I just can't overlook the resemblance between Bush and Bush junior... The Taiwan joke was halarious too.

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---The Tiananmen event happened in 1989, at the first, many universities student's went to Tiananmen square, they felt angry about China's innovation policy which leaded to corruption. Students dislikeed Li Peng who was the prime minister, and demanded him to demit, but he didn't agree. Students went on expostulating. But some western world's group got into the act, they provided money and international policy support to students. At least, foreign groups ordered students try to overturn China government, students and part of citizens blocked the road and occupied many food storages, gov departments, just like what the Thailand Red Clothes Army did lately.
----At that moment, China was in danger, every large city of China would be occupied by students. All of Chinese felt confused and the society confused too. The students' strike disorganized all the country.
----The central gov decided to stop this terrible thing. 38 army got into Beijing, soldiers wanted to go to Tiananmeng square, but many students and citizens tried to block the road. A enemy spy (concern with CIA or Taiwan) grabbed a soldier's gun, that soldier holded his gun, the spy leaded some birdbrains to fight that soldier, and killed him. The spy hoped PLA soldiers kill people, that was the best thing for him. But PLA soldiers didn't do like that.
----At least, PLA soldiers went to Tiananmen square. The students saw soldiers and tanks, they felt warried. They tried to find their leaders, but they couldn't find them,because their leaders had went to America, students were abandoned by them. Soldiers let students sit down group next group, suddenly soldiers open fire toward sky, all students were thunderstruck. Only a few of students were hurted by the bullets which were rebounded by the monument beside students.
----After several hours, soldiers couldn't find the rebellion leaders either. So soldiers let students go back to school, then all students leaved.
----The truth was no students were killed by PLA soldiers, only several ones were hurted, but most of the western world's media said that "hunders of students were killed by PLA soldiers", those words were totally lie.
----What the China gov did at that time just like what Thailand gov did with the Red Clothes Army, the different is that China soldiers didn't kill any civizes, but Tailand army killed dozen of civizes.
----One of my father's brother was a teacher who leaded his students at the Tiananmen square at that time, he saw the truth, he and his students still alive today. Those alive people who went through that event are the best illustration to expose western's lie.

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So that is what your government tells you? rotflmao..............
Thanks for making my day, much appreciated :)
er...no! that's how you've been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.:agree:

Gonna thank me too for making your nightmare?:agree:

kk i just got confused, No, i am not brainwashed and what!? Your in my nightmare? no......................... Paris hilton and Obama are in my nightmares.................creeper
So that is what your government tells you? rotflmao..............
Thanks for making my day, much appreciated :)

----Not our gov tell me like that, my uncle who was a teacher leaded his students at Tiananmen square at that moment told me. His school's president let him and he let himself to do like that. Every year when we meet and have dinner together he would tell those things to us. He rided a bicycle to Tiananmen square at the morning, when he leave there, he found that his bicycle was destroied by the tanks, hunders of bicycles connected together and was squashed. He felt angry about this thing. He was shocked verymuch, and what he told most is a sentence "Don't join the riot".
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