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China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

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More simplistic thinking. Just because a B-2 may be unescorted, what make you think it will be detectable? And by what definition do you mean 'escort'? The kind you see in movies where the setting is WW II where bombers and fighters are within visual range of each other? I do hope the PLA thinks like you do. It will make its defeat so much easier.

The US has 20 B-2s.

If you want to fly those B-2s back and forth across the Pacific Ocean, be my guest.

It also doesn't matter if the B-2s are detected or not.

The moment a single bomb lands on Chinese territory, China will respond.:lol:


Then why not accelerate it and claim victory? All talk and no actions, conscript reject.

Attack China now.

Do it.

If you keep delaying your attack, we win.:lol:

List of countries by future GDP (PPP) estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The US has 20 B-2s.

If you want to fly those B-2s back and forth across the Pacific Ocean, be my guest.
We did. Too bad China's radars are too sh1tty to detect them. But then again, we flew them from CONUS to Yugoslavia and the Russian-supplied radars could not detect them as well.

It also doesn't matter if the B-2s are detected or not.

The moment a single bomb lands on Chinese territory, China will respond.
Only to the Chinese here that it does not matter. Like I said, I really do hope that the PLA's leadership thinks like you do.
Gambit,amalakas sir please don't respond to his crap....
We did. Too bad China's radars are too sh1tty to detect them. But then again, we flew them from CONUS to Yugoslavia and the Russian-supplied radars could not detect them as well.

Only to the Chinese here that it does not matter. Like I said, I really do hope that the PLA's leadership thinks like you do.
I think the 'CCR' of this forum exactly reflect ccp thoughts.
Attack and we respond. :lol:

With what? More propaganda? We give up...!!!



China's OTH radars will be rendered worthless, perhaps some value can be had for scrap metal recycling. The PLAAF will be grounded, at least for a day while the runway holes are repaired. How much experience does the PLAAF have at 'rapid runway repair'?

We have plenty. We even have dedicated squadrons for it...

Marine Corps 'Devil Dogs' train with RED HORSE Airmen
5/22/2011 - KADENA AIR BASE, Japan

RED HORSE instructors hosted a week-long training camp for EOPS Marines, teaching various techniques in heavy equipment operation and rapid runway repair methods that are unique to the Air Force.

Expeditionary Engineering Division (CEXX)
To accomplish these missions, Air Force engineers are organized into three basic types of units with complementary wartime missions - RED HORSE units, Prime BEEF units, and Prime Readiness in Base Support (Prime RIBS) units. An engineering and services (E&S) force module combines Prime BEEF and Prime RIBS capabilities to support a flying squadron.
Go Red Horse, Prime RIBS and Prime BEEF...!!! Love those naming conventions.

After the initial shock and while the PLA's leadership is still in shock and awed by how quickly they were rendered blind, low level Bones will attack the PLAN at all of its vital port facilities, either bottle up PLAN ships or denying return access to PLAN ships. The PLAN will be panned.
Hypersonic Cruise Missile: America's New Global Strike Weapon

A tip sets the plan in motion--a whispered warning of a North Korean nuclear launch, or of a shipment of biotoxins bound for a Hezbollah stronghold in Lebanon. Word races through the American intelligence network until it reaches U.S. Strategic Command headquarters, the Pentagon and, eventually, the White House. In the Pacific, a nuclear-powered Ohio class submarine surfaces, ready for the president's command to launch.

When the order comes, the sub shoots a 65-ton Trident II ballistic missile into the sky. Within 2 minutes, the missile is traveling at more than 20,000 ft. per second. Up and over the oceans and out of the atmosphere it soars for thousands of miles. At the top of its parabola, hanging in space, the Trident's four warheads separate and begin their screaming descent down toward the planet. Traveling as fast as 13,000 mph, the warheads are filled with scored tungsten rods with twice the strength of steel. Just above the target, the warheads detonate, showering the area with thousands of rods-each one up to 12 times as destructive as a .50-caliber bullet. Anything within 3000 sq. ft. of this whirling, metallic storm is obliterated.

If Pentagon strategists get their way, there will be no place on the planet to hide from such an assault. The plan is part of a program—in slow development since the 1990s, and now quickly coalescing in military circles—called Prompt Global Strike. It will begin with modified Tridents. But eventually, Prompt Global Strike could encompass new generations of aircraft and armaments five times faster than anything in the current American arsenal. One candidate: the X-51 hypersonic cruise missile, which is designed to hit Mach 5—roughly 3600 mph. The goal, according to the U.S. Strategic Command's deputy commander Lt. Gen. C. Robert Kehler, is "to strike virtually anywhere on the face of the Earth within 60 minutes."

The question is whether such an attack can be deployed without triggering World War III: Those tungsten-armed Tridents look, and fly, exactly like the deadliest weapons in the American nuclear arsenal.

The Trident II iteration of Prompt Global Strike foresaw a pushbutton war, fought from the White House. It assumed that the United States would have few allies or bases abroad from which to attack. Local commanders would be largely circumvented.

But alternate scenarios being drawn up let U.S. forces act much as they do today, only faster. Hypersonic weapons could make that happen. Put an X-51-equipped plane in the air, and it could enable commanders to hit targets for hundreds of miles around in minutes. Tips could be acted on instantly; subs wouldn't have to be in a perfect position in order to strike. Intelligence wouldn't have to race all the way to the Oval Office. Wrong information would produce local damage. And because the X-51 wouldn't be confused with a nuke—or have to fly threateningly over nuclear-armed countries—"you don't worry about starting World War III" when you score a direct hit, Lewis notes.

Hypersonic technology will take longer to develop than a conventional Trident. But the X-51, and weapons like it, might make the most sense for the Global Strike arsenal. After all, they reduce potential fallout from the riskiest part of the program: the human element.
If I were you J-20BlackDragon, I would ignore these trolls.

Speaking for myself, I spend my valuable time at the gym working out or improving my YouTube video-creation skills.

Arguing with these irrational anti-China haters is a waste of time and these guys are here all the time. It's not productive.

1. The ethnic Vietnamese is unhappy. His country is stuck in the Third World and he unloads his anger on China.

2. The Greek guy's country is in the toilet and he's unloading his anger on China.

3. The Indian guys' country is collapsing, where electricity is sometimes unavailable in the majority of the country. They unleash their anger on China.

The common denominator is jealousy. China is a competently managed country and it's constantly improving. Vietnam, Greece, and India are all moving in the opposite direction with collapsing currencies.

Hence, most of us happy Chinese ignore these losers. Just my two cents.
If I were you J-20BlackDragon, I would ignore these trolls.

Speaking for myself, I spend my valuable time at the gym working out or improving my YouTube video-creation skills.

Arguing with these irrational anti-China haters is a waste of time and these guys are here all the time. It's not productive. Just my two cents.

:rofl::rofl::lol::rofl::woot: made my day...
@topic; martian can you please answer me ... If USA carrier can be sunk that much easily , why china trying to build new carriers??? what the purpose having CBG .. when you can do that job with just missiles as you claims???
:rofl::rofl::lol::rofl::woot: made my day...
@topic; martian can you please answer me ... If USA carrier can be sunk that much easily , why china trying to build new carriers??? what the purpose having CBG .. when you can do that job with just missiles as you claims???

Isn't it obvious? China's DF-21D ASBM is strictly a defensive weapon that is useful in a band around 2,000km from China's shores.

China is switching from strategic defense to offense. Down the road, China wants to park an aircraft carrier battle group off another country's shores.
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