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China's anti-satellite weapon a "trump card" against US

Yea, so much for American 'supremacy' :lol:. Even the PVA was good enough to kick the US out of North Korea. We had the PLA as backup.
American technology is vastly overrated. It's best technogy was shot down by Serbs. That is utterly humiliating. The Serbians made a complete mockery of 'stealth'.
It must be 'stealth' according to 'American physics' :lol:
Iran took down america's best 'stealth' UAV.
How embarrassing.

F-22 will get shot down too, that's why they are scared to use it in war. It's more of a propaganda weapon than an actual weapon. That's why only 187 was built.
Holy sh!t, are you this guy?

F-22 will get shot down too, that's why they are scared to use it in war. It's more of a propaganda weapon than an actual weapon. That's why only 187 was built.

They ended production of the F-22 because it causes pilots to pass out.

The only reason we even know about this problem is because F-22 pilots went on national television to blow the whistle.

Of course, the USAF quickly claimed to have fixed the problem.

But if it's so easy to fix the problem, why didn't they do it earlier? :lol:

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They ended production of the F-22 because it causes pilots to pass out.
No, it is money.

The only reason we even know about this problem is because F-22 pilots went on national television to blow the whistle.

Of course, the USAF quickly claimed to have fixed the problem.

But if it's so easy to fix the problem, why didn't they do it earlier? :lol:
Because it is not an easy fix. :lol: Who here said it was? Can we take it you speak from extensive PERSONAL experience in aviation?
@Protocol man

Dude relax with the lists man, nobody is denying that China is a large player in global politics.

But you gotta realize it's just a pawn like all other countries, the US dictates global policies.
Through various international organizations like the United Nations, World Trade Organization,
International Monetary Fund, and etc.

All these global organizations are about making bigger and bigger unions until the elite have
completely centralized power, which will give them even more control over the lives of the common

You can go around listing off all the accomplishments of China and what they will continue to do in
the future. But they will never be a superpower like the US, because everything is going towards
centralization. Slowly but surely.
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B-2 hasn't proven sh*t. It hasn't proven it can penetrate Chinese air defences and I'm willing to bet it can't and won't. The F-117 got shot down in Serbia which proves these 'stealth' aircraft are just media hype that only clueless white worshipping Indians cling onto.

B2s were used in the war against Serbia. Did they get shot down?

Nope. It's just a crap fighter.
Deal with it.

If it was a crap fighter you wouldn't be making such a craft as well. If its just the oxygen problem and not its stealth you better start taking the aircraft seriously.

Yea, so much for American 'supremacy' :lol:. Even the PVA was good enough to kick the US out of North Korea. We had the PLA as backup.
American technology is vastly overrated. It's best technogy was shot down by Serbs. That is utterly humiliating. The Serbians made a complete mockery of 'stealth'.
It must be 'stealth' according to 'American physics' :lol:
Iran took down america's best 'stealth' UAV.
How embarrassing.

F-22 will get shot down too, that's why they are scared to use it in war. It's more of a propaganda weapon than an actual weapon. That's why only 187 was built.

Well then you shouldn't even be making stealth aircraft then would you if its obsolete?
If its just the oxygen problem and not its stealth you better start taking the aircraft seriously.

Is it just an oxygen problem? :lol:

Mystery of F-22 illnesses grows

By Larry Shaughnessy

Even as the Air Force searches for the reason pilots are getting sick flying the F-22, a new mystery about the troubled stealth fighter jet has come to light: Why are mechanics on the ground getting sick in the plane as well?

Mystery of F-22 illnesses grows – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs
Do you even READ your source? Never mind, it is a rhetorical question. We know you do not. Your capacity for intake of knowledge must be severely constricted somehow that you can only grasp short bursts and short paragraphs for a few minutes.

Mystery of F-22 illnesses grows – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs
Even as the Air Force searches for the reason pilots are getting sick flying the F-22, a new mystery about the troubled stealth fighter jet has come to light: Why are mechanics on the ground getting sick in the plane as well?

The maintainers are mechanics on the F-22's ground crews who sometimes have to be in the cockpit while the jet's engine is doing a ground run.

"The maintainers, when they are doing their ground run, are not on the mask, they are in the cockpit," Wyman said.

The problem with maintainers getting sick while on the ground throws a wrench into some of the theories about why at least 25 pilots have suffered hypoxia symptoms.
The highlighted is significant in the troubleshooting and critical thinking process.

What it mean is that the initial suspicion of cross contamination of some kind of vented exhaust from the environmental sub-system into the cockpit is still a valid suspicion.

What is hypoxia?

Hypoxia (medical) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hypoxia, or hypoxiation, is a pathological condition in which the body as a whole (generalized hypoxia) or a region of the body (tissue hypoxia, or less commonly regional hypoxia) is deprived of adequate oxygen supply.
Oxygen deprivation can come from when there is an out of balance of oxygen to other gases. Contamination and not necessarily the shortage of oxygen and create that imbalance. In flight, the environmental system is quite closed and if there is some cross contamination from somewhere, it can create an imbalance even when the pilot is in mask.

The article does not say if when the maintainers were in the cockpit they had the canopy closed. This question/fact is significant in the troubleshooting and critical thinking process, something the Chinese members here seriously lack, made worse when all of them are conscript rejects to boot. If you go to f-16.net you will find plenty of explanations on why canopies are usually CLOSED during engine runs. If you actually read your CNN source, you will find EXPERIENCED commentators who explained...

The canopy is cleaned with plastic polish,non-scatching..Everybody uses it. No problems except wiiping the streaksout. The only thing I can think of ,is the pressurization system.Ground crews who run up engines in the cockpit with the canopy closed would be exposed.

I believe it is more a contact thing than the oxygen system. Blood testing of the mechanics and pilots is in order before and after each flight, or even after prolong exposure while in the closed cockpit
I know that you Chinese boys here have contempt for experience but it would behoove you to lay aside your juvenile arrogance once in a while and learn something from experience because it would make you less the fool when it comes to matters like this.

Advice: Read your source and if that source has a section for commentators, read those comments because they often contain golden nuggets of knowledge for the ignorant.
Don't worry guys the USAF is "confident" it has solved the problem.

It's just the vest, nothing more.

But here's my question: are the mechanics on the ground also wearing this vest? :lol:

US 'confident' F-22 jet oxygen problems solved

(AFP) – Jul 24, 2012

WASHINGTON — The US Air Force is "confident" it has identified the problems that led some pilots to complain of dizzy spells and blackouts while flying its most advanced fighter jet, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The "root cause of the issue is the supply of oxygen" -- necessary for pilots flying at high altitudes -- "not the quality of oxygen delivered to pilots," Pentagon spokesman George Little told reporters.

To fix the problem, Little said the Air Force will replace a valve that was causing inflation in a vest pilots wear at high altitudes, impeding breathing for some.

AFP: US 'confident' F-22 jet oxygen problems solved
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