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China's anti-satellite weapon a "trump card" against US

Serbia and Iran made a total mockery of the so called 'stealth' aircraft of the US.
If they can take down those 'stealth' aircraft, we can toy with them.
It must be 'stealth' in 'American physics' :lol:
You know, that fantasy land physics. Americans have been believing into their own hype.
Serbia and Iran made a total mockery of the so called 'stealth' aircraft of the US.
If they can take down those 'stealth' aircraft, we can toy with them.
It must be 'stealth' in 'American physics' :lol:
You know, that fantasy land physics. Americans have been believing into their own hype.
Well 'american Physics' is proven during battle. That's all I'm saying.
Well 'american Physics' is proven during battle. That's all I'm saying.

Oh no no, I totally agree with you.
The Serbians and Iranians have proven the real capabilities of 'American physics'.
You don't need to tell me, I already know.
Oh no no, I totally agree with you.
The Serbians and Iranians have proven the real capabilities of 'American physics'.
You don't need to tell me, I already know.
Then why wasn't the B-2 shot down in Serbia; why couldn't "Dani" down more than one f-117? If China can counter why would there be a need for the J-20?
@jhungary I do not see why you had to post that video, you do not have to prove anything to that guy. :coffee:

Didn't do it for him, well, not just for him, i did it for me too.

Me and my wife are going to start a video channel on current affair, it's high time to test my gear.

I don't really care what anyone think of me. I know for a fact (That i lived in China for 19 years) that Chinese like the "Measurment Contest" or better known as compare dick contest. Where they will question anyone with their any move not based on their actual knowledge, but about their credential. Things like, you cannot say this because you do not have proper education, you cannot do this because you background are not qualified for this or i have a better qualification than you so shut up. It's all good intention and all if you are talking about doing some professional stuff, like piloting an aircraft, but if you apply them on just a forum, it's then become kinda annoying.

Know too well, they act like that, got nothing else to say :) For them, it's probably a crime not to use proper grammar, and for us, Grammar is not even an issue, communication is.
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Then why wasn't the B-2 shot down in Serbia; why couldn't "Dani" down more than one f-117? If China can counter why would there be a need for the J-20?


When you look at what the Chinese Claim or logic, you will start to laugh.

Some other guy shot down a F-117 about 20 years ago, then somehow they can deduce that their J-20 and J-31 can toy with our F-22 and F-35. Well, i don't know what is the connection and logic behind that but they are deadset believe they can do it.

While one is a Combat tested-airframe with 14+ years of service and one is still exist on paper with some mock-up and prototype. They can claim the sky was theirs, if they can reach it.

If they are allow to do so, we should also be allowed to boast our 6th Generation capability. Simply because when they have their 5th Gen in service totally in and around 2025, we should already be fielding 6th Generation Aircraft.

Just take their claim with a hint of salt. There are no technological aspect on any of their claim. They have no combat record to show, so we are suppose to take their word for it, that's how they operate.
At the moment China has no trump card against the United States.

The United States essentially runs the politics of the entire world. They dictate what policies are set forth,
and they choose which countries to make regime changes in. No other country comes close to taking the
seat from the United States, so all you Chinese fan boys can keep dreaming.

Wanna know how China is a vassal state like all the other countries? Look at how China has essentially
been tooled around for most of the modern era. And still China is unable to do anything towards getting
back lost territory, like land NE of China and Taiwan.

Not only that, but China foolishly continuously produces goods off the hard worked back of it's poor people
and what does it do with the produced goods? It sends it to the US in trade for worthless paper. And it
continuously does this like a good little errand boy.

Domestic production for the consumption of the locals would be the best policy, yet what does China do?
It makes the people work for slave like wages then ships the goods off to foreign fat rich countries like the
US, just so the spoiled people in the US can yet again buy goods for cheaper and cheaper prices.

lol, ironic much?

What you guys have to realize is, the World is getting smaller and smaller, everything is starting to
unionize, you see it happening all over the world, the European Union, South American Union, African
Union, NATO, United Nations, WTO, IMF and etc.

These entities are vague groups at the moment, but as time passes by they will all merge into one global
union led by the United States, that's the way the elite planned it and that's what will happen. The more
the elite can centralize power the greater power and control they will yield. That's their end goal, they
have the means and and power to make it happen.

Are you still blinded to the truth that lies in front of you?
All I can say is that time will tell, wait and you will see the fruition of my words.
Not only that, but China foolishly continuously produces goods off the hard worked back of it's poor people
and what does it do with the produced goods? It sends it to the US in trade for worthless paper. And it
continuously does this like a good little errand boy.

Domestic production for the consumption of the locals would be the best policy, yet what does China do?
It makes the people work for slave like wages then ships the goods off to foreign fat rich countries like the
US, just so the spoiled people in the US can yet again buy goods for cheaper and cheaper prices.

lol, ironic much?

Keep going. Enlighten us with your wisdom. :lol:

China Ends U.S.’s Reign as Largest Auto Market (Update2)

GM's China sales top U.S. total, a first for the automaker - Los Angeles Times

AFP: Audi sales in China outstrip Germany: firm

China Passes U.S. as World's Biggest PC Market - WSJ.com

China Now The World's Largest Smartphone Market - Forbes

AFP: China's mobile phone subscriptions top a billion

China says to build 70 new airports by 2015

China's Highway Network Now Larger than U.S. Interstate System

World's longest bullet train service launched in China
At the moment China has no trump card against the United States.

The United States essentially runs the politics of the entire world. They dictate what policies are set forth,
and they choose which countries to make regime changes in. No other country comes close to taking the
seat from the United States, so all you Chinese fan boys can keep dreaming.

Wanna know how China is a vassal state like all the other countries? Look at how China has essentially
been tooled around for most of the modern era. And still China is unable to do anything towards getting
back lost territory, like land NE of China and Taiwan.

Not only that, but China foolishly continuously produces goods off the hard worked back of it's poor people
and what does it do with the produced goods? It sends it to the US in trade for worthless paper. And it
continuously does this like a good little errand boy.

Domestic production for the consumption of the locals would be the best policy, yet what does China do?
It makes the people work for slave like wages then ships the goods off to foreign fat rich countries like the
US, just so the spoiled people in the US can yet again buy goods for cheaper and cheaper prices.

lol, ironic much?

China is the:
Largest creditor nation.
Largest manufacturing nation.
Largest exporter.
Largest foreign exchange reserves.
Largest gross savings.
Largest art market.
Largest PC market.
Largest smartphone market.
Largest LCD tv market.
Largest grocery market.
Largest Internet population.
Largest energy producer.
Largest energy consumer.
Largest coal producer.
Largest coal consumer.
Largest electricity producer.
Largest electricity consumer.
Largest steel producer.
Largest steel consumer.
Largest gold producer.
Largest iron ore market.
Largest copper market.
Largest automobile producer.
Largest automobile market.

2nd largest economy.
2nd largest importer.
2nd largest trading nation.
2nd largest luxury goods market.
2nd largest global investor (annual ODI).
2nd largest military spender.
2nd most billionaires.
2nd largest R&D spending.
2nd largest oil consumer.
2nd largest gold consumer.
2nd largest movie market.

3rd largest consumer market.
3rd largest total household wealth.
3rd most millionaires.
3rd largest e-commerce market.
3rd largest advertising market.

Have put man into space.
Have done spacewalk.
Have sent space lab.
Have done space docking.
Have beidou satellite navigation system.
Have sent man 7000km beneath ocean.
Have nukes.
Have ICBMs.
Have nuclear submarines.
Have shot down satellite.
Have used lasers to blind satellites.
Have our own 4th generation fighters.
Have done mid-course missile interception.
Have UNSC veto power.
Lend more money to developing countries than world bank.
Have topped PISA education tests.
Have 2nd most supercomputers in top 500 list.
Always in top 5 countries granted patents by WIPO.
Have 2nd longest road expressway network.
Have largest high-speed rail network.
Have longest bridges.
Have some of the tallest buildings.
Have 2nd most number of companies in Fortune 500 global list.

I could go on and on.
Try harder next time kid, much much harder.
Actually, no one said it was shot down. But it is down. How did Iran do it?
What make you think Iran had anything to do with it? Because Iran say so? :lol: Ever lost anything?

If that's your argument, I'll go with it.

In that case, a group of J-20s and J-31s should be able to attack an American aircraft carrier and escape with no problem at all. The sky is vast isn't it?
China is the proverbial 'johnny-come-lately' to this 'stealth' game. By the time China can field the J-20 and the J-31 in credible numbers, we WILL have the know how on 'stealth' detection. If anything, you can safely bet your next year's salary that we already do. As for me, am 99.999% confident that we already do and that is as far as I will say.

No one said they could. I simply used the DF-31 and DF-41 as examples of Chinese road-mobile missiles. But can you give me a good reason why the ASAT can't be road-mobile?
No reasons at all. The issue is the how of that mobility. Technically speaking, a snail is mobile.

Good luck hitting silos (some real some fake) spread all across China with just 20 subsonic B-2s.
Unlike the PLA leadership, we do not rely on fortune in war planning.

We're not docking. We're sending a kill vehicle to collide with/explode within the vicinity of the GPS satellite.
A collision or a docking is an intercept course.
China is the proverbial 'johnny-come-lately' to this 'stealth' game. By the time China can field the J-20 and the J-31 in credible numbers, we WILL have the know how on 'stealth' detection. If anything, you can safely bet your next year's salary that we already do. As for me, am 99.999% confident that we already do and that is as far as I will say.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Americans are deluding themselves so thoroughly they forgot about how a Chinese attack in 1950 shattered their illusions.

ASAT is just the tip of the iceberg :azn: China's trump card is Mao Zedong theory!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Americans are deluding themselves so thoroughly they forgot about how a Chinese attack in 1950 shattered their illusions.

ASAT is just the tip of the iceberg :azn: China's trump card is Mao Zedong theory!

Yea, so much for American 'supremacy' :lol:. Even the PVA was good enough to kick the US out of North Korea. We had the PLA as backup.
American technology is vastly overrated. It's best technogy was shot down by Serbs. That is utterly humiliating. The Serbians made a complete mockery of 'stealth'.
It must be 'stealth' according to 'American physics' :lol:
Iran took down america's best 'stealth' UAV.
How embarrassing.

F-22 will get shot down too, that's why they are scared to use it in war. It's more of a propaganda weapon than an actual weapon. That's why only 187 was built.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Americans are deluding themselves so thoroughly they forgot about how a Chinese attack in 1950 shattered their illusions.

ASAT is just the tip of the iceberg :azn: China's trump card is Mao Zedong theory!
But China was too chickensh!t in Viet Nam.

Yea, so much for American 'supremacy' :lol:. Even the PVA was good enough to kick the US out of North Korea. We had the PLA as backup.
American technology is vastly overrated. It's best technogy was shot down by Serbs. That is utterly humiliating. The Serbians made a complete mockery of 'stealth'.
It must be 'stealth' according to 'American physics' :lol:
Iran took down america's best 'stealth' UAV.
How embarrassing.

F-22 will get shot down too, that's why they are scared to use it in war. It's more of a propaganda weapon than an actual weapon. That's why only 187 was built.
Please see your 50-cent army shift stupidvisor for a new script.
China is the proverbial 'johnny-come-lately' to this 'stealth' game. By the time China can field the J-20 and the J-31 in credible numbers, we WILL have the know how on 'stealth' detection. If anything, you can safely bet your next year's salary that we already do. As for me, am 99.999% confident that we already do and that is as far as I will say.

Whatever. Say goodbye to those aircraft carriers because the sky is vast. :cheesy:








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