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Featured China's 3rd aircraft carrier 'progressing smoothly'

This will be the only true peer that the USN will face.
China’s going to need at least six to eight carrier groups before becoming a global peer to the US navy.

It’s currently a regional peer but that’s because it is backed up by a massive missile force. Still a long way from becoming a global force.
China’s going to need at least six to eight carrier groups before becoming a global peer to the US navy.

It’s currently a regional peer but that’s because it is backed up by a massive missile force. Still a long way from becoming a global force.

Murican navy a has-been.

See them withdrawing their bases to Guam and now even withdrawing their Bs from Guam and hiding behind the 4th Island Chain and Frisco Bay.

Talks from Australia to try to station Murican in naval bases as deterence to China there a f*cking joke. When China more then ready to take on Murica and Japan and whatever allies Murica can armtwist to be Murica running dogs. Murica no longer can scare or intimidate people. Murica cannot even scare and intimidate goat and sheep herders in Afghan and Somalia/:big_boss:

China need no 8 carrier groups as China never like Murica who wanted only to impose Murican hegemony on the rest of the world to suck their wealth under the guise of Democracy and Free Speech and Regards for Human Rights.

China only wanted peace and cooperation in the world. :cheers:
And now China more than ready to enforce what China wanted against what Muricans want.

Totally different from what Murica want and trying to arm twist the rest of the world to go with what Murica wanted.:pleasantry:
Murican navy a has-been.

See them withdrawing their bases to Guam and now even withdrawing their Bs from Guam and hiding behind the 4th Island Chain and Frisco Bay.

Talks from Australia to try to station Murican in naval bases as deterence to China there a f*cking joke. When China more then ready to take on Murica and Japan and whatever allies Murica can armtwist to be Murica running dogs. Murica no longer can scare or intimidate people. Murica cannot even scare and intimidate goat and sheep herders in Afghan and Somalia/:big_boss:

China need no 8 carrier groups as China never like Murica who wanted only to impose Murican hegemony on the rest of the world to suck their wealth under the guise of Democracy and Free Speech and Regards for Human Rights.

China only wanted peace and cooperation in the world. :cheers:
And now China more than ready to enforce what China wanted against what Muricans want.

Totally different from what Murica want and trying to arm twist the rest of the world to go with what Murica wanted.:pleasantry:

That’s just a lot of hubris. China’s navy is only a match for the US regionally, it can’t match the global reach and power of the US worldwide.If China wants to prevent itself getting blockaded, it will need 8 if not more carriers.
Murican navy a has-been.

See them withdrawing their bases to Guam and now even withdrawing their Bs from Guam and hiding behind the 4th Island Chain and Frisco Bay.

Talks from Australia to try to station Murican in naval bases as deterence to China there a f*cking joke. When China more then ready to take on Murica and Japan and whatever allies Murica can armtwist to be Murica running dogs. Murica no longer can scare or intimidate people. Murica cannot even scare and intimidate goat and sheep herders in Afghan and Somalia/:big_boss:

China need no 8 carrier groups as China never like Murica who wanted only to impose Murican hegemony on the rest of the world to suck their wealth under the guise of Democracy and Free Speech and Regards for Human Rights.

China only wanted peace and cooperation in the world. :cheers:
And now China more than ready to enforce what China wanted against what Muricans want.

Totally different from what Murica want and trying to arm twist the rest of the world to go with what Murica wanted.:pleasantry:

US wants war with China because they don't want the competition, they want a monopoly. Everybody else is in danger of US threats without China.

Diplomat: U.S. ‘threatened’ countries that didn’t support Iraq war.

In an upcoming book, Heraldo Muñoz, Chile’s ambassador to the United Nations, writes the efforts by the Bush administration to cajole other countries into supporting the invasion of Iraq “generated lasting ‘bitterness’ and ‘deep mistrust’ in Washington’s relations with allies in Europe, Latin America and elsewhere.” Muñoz describes how the “rough-and-tumble diplomatic strategy” employed by the Bush administration to pressure allies for support included threats and punishment:
In the months leading up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration threatened trade reprisals against friendly countries who withheld their support, spied on its allies, and pressed for the recall of U.N. envoys that resisted U.S. pressure to endorse the war, according to an upcoming book by a top Chilean diplomat. […]
“In the aftermath of the invasion, allies loyal to the United States were rejected, mocked and even punished” for their refusal to back a U.N. resolution authorizing military action against Saddam Hussein’s government, Muñoz wrote.

The US media confronted Ari Fleischer on these reports coming from all over the world on how Bush threatened, bribed, blackmailed and arm twisted countries to support USA War on Iraq (over lies). Fleischers response was so bad, that the media in the US laughed Ari out of the White House Press Room. The media in the US knows that the POS in the white house threatens to kill anybody getting in the way of US genocides and empire. The Iraqi Prime Minister in 2019 had a death threat from the white house over Iraq being rebuilt by China. US was never about freedom of choice and human rights.

Don't fall for the trap of war with the USA. The afghan, iraq, syria, libya, etc wars was about making satellites of US, China is about making a statement that nobody can defeat the US and the world enters an age of darkness. Russia is more pro-USA than Obama ever was, never think for a moment that Russia is another country opposing the USA. They are another faction part of the Entente powers. The new Germany of 1910, is China. Russia hates China as much as trump, so they are never to be trusted.

Ever watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory/Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory... putin is slugworth. putin works for Washington, as slugworth works for Wonka. Things are much darker than they appear. And China is one of the few remaining lights independent from Washington.

War with China would be too risky for the rest of us, let alone for China.
This is only 3 months away, Chinese ship building speed is just mind blowing, I've already lost counts of how many large battle ships China had launch so far this year, even with the months long Covid lockdown.

i am more concerned about the quality of such military hardware developed/built with in no less than 3-6 months
i am more concerned about the quality of such military hardware developed/built with in no less than 3-6 months
Quality? LIke the UK queen Elisabeth carrier leaking water? Or Russian kuznetsov needing a tow to support it when on voyage? When has China military shipbuilding has problem with ship building quality since 2000?

China modern warship is the last to be concern about quality compare to other countries shipbuilding.
That’s just a lot of hubris. China’s navy is only a match for the US regionally, it can’t match the global reach and power of the US worldwide.If China wants to prevent itself getting blockaded, it will need 8 if not more carriers.

Being more than a match for Murica regionally is already more than enough.

Murica is seen turning tail and withdrawing even their Bs from Guam and going behind 4th Island Chain and Frisco Bay as even the 3rd Island Chain well within the reach of China.
The fear of Murica that compells other countries not to go against Murica is fading and fading away.

China need not match global reach and power of Murica world wide.
Especially as that current global reach and power of Murica is eroding and disappearing very fast, and even faster with the Murica self inflicted covid19 (Murican Flu) courtesy of Dotard and his bunch of clowns he surrounded himself with such as Dr. Stella Immanuel, Trump's New Favorite COVID Doc.

No wonder Murica new covid19 cases be approaching 1,000,000 a day and Murica death rate per day be equal to Vietnam war total deaths.

Aliens and reptilians: the odd beliefs of Stella Immanuel, doctor in US viral video retweeted by Trump
When is this aircraft carrier is expected to start sea trials ?
i am more concerned about the quality of such military hardware developed/built with in no less than 3-6 months
Faster construction does not mean a sacrifice of quality in any way. Unless there is definitive evidence that the shipyards intentionally rushed production, such an assumption does not hold. Having said this, you should know that a warship takes considerably longer than just three to 6 months from laying down the keel to outfitting/sea trials.
Quality? LIke the UK queen Elisabeth carrier leaking water? Or Russian kuznetsov needing a tow to support it when on voyage? When has China military shipbuilding has problem with ship building quality since 2000?

China modern warship is the last to be concern about quality compare to other countries shipbuilding.
The Russian Admiral Kuznetsov's problems are more related to extremely poor maintenance than the inherent quality of the ship. But the Russians do have a reputation for shoddy QC control, so that cannot be factored out. As for GB, I really don't think a water leak is an indication of "low quality." Chinese shipbuilding has made huge qualitative strides but that does not mean Western shipbuilding is somehow in the decline.
Faster construction does not mean a sacrifice of quality in any way. Unless there is definitive evidence that the shipyards intentionally rushed production, such an assumption does not hold. Having said this, you should know that a warship takes considerably longer than just three to 6 months from laying down the keel to outfitting/sea trials.

The Russian Admiral Kuznetsov's problems are more related to extremely poor maintenance than the inherent quality of the ship. But the Russians do have a reputation for shoddy QC control, so that cannot be factored out. As for GB, I really don't think a water leak is an indication of "low quality." Chinese shipbuilding has made huge qualitative strides but that does not mean Western shipbuilding is somehow in the decline.
Water leak is an indication of poor workmanship. Stop defending the ever decline western shipyard. And it leak twice.

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