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China's 14nm DUV lithography machine will be mass produced by the end of 2023

Better hurry. You know it makes me sad when I look at the latest Huawei flagship phone: Qualcomm CPU, Sony image sensor. So SAD China not currently able to do any of those two...
Better hurry. You know it makes me sad when I look at the latest Huawei flagship phone: Qualcomm CPU, Sony image sensor. So SAD China not currently able to do any of those two...

The EUV lithography will be mass produced by 2025 as China has already mastered the ultraviolet core technology same as the US can control over ASML.

ASML is panicking right now, and they know that China's indigenous EUV lithography is scheduled for 2025.
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All China's 14nm & 28nm DUV lithography are produced by SMEE.

And those EUV lithography will be produced by CIOMP.
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