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China's 120mph railway arriving in Laos


Jun 28, 2012
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China's mammoth engineering project to construct a railway from southwest China’s Yunnan Province all the way to Singapore is set to transform rural Laos


Computer generated images showing the proposed Kunming, China, to Bangkok, Thailand, high speed train as it traverses sparsely populated and desperately poor Laos Photo: ANDREW CHANT FOR THE TELEGRAPH

By David Eimer, Oudomxai

9:00PM GMT 14 Jan 2014

Like most of his 6.5 million fellow countrymen Galong Vue has never seen or set foot on a train.

But the 53-year-old farmer knows all about the high-speed railway from China that will run through his village in northwest Laos.

“We first heard the rumour that the railway would come through here in 2010,” he says “Then the Chinese came to survey the land last year. They told me the railway will happen for sure and that a train station will be built here.”


Sometime this year, Mr Vue’s village of Naseam Kham will be gone, replaced by a state-of-the-art railway station capable of accommodating trains that cruise at 120mph. Judging by a Chinese promotional video seen by The Telegraph, the station will dwarf every building in the nearby town of Oudomxai that it will serve.

Beijing has long dreamed of a high-speed railway connecting it to southeast Asia, enabling Chinese goods to move south in greater quantities, while the natural resources of its neighbours travel north to China.

Now, the line is set to become a reality, one that will draw the region even closer in to China’s economic embrace.

A computer-generated image of the train emerging from the forest

Last year, the secretive leaders of Laos, a one-party communist state run by the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, met with China’s premier Li Keqiang. They described the project as a “priority” and called for the formal agreement to build the railway to be “signed soon”.

Starting from Kunming in Southwest China’s Yunnan Province, the railway will travel south through neighbouring Laos and then into Thailand.

Ultimately, it will extend all the way to Singapore, via Malaysia. Other branches of the network will reach into Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Constructing it will be a mammoth engineering task. It will require 154 bridges and 76 tunnels, as well as 31 train stations, just to get the line the 260 miles from Boten on the Laos-China border to Laos’ capital Vientiane. An estimated 20,000 Chinese workers will be needed to build it, with the completion date set for 2019.

Land-locked Laos will be transformed by the railway. A largely agricultural nation where the average annual income is a mere £720 and many people, like Mr Vue, live without running water or electricity, Laos lacks both industry and infrastructure.

Currently, the country boasts just two miles of functioning railway track.

Operated by Thailand, it runs across the Thai-Laos frontier close to Vientiane. Few Lao people have ever travelled along it.

Laos, though, does have minerals such as potash and resources like rubber that China craves.

With China already the second-largest investor in Laos, after Vietnam, many locals fear the railway is further evidence of how their country is set to become an economic vassal of Beijing.

Two Chinese entrepreneurs survey the land near Luang Namtha in northern Laos. They told their local Laotian guides that they were planning to build a hotel in the area once construction of the controversial high speed train line is started (ANDREW CHANT FOR THE TELEGRAPH)

“Of course Lao people are worried about the impact of the railway and the number of Chinese coming here, but the reality is that we can’t stop the Chinese. They are everywhere already and there are so many of them. If they want to come to Laos, they will,” said a teacher in Oudomxai who asked to be known by the pseudonym Tou Vang.

Chinese residents now make up around 15% of Oudomxai’s population of 30,000. Chinese-owned hotels, shops and restaurants line the roads and the street signs are in both Lao and Mandarin.

“You won’t find a single Chinese person in Oudomxai who doesn’t want the railway to happen. It will bring more Chinese people and more business for us,” said Ah Hai, a 27-year-old from Guangzhou in southern China, who moved to Oudomxai two months ago to run a shop front gambling operation catering to Chinese punters.

Yet despite the vast economic disparity between Laos and its giant neighbour, it is Vientiane which will foot the bill for the rail link.

Using untapped minerals as collateral, Laos plans to borrow £4.5 billion from Beijing to pay for its section of the railway. Equivalent to almost 90 per cent of Laos’s annual GDP of £5.2 billion, the loan will instantly make Laos the world’s fourth most-indebted nation after Japan, Zimbabwe and Greece.

Many international financial bodies regard the loan as a disaster waiting to happen. The Asian Development Bank has described it simply as “unaffordable”.

The flat rice fields of Nasaemkham village on the outskirts of Oudomxai in northern Laos (ANDREW CHANT FOR THE TELEGRAPH)

Just servicing the yearly interest on the loan will amount to almost 20% of Laos’s annual government spending, according to Tristan Knowles, a director of Economists at Large, a Melbourne-based think tank, who has made a study of the financial implications of the railway.

“Where are they going to find that money? I imagine they will have to prune every part of the government budget,” said Mr Knowles.

All that is holding up the railway is Thailand. Beijing is believed to be waiting for the Thai parliament to approve a planned £41 billion infrastructure upgrade, which will include a high-speed rail line from the Laos border to Bangkok, before signing off on the loan.

That bill is expected to pass within a couple of months and will guarantee that the railway reaches the increasingly lucrative Thai market.

Mr Vue and his fellow villagers, though, appear to be on the fast track to nowhere. “The government hasn’t spoken to us about compensation,” he said.

“It’s one thing to improve the country but we need something too. All we have is our land. If we lose it, we won’t be able to do anything.”

China's 120mph railway arriving in Laos - Telegraph
The Laos HSR is guaranteed to be money losing but it will bind SE Asia to China. Good, well done.

China's presence in SE Asia must increase. After my studies in histories, I come to conclusion that in the long run, we will not get anything good from white man domination.
China's presence in SE Asia must increase. After my studies in histories, I come to conclusion that in the long run, we will not get anything good from white man domination.
Sure, all the East Asian countries (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China) got technology transfers from the white men to become industrialized. What has these East Asian countries given back to Asia or the world? ZERO

The white men dominate but they have given back; they're not totally greedy. Whereas the stingy East Asian have given zip to Asia while doing their best to drive local companies in South East Asia out of business.
Sure, all the East Asian countries (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China) got technology transfers from the white men to become industrialized. What has these East Asian countries given back to Asia or the world? ZERO

The white men dominate but they have given back; they're not totally greedy. Whereas the stingy East Asian have given zip to Asia while doing their best to drive local companies in South East Asia out of business.

The white man manage to wake China up by fighting the opium war. Then China modernize. China get rid of eunuch, 3 inch lotus...etc. Thank you white man for that.

We get technology transfer, human right and in places like Taiwan, democracy because of white man. We should thank white man for that.

My point is on the long run, the Mongoloid future depends on China.
Concerning their relationship with US, this name suits them perfectly.

Can't really blame them though. Its a tiny city state with a 300 Billion economy, they are bound to feel insecure. I reckon, if it hadn't been for the US and UK support, Malaysia would have usurped Singapore long time back. And of course they ll have to be pro US in return for the security umbrella that it gets from them.
China's high-speed railway will built in SouthEast-Asia nations, except VIETNAM.:haha:

:cheers: All roads lead to China :china:

Next years spend 4~8 hours taking CRH trains from China KunMing city to Laos and Cambodia .
Next years spend 7~8 hours taking CRH trains from China KunMing city to Thailand Bangkok.
Next years spend 10~12 hours taking CRH trains from China KunMing city to Malaysia.
Next years spend 11~13 hours taking CRH trains from China KunMing city to Singapore.



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Can't really blame them though. Its a tiny city state with a 300 Billion economy, they are bound to feel insecure. I reckon, if it hadn't been for the US and UK support, Malaysia would have usurped Singapore long time back. And of course they ll have to be pro US in return for the security umbrella that it gets from them.
It is ok they align with US. it is disgusting they act a pawn to harm our interests. Learn what Thailand did.
China's high-speed railway will built in SouthEast-Asia nations, except VIETNAM.:haha:

:cheers: All roads lead to China :china:

Next years spend 4~8 hours taking CRH trains from China KunMing city to Laos and Cambodia .
Next years spend 7~8 hours taking CRH trains from China KunMing city to Thailand Bangkok.
Next years spend 10~12 hours taking CRH trains from China KunMing city to Malaysia.
Next years spend 11~13 hours taking CRH trains from China KunMing city to Singapore.
are you sure? google is your friend.
a $5bn high speed rail linking Thailand-Laos-Vietnam is under way. Expected to be completed in 4 years.
Laos Breaks Ground On Railway Project Linking Thailand to Vietnam

An economy half the size of China's Yunnan province should be seen not heard。:lol::D

I can't wait for the day when the Japs help the Viets build the latter‘s HSR。

2030 possible?:dance3: And at thrice the cost of what you know?:enjoy:
An economy half the size of China's Yunnan province should be seen not heard。:lol::D
I can't wait for the day when the Japs help the Viets build the latter‘s HSR。
2030 possible?:dance3: And at thrice the cost of what you know?:enjoy:
You have better, I know, China is on the sunny side.

I don´t know why but building HSR in Vietnam is very costly. The Japanese initially wanted $56bn for the North-South rail (1,570 km), which was rejected by Vietnam parliament due to the high cost.
Now Vietnam wants to start with smaller projects, so to begin with 134km railway for $3,6bn. A MOD was signed with EDES Group (USA) recently.
High-speed railway from Ho Chi Minh city to Can Tho will use wind energy — Vietmaz
You have better, I know, China is on the sunny side.

I don´t know why but building HSR in Vietnam is very costly. The Japanese initially wanted $56bn for the North-South rail (1,570 km), which was rejected by Vietnam parliament due to the high cost.
Now Vietnam wants to start with smaller projects, so to begin with 134km railway for $3,6bn. A MOD was signed with EDES Group (USA) recently.
High-speed railway from Ho Chi Minh city to Can Tho will use wind energy — Vietmaz
May be Vie has too much jungle , project might be very difficult.

Half of 6 millions Laotian is VNese, u diot :haha:
Yeah, you have so many undercovers.

What a brilliant idea!
:sniper:Why would Viet Nam want this railway? So it can crush Vietnam Airlines and Vietnam's railway enterprise?
are you sure? google is your friend.
a $5bn high speed rail linking Thailand-Laos-Vietnam is under way. Expected to be completed in 4 years.
Laos Breaks Ground On Railway Project Linking Thailand to Vietnam
Well, i know there's a East-Line project.

My question is, Which high-speed system running on it ? Who offer building funds ? Which company join it ? If it's still a part of China CRH railway-net in SouthEast-Asia nations, China is the winner !

The East-line, it's not the most needed coz every lines connect to China,YuNan is our goal. I think Vietnamese can wait for more than 4 years. Remember, China's high-speed-rail NOT FREE, we will get back more from Vietnam.

Half of 6 millions Laotian is VNese, u diot :haha:
:rofl: i think they still welcome Chinese more than VNese, following China can bring more benefits.
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