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china wont support India for UNSC, says Pakistan

Mirza Jatt

Mar 26, 2010
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India in UNSC? No way, say Pakistan, China

Pakistan and China strongly feel that India should not become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, as it would disturb the balance of power in the region, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said.

"We have discussed the issue with China, and both countries have a unanimous stand in this regard," The Nation quoted Qureshi as saying.

Pakistan was satisfied with China's stance on India's bid for a permanent UNSC seat, he said, adding that China was a responsible state and always used decent diplomatic language while reacting to international issues.

Expressing Islamabad's concern over India's move for permanent membership of the UNSC, the foreign minister said that Pakistan was not opposing India's move just for the sake of opposition. "We have reasons for it," he said.

This would have a negative impact on the balance of power in the region, he added.

Referring to the US support to New Delhi's bid for UNSC's permanent seat, Qureshi said, "We are of the view that any unilateral support, if not based on deep thinking, would affect the peace and stability of the region."

The minister pointed out that India could not become the security council permanent member only through the support of US, as two-thirds majority in the UN was required for the purpose.

Pakistan believed that reform of the security council could not be achieved by having more permanent members, he asserted, and urged New Delhi to hold a dialogue with Islamabad on the Kashmir dispute.

India in UNSC? No way, say Pakistan, China - Rediff.com News
Its not going to be an easy ride that has always been a foregone conclusion.

Thats ok, it can take its time.
China, Italy, Pakistan represent a block in the UN that is against extension of permanent status and wants it be more democratic, it needs consensus don't expect UN reform in our life times.
Ah the despair... China has already said that it does not have any problem with UNSC reforms.Only Pakistan is getting desperate
Ah the despair... China has already said that it does not have any problem with UNSC reforms.Only Pakistan is getting desperate

"Only Pakistan" ????

Read below :

Security Council seat will test India’s mettle
Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

The truth is that none of the five permanent members - the US, Russia, China, Britain and France - genuinely wants an expansion of the exclusive club, no matter the changed realities of the contemporary world order. Thoughtful Indians admit that an expansion of the Security Council and their country's induction as a permanent member is a long haul.
I would definitely wait for China to respond officially on this rather than some puppet speaking for other country.

It has already cleared by many Chinese members in this forum that officially China was fine with India's UNSC entry.

I highly doubt this news.
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"Only Pakistan" ????

Read below :

Of course, Only Pakistan is opposing overtly,most other powers are not opposing, and so would be the case with other nations, in fact in the past decade, India has seeked positive response from most of the nations and they have done so favorably.
You must be a Pakistan-Hater for accusing Pakistan !!!

You seem to have misinterpreted my comment.

My point is,only Pakistan is vocal about India not getting a seat,there are are certainly others who wish the same,but are quiet so as not to jeopardize their ties with India
Yes! "Only Pakistan" is vocal about it,the P5 members aren't for a reason.

Nope. India is picking on Pakistan because Pakistan is not as powerful like the P5 members so India selects Pakistan as a medium to send a message to other countries to rally support for a u.n. seat.
When people have no voice of their own , they start speaking on others behalf. Quite natural.:smokin:

Quite natural for indian's when they get frustrated to get passive agressive, it's a natural default position for some indian's a national trait for members of your oppressive elite. :bunny:

Italy has already opposed expansion, a lot of countries especially in Africa oppose expansion which is not indian specific, but we know China is opposed :pakistan::china:
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